2004 Summer Grow-Out challenge

I'm in three!
Current length: 23"
Length wanted: 25.5 inches which will be bra-clasp, or almost bottom of bra-clasp depending on the bra.

So by September I hope to be comfortably at bra-clasp length.
OK, I'm in.

current length: 21 inches
length wanted: 24 inches

I had a set back this winter and had to get a substantial trim. I'm having a hard time with thin ends.
I Want to be in:
Current - base of neck in back, shorter in front

At the end of summer - shoulder length

I'd say that's about 3 maybe 4 inches...woot this should be fun....im going to be wearing my hair in buns and extensions....(a lil boring during school but well worth it)...the extensions will most likely go in in June
I'm now at 12.5 inches in the back...and 10.5" on the sides. ...and I want to be 3 or 4 inches from that by the end of summer.
im in too!
currently im at 2 inches above brastrap.
goal, hopefully an inch below brastrap or more if im lucky. crossing fingers....
Dang, I hate when I don't login! I'm always missing something!!!!!! I'M SO IN. I had challenged myself to having an additional 5+ inches. I started @ 14, I'm estimating that I'm now @ 15" based on new growth. So I have 4+/- to go!!! Let's show 'em how to do this son!
Count me in

Current: 20 inches when straight (hairline to ends)
Goal: 24 inches

I'm growing a little over 3/4 inches per month, so hopefully I can maintain that
I am in...I have never done a challenge but I figure why not? Summer is coming, hair is supposed to grow the fastest during this time, etc... I don't know my current length because I have some serious layers. I'll just use the back layer, which is the the longest of course, to document my progress.
3" will put me a little past bra-strap, so I'll go for 3 solid inches.
I would like to be in. I don't know the inches but my hair is like 1 inch below bra strap. I would like to be waist lenght. I think I might need 5 more inches.
I thought that I joined the challenge, but don't see my name.

I'm in. I'd like to add at least 3 healthy inches to my length.
Count me in!!

<font color="red"> Current: 2 0r 3 inches from brastrap

Length Wanted: Comfortably at Brastrap!!!</font>

I just got a trim, so I will NOT trim my hair from now until Sept. 22, 2004!!

I would be happy if I can get 3 inches by then -- that would put me right at brastrap!!

Ladies, after reading through the posts on this thread, if all goes well, it looks like A LOT of us will achieve brastrap length hair by Autumn!!
Okay... count me in. I hope to gain 2.5" by September. Yes, i'm going low b/c i don't want to set myself up

current - 22.5
by end
- 25.0
I love the summer challenge. We had one last summer that luvhair started. Are we going to have check ups like last year? I think they were on the 15th of each month.

I am shooting for 3 inches, I hope I make it.
Yes, we will. And they will be on the 15th, as before. I juct wanted to start a new summer challenge because the other one had too many pages.
I have shoulder length natural hair. I would love to grow it to my bra strap. I'm pregnant now, so hopefully the extra hormones can give me a boost.
count me in too

i have a different lengths all over..(don't ask)..but i think that the average is about 5 inches

i'd like to have maybe 4 more inches by the cut-off date!
greAtness333 said:
Boadicea, I love your hair! It's so beautiful. Hopefully my hair will grow out to look like yours one day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you very much!
It's finally healthy all over so I'm ready to grow it as long as it will get! I'll update my album sometime next week.
I just got a trim, so I will NOT trim my hair from now until Sept. 22, 2004!!

Good for you Lindy glad to see you are standing strong against that mean scissor man