2004 Summer Grow-Out challenge

atlien said:
I just got a trim, so I will NOT trim my hair from now until Sept. 22,

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is that when the challenge ends?
alliyah4eva203 said:
atlien said:
I just got a trim, so I will NOT trim my hair from now until Sept. 22,

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is that when the challenge ends?

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Yep. It's the first day of Autumn.
Hey I am totally new to the group and I have been looking for a great place with people with similar goals. I am in!! My hair is at the bottom of my neck. Hoping for shoulder length by the end of the summer.
I am at shoulder length in the back, esp. the sides i am to my neck(took a braid out just to see and i was just sooo happy. Kept on stretching and stretching but gotta stop that b4 i break my hair off, i was just in such amazement. lol) so by september i should be um.. past shoulder. I am going to try maybe a month in the summe w/o braids, i dunno if i can do it cause of the humidty :^P but i'll see, if not oh well i'll just put them back on in. Whats working for me is washing every week(when i remember. LOL) and using my s-curl(either the blue and white or grey and blue bottle) and when it gets low i mx with water and sometimes i use my sulpher 8. But i dont use the S8 as much when i wear braids cause my hair grows too fast and then combine that with the vitamins my goodness i'd be doing nothing but touching up my hair all the time with that combo. lol 2 much growth. LOL
I'm so in this challenge.....
I would like to be at healthy bra strap by the end of this challenge. With me surging it up and vitamin crazy I should be there.....good luck everyone
I'm in! I'm touching bra strap again)! I'm looking for at least 3-4 inches. I'll post more straight hair pics after I return from my "vacation"... My most current pics are natural.
atlien said:
I'm so in this challenge.....
I would like to be at healthy bra strap by the end of this challenge. With me surging it up and vitamin crazy I should be there.....good luck everyone

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Oh forgot to give my info..
Currently: 17 inches
Goal: 20 inches
So im not gonna use any direct heat, (only in roller sets), no relaxer until August 22, and I will probobly get braids to protect my hair form heat. Oh and guys Remember to stay away from the chlorine, or deep condition and use some oils to severely protect the ends.
i'm in! my hair is like an inch from bra strap, but the ends are just a little thin. I think that I'm just going to go for bra strap, but with THICK ends. that would make me happy! I would cut off my thin ends but i'm on the trimming challenge!
i'm in!!! i will start in may, though, officially. need to build a plan and stuff. my hair is around my collar bone, i want 3-4 inches by sept
I'm in too!!!
Looking for 3 inches (with slight trim included).

My hair is about 2.5-3.5 inches from brastrap.
The front of my hair is jaw length. ~20 inches hairline to ends.
Current length: 10 inches long (from crown to shoulder)
Length I hope to accomplish by Sept 2004: 13-15 inches long
I'm in! I had to have a "trim"
and now the longest part of my hair is only at the middle of bra-strap length. I want approximately 3 and a half inches by Sept.22nd to be at the area where the bra hooks meet/mid-back.
I'm IN ! ! !

Currently: 8-10 inches, kind of varying lengths (haven't measured officially since December 2003, but the pic of my braid out in my sunshine coils album is a pretty accurate indicator of my length)
Length Wanted: At least another 3 inches
I'm in.
I have to measure my hair. It's shoulder length now. I'd like to have 3-4 inches by the end of September. I hope that's a realistic goal. I'm aiming for no heat, washing at least twice a week.
Ladies, I'm new to the forum so this is my first challenge. I'm about 2 inches away from reaching a true shoulder length. I'm IN!!! And very excited!
I'm in

Current: 14 inches
By September 18 inches

I will continue my regimin I have now. CO washes every night, air dry in ponytail then lightly grease scalp and rollerset putting EQ Mango Butter on ends before rolling Once a week wash with shampoo and deep condition following Carolyn Grey regimin. Try not to get touch up until week 12 now at week 6
I'm in
I don't think that I am going to make my 12 inch grow out challenge.

I had to trim due to some really see through ends and now I am having some breakage.
Oh, Count me in! I need to make a commitment in writing. I just gave in and had a couple inches cut off but it needed it and looks much healthier now.
Lets see my hair just touches the bottom of my shoulder blades when wet so I'll aim for just below bra strap. Hair grows faster in the summer right?
well I am still in, but I have cut 2 inches, so my hair is no longer 22 inches, but 20 inches.
I would be more than happy with 2 more inches by September.

AAAWWW, what the hey, I"m in. I'm currently at 22.5 inches. I'd like to have 3 more inches by September. I'm gonna count of my vitamins, daily conditioner washes and Surge to help get me there. I'm also taking into account trims I may have to do!!
Currently 3" below shoulders (and two inches from brastrap). Hoping for 3" of growth by September 22, placing me beneath my brastrap.