2004 Summer Grow-Out challenge

I'm in!! I want to add 5 inches! I'm at 18 inches now but the ends are BAD so we'll be trimming those gradually over the months.
I'd like to participate in this challenge. I am currently a little under an inch from brastrap in the back and a little longer than shoulder length in the front. I would like to get about 4-5 inches by September 22.
i dont know my length in inches, but im in just in at my shoulder blades, so i better be at bra strap by sept, i grow roughly 1 inch a month
I am in. I need about 3-4 inches to reach bra strap. I just got a touch up 4wks ago and I already have about an inch of new growth.
I'm in...I guess just above bra-strap would be a realistic goal. I'm getting my hair retouched tomorrow and they'll probably trim...so I'll see where I'm currently at then. If I pass my goal, then great! If not, oh well...the journey continues...
i'm in also. hair in the back reaches the bottom of my neck and in the front it is about ear length. i would like the back to be shoulder length and the front to be chin length by the end of this challenge.
I'm in.
Currently: 9-10 inches (stretched scalp to ends)
Goal: retain 3 more inches by the end of this challenge
I'm joining! I will not list a numerical goal, but will take before and after pictures instead.
I want shoulder length hair by then right now it's at the very top of my back only a few inches past my neck
I'm glad that so many people are joining.

@ Tracy: I'm going to get a touch-up one more time to see if it was really the relaxer or if it was the cylce (which is what I suspect it was because, it's happened before). I should have been paying more attention to the calendar--I chopped off 5 inches just by not being patient!
I'm in. when does it officially start? that way i can take a before pic after my next touchup (April 14th) and i'll measure from there. well... not measure but use the pic as a starting reference. I know my hair...if i can get 2.5 -3 inches in 5 months, i'm doing really good!!! i'm a slow grower but a pretty good retainer
thanx -- jainygirl
Count me in. I am currently 9" in the back and 12" from the top. I expect to gain 3" just based on my past hair growth but I just started Surging twice daily and will shoot for 4".
Summer's official start is June 20th, but I want as big a head start as I can get. Maybe I should have called it the Spring/Summer Grow-out challenge.

I'm starting now, though!
I'm in,
Currently: 12 inches (stretched) from scalp to ends
Length wanted: 3 inches

Three more inches would put me very close to or at bra strap when straight.
I am at 16.5 inches now, hairline to ends, and my summer goal is 20 inches, hairline to ends.

So ONLY 3.5 inches. I plan to relax in late June (my last relaxer was 3/29), and again probably right around September 22nd.
I wouldn't mind doing this challenge. I'm not sure how long my hair is since I don't measure but I hope to be near or at bra strap by September, with thick ends.