2004 Summer Grow-Out challenge


New Member
List your current length and how much you hope to accomplish by September 22nd 2004 (official start of Autumn).

Currently: 20 inches
Length wanted: 4 inches

For me, bra-strap is 23 inches, so I hope to meet the middle of it by September!
Im in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanx for starting a new thread

Currently: 4-5inches
Length Wanted: 6-7 inches

No hair goal as of yet..I dont know how many inches I would have to achieve to get to shoulder length
Im interested in this challenege/my current length is grazing shoulder length, (I stopped measuring because I got frustrated) I plan to be at least two inches below shoulder length come the end of September, longer if Im lucky, and Bodacia your hair is off the wall girl,keep up the good work

4a/b grazing shoulder length
I am interested in the challenge for sure! I was going to do it anyway on my own, but now i have a reason to stay motivated. Good luck to everyone!

4a shoulder length hair-expecting to grow 3 inches by sept.

Current Length: approx 17 inches hairline to ends
Goal: I don't even know let me see...22 inches
That's 5 inches by Sept 22

I know I can do, so can you!
i dont know how long my hair is now, maybe 11 inches or something? it stops at the back of my neck.

BUT i want my hair to be somewhere on my back by autumn.
I just want my hair at the bottom of my brastrap by the end of summer....

That's about 3 inches...3 inches I'd be lucky to get.

I'm in. Are you still going natural Bo?
Current - base of neck in back, shorter in front

At the end of summer - past base of neck of neck approaching shoulders if not there.

I won't be wearing my real hair out much. It'll be weaves/braids/instant weaves, that type of thing.
Count me in too! I don't know how many inches my hair is, but it's *almost* to my strap. All I will need after that is 2-3 more inches and then I'll be satisfied. I hope I can achieve that by the end of the summer!
Boadicea said:
List your current length and how much you hope to accomplish by September 22nd 2004 (official start of Autumn).

Currently: 20 inches
Length wanted: 4 inches

For me, bra-strap is 23 inches, so I hope to meet the middle of it by September!

[/ QUOTE ]

Current length: app. 20 inches (from hairline to ends, but 10-12 inches individual sections).

Length wanted: 3-5 inches (5 being the max from the 12/12 challenge). That would equal 23-25 inches hairline to ends, and 13-17 individual sections...

Here's the visual!
Current length:

Sept. Goal length:
Of course, I want to be in the challange. I just got a relaxer now and will not get one until the last week in august, and by then im hoping that my hair will grow more than 4 inches, putting me at my first goal of bra-strap length
divine said:
how do u exactly now your length if you don't have a good ruler

[/ QUOTE ]

You can take comparison pictures.
I'm in! I am past shoulder length but not quite bra strap, inching close though. I'm praying for 4-5 inches by Sept.
that would put me past bra strap length. Currently 18-20 inches, 4a/b relaxed
I'm in too!!! Umm...I'm like 12 no more than 14 inches. I want to reach bra strap which is 3-4 more inches. I'm hoping I'll make it by the end of August!
Current Length: about 3 1/2 Right now.
Length Wanted: gain 4 1/2 to 5 inchs. I think that will be about shoulder lenght on me..
I dont remember if I did this last year or how I did, but am 17 1/2 natural, about 20 1/2 pressed, am not the no heat challange, so no pressing, I want 26 inches natural not pressed, pressed it should be about 29, 7 1/2 not realistic
ok 4-8 inches
best of hair growing to everyone
FUN! Another growth challenge! I think I'll go for proportion this time instead of measuring in inches. Right now the hair at the back of my head comes to just past my collar bone when stretched. I want it to reach my armpit with room to spare by Sept 22.
Gonna take some comparison shots this weekend to start off.