1 Year Progress Pics (Aug 07 - Aug 08)


New Member
(Aug 2007) Did a big chop. :grin: Cut my hair off. I had a twa for 4 weeks. :look:Was not completely ready for my natural journey, so I decided to relax it again.:ohwell:


(Jan 08) Six months after I cut my hair. Slowly growing back. :grin:


(Aug 2008) One full year of growth since my bc. :grin:



At the beginning of the year I frequently co-washed my hair. I used ayurvedic powders allot in January. Then I fell off ayurvedic powders and put my hair in protective styles (weave and braids) in Feb and March. Also March 26th I started using MTG again. (diluted with Amla Lite oil). Stopped using MTG in May b/c I found out I was pregnant. Since then I only take prenatel tablets and Omega 3 DHA since May until now.
Wow! You went from one or two inches of hair to full shoulder length in one year. That's so inspiring! Congratulations!
It's beautiful. So thick. How often do you relax? Oh, congrats on the baby!

Thanks phyl73,
I usually wait sometime 9 weeks to 11 weeks in between relaxers. But since I got pregnant my last stretch was 16 weeks. I plan to try that stretch again in order to relax my hair one more time during my pregnancy.

Braids and weave helped me stretch.

My favorite relaxer is Affirm Lye Normal.