10 Signs He's Still Thinking About His Ex


Well-Known Member
Posted Apr 20th 2010 3:28PM
from AOL Personals

1. You haven't met his friends
2. He's still friends with her mom on Facebook
3. He lies about talking to her
4. You're not official
5. Your dates consist of hanging out alone at his apartment
6. He doesn't want to talk about her
7. He talks about her too much
8. He gets angry and defensive when you mention her
9. He's suspicious of your ex
10. You hooked up before his relationship was over

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Good List!

I think another one is if he's moving too fast. I dated a guy (who was once a good friend of mine) that had just gotten out of a long horrible two year relationship. It was filled with drama and nothing but heartache for him. I TOLD him that it was too soon but he swore he was okay. In the month that we dated he was always talking about the future i.e. I'll come visit you at school! or Imagine if we had kids? Mind you I was only 18 at the time so of course I was :drool: at the idea of how invested he seemed in our relationship. In that short month I met his mother and sister multiple times and met almost of all his friends a few times as well. WAY too much, way too fast.

It soon became obvious that he was still stuck on his ex and was using me as her replacement. Sadly, he and I are no longer friends. Although we work together :wallbash:. Gives new meaning to the phrase "Don't **** where you eat!"
Just wanted to add:

He still talks to her on a regular.
He still has pics of them and says he has not gotten around to throwing them away.
She calls to talk about her relationships.
When yall r 2gether she calls and ask r u busy he says no.
He walks out of the room when she calls n u r there.
She stills comes to all the family functions and says u remember when we and he says yea with a smile.
He does not introduce u when he sees her on the street and u r with him.
She still has that cute ringtone he has been meaning to change!

That's all:lachen:
He tries to recreate the relationship he had with her with you. ( Same restaraunts, buys you scents that she likes, tries to get you to change your hair to be closer to her signatire style)