2010 Sulfur Challenge

There's an even skintone challenge going on where this girl (sorry. can't remember the name) did a youtube vid on mixing coconut oil and shea butter. It does mix. You have keep shaking it to blend. I have some in a bottle. Had to shake for a bit and it hasn't separated yet. I still have to reshake before each use, just to be sure. So, I think the oil from the CO keeps it from resolidifying. And I mean I used raw shea butter, which is like a brick. Just a thought.

Sounds good to me. What about mixing it in a blender?
Sounds good to me. What about mixing it in a blender?

*shrugging* I suppose. Haven't tried that. I just crumbled some shea into a jar, added coconut oil (liquified buy jar in hot water). Shake. You have to keep shaking for a bit. It becomes creamy.

Other options could be aloe vera gel or jbco. Both of those are pretty thick. I'd probably still add a bit of another oil to the jbco just to loosen it up a bit. But hey, isn't sulfur 8 petroleum-based. Whatever works to get the sulfur onto the scalp for transdermal absorption. :brainy:
Just applied my homemade BT and scalp massaged. I got a little heavy handed myself tonight and had a few drips down my forehead. Tommorrow I will co-wash and use the Hawaiian Silky 14-1 and seal with coconut oil.

Even though I'm only on day 5, I am noticing less breakage (little chips of hair in the sink). I still have some but not nearly as much. Now it's just more normal shedding (long strands). I used to have a sink full of BOTH. :wallbash: I think it's probably due to the extra attention and moisture I've been giving my hair. Whatever, I'll take it. :grin:

Headed to bed in a bit. Can't wait to see what kind of crazy dreams I'll have tonight. :drunk:

Okay, I know this is going to sound crazy but I'm going to ask anyway.

Has anyone else experienced having really weird dreams since using sulfur. It's probably just a coincidence since I'm just massaging it into my scalp but for the past week I've had the craziest dreams. :drunk: Normally, I have a really crazy one here and there, but I've been having them EVERY night and sometimes more than one crazy one a night.

Yes, I used to have very strange and vivid dreams when I just started using sulfur a couple of years ago. I read that it's common although not everyone experiences this. I haven't had any since I resumed using it more consistently. I also didn't keep track to notice when they stopped.
Yay! I'm glad that you're willing to post a pic. We're all trying to improve and all here to help each other, so :clap:

No weird dreams here. Maybe your dreams are just telling you to quit playin and post a pic. So once we get that, I think the crazy dreams will stop. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

too funny! I agree.
I agree that you may be putting too much on. Or, maybe you can use a base that's not as runny as oil. I think I read that the base for Boundless Tresses is coconut oil and shea butter. That keeps it from being so runny. I'm thinking about making my next batch a little less oily too.

Speaking of, I'm behind schedule and better get ta mixing! I hope everyone's having a good day!

Hmmm.... how come I didn't think of the coconut oil before. I stopped using it during the Winter because of how it clumped up but this would probably be excellent for applying the sulfur. I guess I'll have to melt it first in order to mix it and let it solidify before using. Anything is better than the Petroleum in the Sulfur 8.

Thanks bunches!!
hi ladies!

i have the sulfur from americarx that flwoinglocks suggested, but have been using mtg.

it's strange....even though it has a strong odor, it really doesn't bother me much.

although, i am cowashing so frequently that this might be keeping the odor from building up too much.

still taking msm, too. so far, so good!
Yes, I used to have very strange and vivid dreams when I just started using sulfur a couple of years ago. I read that it's common although not everyone experiences this. I haven't had any since I resumed using it more consistently. I also didn't keep track to notice when they stopped.

YESSSSS!!!! I knew I wasn't crazy. :bouncegre

Thank You!!!
*shrugging* I suppose. Haven't tried that. I just crumbled some shea into a jar, added coconut oil (liquified buy jar in hot water). Shake. You have to keep shaking for a bit. It becomes creamy.

Other options could be aloe vera gel or jbco. Both of those are pretty thick. I'd probably still add a bit of another oil to the jbco just to loosen it up a bit. But hey, isn't sulfur 8 petroleum-based. Whatever works to get the sulfur onto the scalp for transdermal absorption. :brainy:

Hmmm.... how come I didn't think of the coconut oil before. I stopped using it during the Winter because of how it clumped up but this would probably be excellent for applying the sulfur. I guess I'll have to melt it first in order to mix it and let it solidify before using. Anything is better than the Petroleum in the Sulfur 8.

Thanks bunches!!

Hairsnob I would take Njoy's advice and add something else to the Coconut oil. Because once it touches your fingers or your scalp it will liquefy, kinda defeating the purpose.

I remember having some Brahmi oil that had a Coconut base and I would always have to melt it, the same way I would Vatika. I tried to pour it in a jar and use it in solid form. I would grease my scalp with it and before you knew it oil was running everywhere.:nono:
Hairsnob I would take Njoy's advice and add something else to the Coconut oil. Because once it touches your fingers or your scalp it will liquefy, kinda defeating the purpose.

I remember having some Brahmi oil that had a Coconut base and I would always have to melt it, the same way I would Vatika. I tried to pour it in a jar and use it in solid form. I would grease my scalp with it and before you knew it oil was running everywhere.:nono:

Thanks, now I see the point. It would backfire if I put in the solid coconut oil if it melts on contact. I probably would end up with more run-off after it melted. The only problem is that the Shea Butter I have actually irritates my scalp (Cantu no-drip). That was the reason I stopped using it for twist-outs. I've never used another shea butter so maybe I'll try another more pure brand??? I know the Cantu has added oils, etc. Any other shea butter recommendations?

By the way, in order to keep my hands out of my hair today I had to put it in a regular phony pony tighter bun. So far so good with no face irritation from touching it inadvertently.

Thanks, now I see the point. It would backfire if I put in the solid coconut oil if it melts on contact. I probably would end up with more run-off after it melted. The only problem is that the Shea Butter I have actually irritates my scalp (Cantu no-drip). That was the reason I stopped using it for twist-outs. I've never used another shea butter so maybe I'll try another more pure brand??? I know the Cantu has added oils, etc. Any other shea butter recommendations?

By the way, in order to keep my hands out of my hair today I had to put it in a regular phony pony tighter bun. So far so good with no face irritation from touching it inadvertently.


I see JBCO was mentioned as a way to thicken it. I'm currently using regular castor oil. Is the JBCO thicker then the regular kind?
I see JBCO was mentioned as a way to thicken it. I'm currently using regular castor oil. Is the JBCO thicker then the regular kind?

I'm not sure but mixing the sulfur in castor oil sounds like a good idea considering how thick it is, and it stays in place.:yep:
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Well yesterday was the end of my first week on the challenge. Of course it's to early to "see" any changes, but I can tell my hair is loving the extra moisture and attention. Looking back it's seems so silly why I neglected my hair so much in the past. It's really not that hard once you actually take the time so create a regimen for yourself and most importantly, create a simple one that's easy to follow. I'm a product junkie by nature so of course I'll always want to try new things, but for the first time I feel like I've finally found my staples. I'm never going to give up my Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1. I lurves this stuff.
I applied Claudie's to my scalp on Thursday and Saturday in addition to Tuesday last week. I gotta check my notes to see how often I will be applying this week.
Hi Guys!
Checking in.... I clarified my hair this weekend with Dr. woods castile soap(1st time). It was actually more creamier than the elucence clarifying shampoo that I would started using to clarify. I deep conditioned with a home made deep conditioner. Then did a cool rinse with diluted ACV. My hair felt strong (especially the roots) and well balanced. I braided it up and applied my sulfur mix then lightly massaged.
thanks! a few more questions. when you used it 3x a week, how many months or weeks did you do this? also...how much ng do you have?

I have only been using it since the beginning of the challenge. which was the end of Jan. I would say I got about an inch of ng per month. In Feb. I trimmed off that point in my siggy and it's back.:ohwell:

I'm not trimming again till June so I'll really be able to see my progress.:yep:
How's it going ladies? I start back with my sulfur this weekend so I'm planning on mixing up a few bottles of oil. I'm thinking of adding sulfur to my Shikakai/Amla oils. I also would like to try it with Castor oil. I don't have too much of that on hand so I'm might mix with Hairveda Shikaki oil since it has a Castor oil base.

Overall I'm very much liking my results. I'm basing this on the fact that I cut the point of in my siggy, about a inch and half and it grew back.:ohwell:

So while my progress doesn't look great this month it does mean it growing nicely.:drunk: I believe I got an inch a month with the MTG/homemade sulfur mixes (when used consistently).

I don't plan on using the MTG now because it's too warm outside for that stuff to be marinating on my head.:nono:

So we shall see how the homemade stuff works by itself. I don't plan on doing any more trimming till after my June progress shot. This will be my mini experiment for the next 2 months.
How's it going ladies? I start back with my sulfur this weekend so I'm planning on mixing up a few bottles of oil. I'm thinking of adding sulfur to my Shikakai/Amla oils. I also would like to try it with Castor oil. I don't have too much of that on hand so I'm might mix with Hairveda Shikaki oil since it has a Castor oil base.

Overall I'm very much liking my results. I'm basing this on the fact that I cut the point of in my siggy, about a inch and half and it grew back.:ohwell:

So while my progress doesn't look great this month it does mean it growing nicely.:drunk: I believe I got an inch a month with the MTG/homemade sulfur mixes (when used consistently).

I don't plan on using the MTG now because it's too warm outside for that stuff to be marinating on my head.:nono:

So we shall see how the homemade stuff works by itself. I don't plan on doing any more trimming till after my June progress shot. This will be my mini experiment for the next 2 months.

I'm doing good retaining don't think alot of growth but I have not straighten either.
I'm on hiatus til I get back from vacation next week. This R&R is doing me some good because, due to hard water issues, I'm not doing daily cowashes, which helps keep me out of the mirror and lessens my obsessing. Ah, but I'll be back on it next week. Looking forward to what the warm months will bring us. :yep:
I'm on hiatus til I get back from vacation next week. This R&R is doing me some good because, due to hard water issues, I'm not doing daily cowashes, which helps keep me out of the mirror and lessens my obsessing. Ah, but I'll be back on it next week. Looking forward to what the warm months will bring us. :yep:

You having fun? You know you got me itching like a crackhead over here, wanting to buy that splitender for my next trim.