"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!"

Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

I want to join in too! My hair has always been shorter in the front and sides than it was in the back. IT just seems to grow that way. But recently I have noticed that my sides have gotten considerably shorter than the rest of my hair. I think it's because when I was pregnant, I didn't take care of my hair. I kept the back in a bun, but when I slept, I didn't tie it up and I just rubbed all my hair out. My hair in the front is a different texture than what it is in the back. It's like a 2 grade

The length of my sides now is chin length closest to my face, and the farther you go back, the longer it gets in one inch increments. When it's straight, it kinda looks like it's been cut into a wide "V" with the tip of the V stopping in the center of my back at waist length. I'll measure my sides tonight so that I can gauge how my sides grow out in the next 3 months

As if this post wasn't long enough, here's my plan of action (unless someone else comes up with something better

1) I'm going to retire my hairbrush

2) When I moisturize, I'm going to pay special attention to my sides, making sure they remain moisturized.
3) Hair grows best when the ends are away from air, so this may look funny, but I'm going to twist the front at night and roll the ends while keeping my longer hair in the back in a bun or ponytail set.

That's all I have right now. Any other suggestions?
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Thanks to whoever started this thread!!! Count me in!! I thought it was just me with hairgrowing issues in front and on the sides. Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer at present, but will do so, when I find something. One question... a friend of mine said that she always relaxes from the front and move toward the back. do all of you do the same? Could this be why the hair breaks faster, since it's fragile, plus it probably does get the most attention, when styling? We do want to look good, and frizzy ends don't make the grade!! What do you think?
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

I relax the opposite direction. I start at the back and work my way to the front. I spend the most time in the back and it seems like my back grows better

Maybe she has something with starting at the front???
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

I also start the relaxing process from the back and my hair grows like crazy back there....who knows
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

I'm in! My hair is finally bra strap length in the back since my last blowout but the front is jaw length and the rest is about armpit length. My goal is to grow the front to bra strap length also.
I plan to baby the front more, moisturize and massage a stimulating oil blend on my scalp every weekend.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Did someone just call me?? OMG. My hair in the back is nice (funny b/c when I was relaxing all thosse years the back used to embarrass me: all choppy and broken) Well, now the back grows nicely but the sides are about to the bottom of my neck. Part of it is my fault b/c I tried to cut layers (Jennifer Aniston)and wrecked one side (I saw what I did and left the other side alone...)

It's growing in but all raggedy like. I let my stylist trim that side straight across. (so my hair on the right side "steps down to the back") But it looks alot better. I also had a mishap w/the nape hairs and they all broke off That was about 1.5 years ago (I believe a stylist I had then did a wet comb out and ripped hairs out...) But now my nape hairs are about even w/my shoulder blades and the rest of the back is b/s.

I think the secret is to keep it well oiled. I did that with my nape always putting a heavy oil back there and really massaging it in and I would oil it after a fresh LIGHT press, because it seemed to sink in better instead of waiting until it already felt dry...
Sorry so long. Anyway. Count me in.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Me too. Thanks for starting this, Lindy. Good luck, everyone!

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I'm writing everyone's name down, so in three months I expect an update from all of you!!
Let's really dedicate ourselves to this challenge, ladies!!
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Count me in too!!! My sides are a good 3 inches shorter than the back of my hair.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"


Do you think that ditching the scarf/bonnet and sleeping on satin sheets and pillowcases will help with growing longer sides?

I'm ditching mine because the hair along my hairline is so fine (been like this since I can remember) and I'm doing this to find out if the elastic around the bonnet or the rubbing of the scarf is keeping me from growing thicker hair in the hairline area.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Hmmm, that's interesting, Crysdon. I hardly ever sleep in a scarf or bonnet (only when I'm wearing sponge rollers to bed, or when I wrap my hair... (not that often)) but I do use a satin pillowcase all the time. You should definitely try not using the bonnet/scarf and see if you notice any improvement.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Hey! I'm in! I had some cornrows back in May that were too tight and my edges and sides look horrible! I don't know what to do. Right now I'm trying Nioxin Follicle Booster on my edges. If anyone had any advice for me....please hit me up!
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Okay, how is that front & sides of everyone's hair coming along?

I've been trying to focus on putting extra moisture in that area. I took my braids out last weekend, it didn't look that much longer
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

I should have joined this challenge, but I didn't post. Well here are my results.

Bangs: touching shoulderlength. YAY YAY YAY it took 15 and a half months.

Sides: Collarbone length! YAY! When I had a relaxer before I went natural my sides were chin length at the longest. Now texturized they are the longest they've been since I was 13.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

ive been doing my own personal side/front grow out since march after a total hair disaster. my bands were an 1/2 inch above eyebrows, now there touchin my bottom lip my sides were only 3 inches now there are an inch an 1/2 below collarbone. yeah!
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

skegeesmb said:
I should have joined this challenge, but I didn't post. Well here are my results.

Bangs: touching shoulderlength. YAY YAY YAY it took 15 and a half months.

Sides: Collarbone length! YAY! When I had a relaxer before I went natural my sides were chin length at the longest. Now texturized they are the longest they've been since I was 13.

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Had you done anything different to the front & sides?
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Chipmunk said:
skegeesmb said:
I should have joined this challenge, but I didn't post. Well here are my results.

Bangs: touching shoulderlength. YAY YAY YAY it took 15 and a half months.

Sides: Collarbone length! YAY! When I had a relaxer before I went natural my sides were chin length at the longest. Now texturized they are the longest they've been since I was 13.

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Had you done anything different to the front & sides?

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I don't think so. I've only been texturized for a good week, so I guess when I was natural just being as careful as I could be was the trick with the front and sides. I used to relax once a month, and I think that was eating up any growth I would have seen.

So I'm going to retouch every 5-6 months. Four months is the absolute minimum I am going to wait. That's one good thing about being natural for almost 2 years, I realized that my hair will be fine without the frequent retouches.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Well, I was going to wait until December to have everyone post an update, but we can do one now and another one at the end of December/beginning of January...

My front and sides seem to be doing really well. I air-dried all summer, so when I did my first rollerset last month, I did notice that the sides had grown out a lot since June!!

I'm still growing out layers though, so I know that it will take me quite a bit of time until it's shoulder length, and ALL one length on the sides...

Ladies, please post your updates and let us know how you're doing on this challenge!!
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

Ive actually been doing pretty good....my sides are flourishing and my front is getting thicker and longer. I havent paid any special attention to these areas just taking better care of all my hair as a whole. Its working though.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

i am sooo in , i noticed today as i got a wash and set that alot of women have shorter hair on the sides and front, and so do i.....i wonder why this is.... ant ways, i just cut bangs, and they are eye lid lenghth and my sides are neck length...cant wait until they grow out for sure....
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

I know I'm late but...I'm in!! My sides and front definately need help.
I'm guessing brushing them (to smooth) into my kinda tight ponytails are the culprits

I'll try to ease up and start massaging the edges, and as soon as I get castor oil, jojoba oil, start using those...
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

I'm not in the challenge since my sides and front (I kekep my bangs from getting too long) grow as long as my back. But while reading this, I'm wondering why it is shorter on the sides and front for some. I'm wondering if this could happen with me one day or if this is a hair growth pattern that is hereditary. I didn't see any special remedies or solutions from those on this challenge, just continuing a good hair regime.
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

well my friont and sides dont look that much different to me, maybe i'll take a few pics coz i've noticed that a lot of times i cant see a difference but the ladies here do
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

well, i know i wont be trimming for eveness, i will wait a while for that , maybe when i get close to my goal and i see how i like it, dont have the guts to do so now....i will just try not to have the beautician relax my edges until the end....
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

well, i know i wont be trimming for eveness, i will wait a while for that , maybe when i get close to my goal and i see how i like it, dont have the guts to do so now....i will just try not to have the beautician relax my edges until the end....
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

well, i know i wont be trimming for eveness, i will wait a while for that , maybe when i get close to my goal and i see how i like it, dont have the guts to do so now....i will just try not to have the beautician relax my edges until the end....
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

well, i know i wont be trimming for eveness, i will wait a while for that , maybe when i get close to my goal and i see how i like it, dont have the guts to do so now....i will just try not to have the beautician relax my edges until the end....
Re: \"FRONT & SIDES Growout Challenge!!\"

is it too late to join???? I've noticed my temples are a bit thin and my kitchen gets disasterous when I need a relaxer...(I wish it would grow more)...... I've changed my brush to a boars head( it's great soooo soft) and i've been mosturizing all around my edges every other day...I'm afraid it my cause breakouts for me .....I'm still not clear on what you all are doing in this challenge....are you paying more attention? using different products ? or both? I'm in.
PS I'd like to use Surge Hair rev. on these areas.....
(just a thought) ohh and how long is this challenge?