2 Inches In 4 Months Challenge - 2016 (session 3 - Sept Through Dec)

So here's my update pic. Nothing at all to write home about. First pic on the leftis from January and the pic on the right is today. I don't think this is a good comparison pic either because my hair is combed down even though it isn't flat. I admit I've cut a lot but I still made progress in other areas and the health of my hair. For one my hair has completely grown in at the top and the sides. That thicker hair I've been looking for seemed to be just spots that needed to fill in and grow back. I have bangs again and that makes me happy.

Eta: the pics are too big so just left them as attachments. I accidentally wrote today's pic was September. I'm rushing my days. Lol
You made wonderful progress!
I'm not sure I'm doing much differently than the previous sessions.

I'm going to continue with my GI Repair diet. I need to replace my powder vitamins which I will order today. I'm taking vitamin D since my levels were low. I'm going to stay consistent with my exercise use and try to add a second day in there.

I'm sticking to washing once a week. I'm going to add massaging 1x a week. If I do it once it will be 100% more than I'm doing now. Going to also use my oil blend 1x a week.

My ends are coming along so will just hope for the best and continue with my protein treatments, search and destroys and regular dustings. Will keep playing around with keeping my hair and ends moisturized.

Oh yeah and I plan on stretching my hair each wash day before twisting it up. I've never done this before. Let's see if it helps.

Going to use my pics from last week but also this ponytail collage. It shows my progress much better.
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I will be joining for the new session.

1. Starting pic to be posted after I relax on Monday
2. Length: APL
3. Regimen: Relax every four month, wash/tea rinse/DC weekly (or as close to weekly as my schedule allows), protective styling (mostly chopstick buns but also starting to get into wigs), M&S every other day
4. How I plan to achieve this goal: Trim off damaged ends when I relax on Labor Day. From then on, protective styling every day and making sure to baby my ends. Always using my scarf at night. Taking biotin, MSM, and silica supplements. Scalp massages 3x/week with my scalp mix. KEEP MY HANDS OUT OF MY HAIR (I am soooo bad with this, hoping the wigs will help)! Using my bullet journal to keep track of when I do/don't use healthy hair practices to kick my laziness.
5. Anything else you would like to share.
I don't think I'll do too much different. My growth seems good but to maximize I need to make myself healthier. I feel like that is the only way to get a growth spurt of some sort - if I have one at all. Drink more water, exercise regularly. I do these things sporadically and it isn't enough. Exercising everyday for a month and then not at all for 3 weeks isn't helpful. I'm going to also start massaging my scalp with oil on wash day. Don't know why I never did this before. We'll see if it helps any and at the same time I'll finally finish all the oil I have.
I'm planning on doing more updos. I still haven't figured out your trick @faithVA for reviving a WNG after sleeping on it. The updos mean I'll have to stretch (no heat) because my hair shrinks like nobody's business and you can forget about styling an updo without stretching first. They will also mean that I can reduce the amount of manipulation. We'll see. HHG, ladies.
I'm not doing anything different this session. This last session has been pretty smooth and I will keep maintaining the balance. Actually, I'll say I'll try to be more frequent with the head massage.

These pics are from 30 March (l)- 30 July (r). Its still 4 months but I can take another pic once my hair dries.2016-08-31_21.19.49.jpg
Drink more water
Cowash once a week
Shampoo once a week
Take a multivitamin
I will wear ugly chunky twists or flat twists
I will style occasionally
No more trimming until October/November
I will cut single strand knots and not pull them out! Lol

Cleansing my scalp and water hydration is my growth aid secret! Lol

Random thought
I used a vitamin that had biotin in it earlier this year and I was starting to have acne and hair was growing too fast in all of the wrong places! I'm not even a hairy person! I shave my legs/wax once a month! Lol my hair growth on my scalp didn't change, and my hair seemed to grow better after a couple of months of that stuff being out of my system. I have combination skin/oily t-zone. My face was so oily! Plus you need to drink a gallon of water to push that stuff out of your system! I don't think my body can handle all of that water daily!

This pic was from the last time I straightened. I trimmed off another inch after this pic was taken.


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I'm planning on doing more updos. I still haven't figured out your trick @faithVA for reviving a WNG after sleeping on it. The updos mean I'll have to stretch (no heat) because my hair shrinks like nobody's business and you can forget about styling an updo without stretching first. They will also mean that I can reduce the amount of manipulation. We'll see. HHG, ladies.
Yeah I did it one time so maybe it was a fluke. :Lol:
I'm not doing anything different this session. This last session has been pretty smooth and I will keep maintaining the balance. Actually, I'll say I'll try to be more frequent with the head massage.

These pics are from 30 March (l)- 30 July (r). Its still 4 months but I can take another pic once my hair dries.View attachment 372383
Your hair grows really fast. You are getting an inch a month or more. So lucky.
Drink more water
Cowash once a week
Shampoo once a week
Take a multivitamin
I will wear ugly chunky twists or flat twists
I will style occasionally
No more trimming until October/November
I will cut single strand knots and not pull them out! Lol

Cleansing my scalp and water hydration is my growth aid secret! Lol

Random thought
I used a vitamin that had biotin in it earlier this year and I was starting to have acne and hair was growing too fast in all of the wrong places! I'm not even a hairy person! I shave my legs/wax once a month! Lol my hair growth on my scalp didn't change, and my hair seemed to grow better after a couple of months of that stuff being out of my system. I have combination skin/oily t-zone. My face was so oily! Plus you need to drink a gallon of water to push that stuff out of your system! I don't think my body can handle all of that water daily!

This pic was from the last time I straightened. I trimmed off another inch after this pic was taken.
You are making a lot of progress lady.
Right now I have some Redken Extreme Builder Plus mixed with AVJ and Avocado oil on my hair for maybe 20 minutes as aprepoo/DC on dry hair.

Shampoo with Macadamia Natural Oil Rejuvenating Shampoo

Possible Oil Rinse with hot Avocado oil

Moisture DC with NG Marshmallow Root DC mixed with SSI Riche Moisture Masque. I only have a little of the NG Marshmallow leftover so I have to make it up to fit my whole head.

Leave-In using NG Hibiscus & Honey Leave in conditioner.
My starting pics. My hair isn't as long as it was in my avi. Right now it's about 10 to 11" after I trimmed off about two inches in early August. I hope by end of year to be closer to 12" everywhere to put me back where I was before the trim.

ETA: My game plan is to:
Drink bamboo tea
Take Bamboo vitamins, iron, vitamin D3, B complex consistently
Drink more water
Use Netwurks spray on scalp
Get under a weave for the next couple months so as to leave my hair alone.

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The following occurred on Thursday - today:
  • Pre-poo'd overnight with AVJ spritz & Ojon Damage Reverse.
  • DC'd for 2 hours under turban with SM Tahitian Noni & Moni.
  • Shampoo'd with TJ Tea Tree Tingle, CW'd with TVO Apple Cleansing, Reconstructed with SSI Okra & Aphogee Curlific Texture Treatment, & 80% R/O of ACV & V05 Free Me Freesia.
  • LCO'd: L = LRC Shake 'n Go, C = 100 pumps of Oyin Hair Dew & Curly Kinks Satin Roots, O = Hydrathermal Naturals Growth on scalp & DIY on length.
Hi Ladies,

I'm in for another session! My starting pic will be my ending pic that I posted for my update. Since we go till December I will be able to take an exact pic for comparison on wet out of the shower hair. The only thing different this time around will be staying consistent with my supplements. I'm happy with the progress I got but I was very lax on taking my supplements. The weekend especially was very hard for me.

Regimen of co-washing and deep conditioning weekly will remain. With shampoo 1x per month. I am also going to continue with protein every 2 weeks. Since my Komaza analysis and that suggestion I've really seen a difference in my hair. Also once the weather changes I will switch to my cool/cold weather products for moisturizers, sealers and stylers. Anxious to try some new products in my stash for winter like Qhemets (?). I will try a few new combos in October to find my staples.

For styling it will be buns, braidouts and the occasional wash n go before it gets really cold. I'm still toying with the idea of getting crochet braids as well. Happy growing and here's to finishing the year long and strong!


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I'm joining this session!

My regimen consists of clay washing 1-2x a month depending on build-up and conditioner washing between those washes. Trying to stick with twist outs and limit wash and go's. Trying to not cut scraggy ends but will if I have to. Sticking to my 100oz of liquid daily and more importantly vitamins and my collagen supplement. Also using surge 21. Hope that's ok.
I'm joining this session!

My regimen consists of clay washing 1-2x a month depending on build-up and conditioner washing between those washes. Trying to stick with twist outs and limit wash and go's. Trying to not cut scraggy ends but will if I have to. Sticking to my 100oz of liquid daily and more importantly vitamins and my collagen supplement. Also using surge 21. Hope that's ok.
Yep, it's OK. Welcome to the challenge.
I would like to join this session.

My regimen consists of washing once a week, DC'ing and rotating between moisture and light protein with each wash, protein treatment once a month, air drying 90% of the time, cowashing once a week and protective styling 90% of the time in buns or french twists. I take supplements daily and drink 1 gallon of water a day.
I'm joining this session!

My regimen consists of clay washing 1-2x a month depending on build-up and conditioner washing between those washes. Trying to stick with twist outs and limit wash and go's. Trying to not cut scraggy ends but will if I have to. Sticking to my 100oz of liquid daily and more importantly vitamins and my collagen supplement. Also using surge 21. Hope that's ok.
I would like to join this session.

My regimen consists of washing once a week, DC'ing and rotating between moisture and light protein with each wash, protein treatment once a month, air drying 90% of the time, cowashing once a week and protective styling 90% of the time in buns or french twists. I take supplements daily and drink 1 gallon of water a day.

Remember to post your starting pics.