2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I guess I'm just dispelling the myth of the warm fuzzy loving God that we've been so accustomed to hearing about for so long so much so that we've brought Him way down to our level...

You know it's interesting that you say that. All my life I was never given a picture of a warm and fuzzy God. :lol:He was made to appear austere and removed and almost aloof. I think I needed the opposite so I could feel closer to Him.

I agree that we've tried to bring Him down to our level. I kind of talked about this in that thread in OT about the effect church was having on people.
I think in trying to create a healthy reverrential fear of God some of us have frigthened people off by painting him as an ogre...He is definitely love a God who is not afar of but is very close at hand

He has unfathomable love for man so much so that he sent his son just to save us, and every day he gives us an opportunity to come up higher to where he is...

Sometimes I think we misappropriate this love thinking that we can do just about anything and get away..I am just reminded that just because he loves me it doesn't mean that I should take advantage of it...he's like any other daddy who will only allow us to go for so long and then...

You know it's interesting that you say that. All my life I was never given a picture of a warm and fuzzy God. :lol:He was made to appear austere and removed and almost aloof. I think I needed the opposite so I could feel closer to Him.

I agree that we've tried to bring Him down to our level. I kind of talked about this in that thread in OT about the effect church was having on people.
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There is nothing like having a sincere, genuine desire to do much more in terms of helping or having a dead passion re-awakened again.....Then, all the possible options you overlooked start to pour in at least in your mind--over the next couple of days, months or years to come.
For Goddessmaker and Nathansgirl1908

From the book of Micah whose name means "who is like the lord?"

Micah 7:18
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but DELIGHT to show us mercy. You will have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot!

No one is like this! God delights to show mercy to those who humble themselves. He treads underfoot the sins of those that repent. He can't wait to forgive! He cant wait to restore his sons. He cant wait to tread upon our sins. It brings him great joy to do it! He is waiting as we come from afar off, waiting with a robe and a ring!

Jonah knew this God! Thats why he ran from giving the word to the sinners in Ninevah. He said "I knew you were a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God that relents from sending calamity."

The Bible says that "God corrects the ones he loves" but he is slow to punish...he gives us time to get it right!!! Who is like this God? He is good, his love endureth forever (2 chronicles 5:13). He is a good God. His correction is evidence of his abounding love. His correction is evidence of his love. The two cannot be separated.
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Why is serving God so hard?

I hear this question being asked a lot, yet HIS words says :

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
What I'm most happiest about today is that God is always constant and never changing, he doesn't change with the times or seasons ..he has emotions yet he is not up today and down tomorrow ...
Ecclesiastes 3:1

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven ...
I feel so good and positive today, I have nobody but God to thank for that. I thank the Holy Spirit for the gentle and not so gentle probings to read my bible or to pray. It allows Him to be strong on my behalf as he brings different scriptures to mind when I feel weak. God loves me and I am absolutely 100% convinced of this.
Been searching high and low around the world only to find that where I am standing is exactly where I need to be. The Lord worked it out at the first, praise His name.

I'm thinking that a CF meetup would be neat as a missions trip. Maybe someone going on one can invite others.

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Wrote down the goal and, oh my did it immediately spring to life in my mind. I prayed for a godly vocation. This may just be it. :pray:
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Re: Friend or Foe?

Sometimes the desire to please God, can be misconstrued as legalistic by some or just plain misunderstood. So make no apologies. God's Truth is controversial, regardless of who speaks it. I have come across Truth even from ones who make themselves my enemies, and simply nodded in agreement with them. It takes a humble heart to receive from someone you don't like. The race is not to be sprinted but to be endured.

Loving Sidney's exhortations.. very eye-opening. Amein~
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Sharing this email from DH. I love church signs: :lol::lol:

ETA to fix photos. Shimmie crlsweetie912, I can only attach 5 at a time.. sowwy... lol


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My lips are filled with Your praises......All the days of my appointed time...I WILL WAIT until my change comes!!!!!!
Sharing this email from DH. I love church signs: :lol::lol:






Say wha? :lol:







New Church Signs?






Awwwww, Laela, the pictures are appearing for me. :cry2:
Yes, we said the same thing! Amen! No idols! Lay it all before the Lord! Commit them to him, trust him, and he will do it!

Dedicate your husband, children , house and car everything that you hold dear back to God everyhting that you have placed before God give them back to Him, there must be no idols, they do not belong you they belong to God, they are on loan you, you own nothing and can take nothing with you...


And that which we dedicate to God no one can 'take' out of His hand....

Praise God! This I know for God is for us and if God be for us, who dare be against us.

Glory to God!

I have personal experience with dedicating my children unto the Lord and I cannot begin to count the ways God has come through for us...

Oh Praise the Name of Jesus... Praise God, Praise God, Praise God...

Praise God! From whom all deliverance and blessings flow!

Hallelulia... Glory to God... Praise His Name... Glory to God... Glory, Glory, Glory... Glory!

If you only knew... but then I think you do... Bless His Name... Jesus. :rosebud:

Thank you Lord... Thank you, Thank you. With all of my heart, Lord, I thank you.
Re: Friend or Foe?

this one belongs to me...

Sometimes the desire to please God, can be misconstrued as legalistic by some or just plain misunderstood. So make no apologies. God's Truth is controversial, regardless of who speaks it. I have come across Truth even from ones who make themselves my enemies, and simply nodded in agreement with them. It takes a humble heart to receive from someone you don't like. The race is not to be sprinted but to be endured.

Loving Sidney's exhortations.. very eye-opening. Amein~
By God's grace, I forgave in my heart before the Lord and just hours later the other person came to wholeheartedly apologize in a way I've never seen from them before. #loveworks
Thank you for what you have said here. I am encouraged that you are blessed by the scriptures that I have shared in the posts. God has been revealing things to me through dreams and his word for the past month or more that have forced me to confront somethings in my own life that I could not see, and I have been saved for a long time! And I thank God for correction! I feel the psalmist when he said, “It was good I that I was afflicted, for it taught me to pay attention to your word! Psalm 119:67 I would be remiss if I did not share what I learned with others. I don’t hold any legalistic views. I do hate sin, but in my own life first. I don’t have biases against any of God’s blessings, but above everything God and his kingdom must be first. And I know all the things we need and want, are right in God’s hands. But his word says that he is waiting on us to come to him, so that he can be gracious to us ( Isaiah 30:18). I appreciate his mercy and his correction just the same, because they are good for me! I don’t have any agenda but to align my life with his word (all of it) and share with others. If we are going to win this race, as you say, we have to keep first things first! We can do great things for the kingdom! I pray we look back on our lives and know that we used it to glorify him! I don’t want to waste any of it! I know he shall supply my needs and more, and all his children as well! Thank you lady for seeing what my heart was intending to do here! God bless!
I hope this post makes sense, because I haven't fully developed my thoughts on the following:

Ok, I am still trying to figure out how a Christian is supposed to act like on a daily basis. I find myself judging myself constantly. Like I have an idea in my head of what we should look like, saintly, humble, sort of non-descript, very serious....I don't know if I am articulating it well. I know it comes from y upbringing and what I have been taught about Christians. I am working against that "story," I guess.

I am still trying to get used to the idea of a Christian being a colorful, fun loving, jovial person. I know, I know, but it's true. Those personality traits aren't what I normally think about Christians.....

I am still trying to define the parameters of my own behavior, I think that's why I feel so unsure.....I don't know...just thoughts
Awesome testimony, @sidney! ITA, when I share views/the Word, I'm not exempt.... :yep:

@joy2day.. you're sooo welcome, sis :love2: glad you enjoyed them!
Galatians 2:20

My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

If Christ lives in you, you can't just "DO YOU", you must "DO JESUS", when you give yourself completely away there is no more you, only Jesus ..

If "you" (me and I) still up in the mix it, means you are not dying to self...
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My cousin shared a testimony with me that really strengthened my faith, it was just what I needed, a reminder to trust Him no matter how things look.
The person who drinks a glass and a half of wine every evening could either be physically/emotionally dependent on it--always having to force themselves to stop; or they could be perfectly temperate and never tempted to excess. Looking from the outside, we often judge others wrongly, but how much less do we truly know our own motives?
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Today I let my anger get the best of me, and now I feel horrible. I feel like I am getting attacked from so many different angles you ladies please pray for me.