January 2008 4 Months After BC:
November 2008: Longest layer was SL, everything else was short:
December 2008 This was right after cutting the longest layer off the first time:
July 2009:
BKT...dun, dun, dunnnn....
September 2009 Had to Chop from BKT Damage, colored with Bigen Oriental Black
Once again the longest layer was cut off the back, and about an inch all over:
December 2009 Most Layers Out!:
Trying to Show a lil swang, swang!
Need to Dust my Ends in the back.
Don't let the looks fool you...
Overall, I'm grateful that I still have hair. My hair could be healthy APL by now, now it's just brittle SL.
It's dry and breaking like crazy right now.
I regret relaxing too often (every 6-8 weeks, bad I know) coloring like 2 times with demi, bleached highlights, bigen twice, and BKT. I'm throwing in the towel...
I've done wayyyyy to much to my hair the past 2 years, and finally caught up to me...we'll see how 2010 goes, all I know is it's going to be K.I.S.S. all the way.