I'd like to participate in this challenge. I am currently a little under an inch from brastrap in the back and a little longer than shoulder length in the front. I would like to get about 4-5 inches by September 22.
I'm in...I guess just above bra-strap would be a realistic goal. I'm getting my hair retouched tomorrow and they'll probably trim...so I'll see where I'm currently at then. If I pass my goal, then great! If not, oh well...the journey continues...
AHG- I hope you don't mind my copying this link but this is the length I'm reaching for come August/Sept: http://www.2hairstyles.com/black5.shtml . I think it's more realistic than actual shoulder length. My hair is a lil longer in the back from this pic: http://www.substance.com/honey/hsfinder/detail/0,,543964-538503,00.html . Hopefully I can reach this goal!
i'm in also. hair in the back reaches the bottom of my neck and in the front it is about ear length. i would like the back to be shoulder length and the front to be chin length by the end of this challenge.
@ Tracy: I'm going to get a touch-up one more time to see if it was really the relaxer or if it was the cylce (which is what I suspect it was because, it's happened before). I should have been paying more attention to the calendar--I chopped off 5 inches just by not being patient!
I'm in. when does it officially start? that way i can take a before pic after my next touchup (April 14th) and i'll measure from there. well... not measure but use the pic as a starting reference. I know my hair...if i can get 2.5 -3 inches in 5 months, i'm doing really good!!! i'm a slow grower but a pretty good retainer
Count me in. I am currently 9" in the back and 12" from the top. I expect to gain 3" just based on my past hair growth but I just started Surging twice daily and will shoot for 4".
I wouldn't mind doing this challenge. I'm not sure how long my hair is since I don't measure but I hope to be near or at bra strap by September, with thick ends.