2012 HYH Challenge (Jan 1st - June 30th)

:peek2:I think i may have an alternative way to hide my hair for long periods of time (2 weeks is long to me). it may be a total bust but im going to give it a try. Its a little left field so Im not going to tell you what it is yet, I just wanted to share because im a little excited about it.

Ill be back around six to tell you if it was a success!
Wish me luck on my secret experiment!!!:crossfingers:
I have given up on leaving my hair alone for 2 weeks;). This weeks ps
the braids in the back are big because my arms are sooo tires;). This is the fist time I tried braiding up
It's cold here in FL so I've been wearing my bonnet and a beanie on top. Can't wait for it to warm up.
:peek2:I think i may have an alternative way to hide my hair for long periods of time (2 weeks is long to me). it may be a total bust but im going to give it a try. Its a little left field so Im not going to tell you what it is yet, I just wanted to share because im a little excited about it.

Ill be back around six to tell you if it was a success!
Wish me luck on my secret experiment!!!:crossfingers:

indarican, now you really have me intrigued.:scratchch Hurry up and get back in here!

I have given up on leaving my hair alone for 2 weeks;). This weeks ps
the braids in the back are big because my arms are sooo tires;). This is the fist time I tried braiding up

@winona, you did BEAUTIFUL job! :love: How long did it take you? Did you use additional hair? I really need to start experimenting more with my hair.:look:
@winona, you did BEAUTIFUL job! :love: How long did it take you? Did you use additional hair? I really need to start experimenting more with my hair.:look:

It took me about an hour and 1/2. I started on hair that was in a bun. I took the bun down spray some water on it to loosen up, applied leave in, and sealed with my ceramide oil (wgo, rice bran and walnut oil). I let that marinate for 1/2 hour while I did some chores. Then I braided top half then bottom half:) I only used my fingers to detangle and rat tail comb to part. I didn't add any hair. I think I might be allergic to the synthetic hair I have been using because my scalp starts itching like nobodies business pretty quickly. Next time I use synthetic hair I will soak it in ACV and shampoo before using like this lady http://hairlosophy.com/2010/recipes-galore/alkaline-base-removal-how-to/.
winona, I'm definitely going to have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing! How long have you been using ceramides? I don't know much about them, but I see that quite a few people have bee using them.
Count me in - i was planning to ps in braids until i get to APL - here's my starting length:


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Ok I'm back. Ok ok now before everyone screams at me let me plead my case.
I have been trying to find a way to keep my hair neat under my wigs that I wouldn't have to touch up for at least 2 weeks. Low manipulation so to say. I tried cornrows but it was so very messy since I'm not very good at it, tried plaits and twist but the roots always got knotted. So now I'm going to try the banding method!!!
But instead of the regular way I'm doing it attached to my scalp like a cornrows. Attached picture so you can understand what I'm talking about... This is not my kids hair I pulled it off the net, the website is on the bottom of the picture.
Now my question is why can't I leave my hair like this for two weeks at a time, my hair is stretched, I'm able to moisturize and seal,I can GHE and baggy like this, my ends are concealed, I can cow ash, dc, and shampoo, and oil my scalp. I used ouch less bands, I didn't make the ponys tight.... Ok I'm done pleading my case.

Now give it to me straight, leaving my hair under my wig like this for 2 weeks is a disaster waiting to happen ain't it
oh and it's flat enough for a wig, no lumps.
indarican, I'm not sure if you can keep it for a full two weeks, but don't think it's a bad idea to give it for at least a week...as a test run of course.:yep:

It's actually a cute little style.
I'm going to leave it for a week see if there are any knots... Although I don't see how, all my hair is stretched. If all is well then I'll up it to 2 weeks. If that works then my hair will be like this under my wigs until I get to bsl!!!
Got my hair braided up a few days before christmas. Will keep this in until march. I just washed and am now steaming with AOWC mixed with WGO & AO.
Will be wigging it until June.
Ok, I got my new wigs in the mail today. I only really like 1 out of the 3 wigs that I purchased. I'm not sure about this one, yet. We'll see. Sorry about the streaks on the mirror. :look:
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[USER=141272 said:
Ms_CoCo37[/USER];14984677]winona, I'm definitely going to have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing! How long have you been using ceramides? I don't know much about them, but I see that quite a few people have bee using them.

Yeah about ceramides. I don't remember when I started using them because I started way before I even knew they were called ceramides:spinning:. All I knew was rice bran oil was cheap(I was broke paying off school loans) and made my hair feel good:):grin:

My favorites are WGO (smells bad so you have to add something (essential oil/fragrance oil) or Rice Bran Oil. I use Castor Oil a lot too because I have fine hair it is thick but doesn't weight my hair down like a pomade when I want fluffier styles(twists).
winona, it's funny that you mentioned WGO because was looking through the sales paper this afternoon,and saw some on sale at my local BSS this week for $5.99. I was just telling DD I should go tomorrow to get some. I didn't realize it was a ceramide...the PJ in me just wanted it because I want a variety of oils.:look:

I also love castor oil! I've been using it quite frequently. My hair loves it! It absorbs really well, and doesn't leave my hair super greasy. Didn't know that was a ceramide either. I guess I need to do a little research.:yep:

I also want rice bran oil now...:look:
I dilute it in a seperate bottle. Pour on head and kind of mush (press) down on my braids for lather, rinse & repeat. I also do the same with my DC. My hair & scalp feels so good. I also did a brahmi,neem & amla rinse. I strained the powder/grains out first so it was just liquid.
My hair has been loose for almost a week and I'm not liking this. I'm gonna have to go back into a protective style asap--I'm thinking medium-large sized box braids this weekend. Either way, I'll post pics of whatever I get done.
2 weeks with my weave & its needs to be washed. I plan to keep my weave in for 10 weeks hopefully (to broke to buy new hair).
My bigest challenge for this year is to keep up with my PS schedule. I'm not even 2 weeks in my braids and they already looking messy and I'm having taughts of taking them out. I HAVE to stay on track with my schedule. It's to early in the year to get of track.

I've maped out my PS's up until my 1 year post relaxer in Sept. My next PS is a full head weave scheduled for Jan 27. The less manipulation I do to my hair I think it's better. Soooo 19 more days to go.

My next ps is a weave, which I plan to keep in for 8 weeks. What type of hair are you using? I need to get a good inexpensive hair that will look good for 8 weeks.

2 weeks with my weave & its needs to be washed. I plan to keep my weave in for 10 weeks hopefully (to broke to buy new hair).

I'm using Remi Velvet hair in a 10 inch and 12 inch, both packs are used hair and this is about the 3rd install for the 12 and 2nd for the 10. It looks really good and its easy to wash and condition. I got them on sale on amazon.


My next ps is a weave, which I plan to keep in for 8 weeks. What type of hair are you using? I need to get a good inexpensive hair that will look good for 8 weeks.
I've searched high and low for a kinky curly wig. I might get that one xu93texas it looks really nice after you fluffed it out. Everyone on YT takes the wig straight out of the packaging and plops it on their head... :ohwell: If I wanted to see that, I could look at the stock photo. :look:
I've searched high and low for a kinky curly wig. I might get that one @xu93texas it looks really nice after you fluffed it out. Everyone on YT takes the wig straight out of the packaging and plops it on their head... :ohwell: If I wanted to see that, I could look at the stock photo. :look:

@manter26, Did you see the video on YT by colouredbeautiful?? Here is the link in case u didn't see it. She did fluff it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LCpeS_ErjU&list=UUN0lAVH8IYYlQCyfeQubFwA&feature=player_detailpage
There really aren't a lot of kinky curly wigs out there.
What about Drew by Beshe, La Apple and La Jay by Vanessa? All kinky curly and super cute.

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