20-21 Oil Grease Butter Lotion Creme Pomade Challenge


PJ Rehabilitation Center
I’m in.

Tonight greased my flyaways with Kindred Butters Naomi grease and the length of my twists with HV cocasta oil.
Thanks @IDareT'sHair

I'm back to oil rinsing and trying to figure out oil on my hair. I plan to oil rinse daily on weekends and when I'm off. And I will oil rinse every other day or every 2 days during the week.

I oil rinsed tonight with just an oil blend of whatever I had left over. I'm letting my hair air dry now. In a bit I will spray on the Mane Magic oil, and styling foam and twist it up.
I did mix the My Honey Child Type 4 Hair Cream with olive oil and made a pomade. It works much better. I twisted my hair and put it on my ends. I have to remember to do the same with any creams that don't work for me.

I still have a lot of the My Honey Child left so I'm good for pomades for 2020.
Hey @IDareT'sHair !! Thank you for tagging me! I was pretty quiet during the last challenge. I've been pretty quiet on the board lately. Work has been kicking my butt. But I had been using my hair creams on a consistent basis.

Last night I used my As I Am So Much Moisture cream. I have box braids right now so I've been using them on the braids.