1 Year Progress Pics (Aug 07 - Aug 08)

You are a beauty!!! Great progress girl! A year and you are SL!!! I am impressed! Keep it up.....APL here you come!
Great progress sweetie......and congrats on your little one! When you applied your relaxed did you just apply it to your head and smooth it? I am thinking about getting a relaxer again but my twa slightly shorter than my avatar picture.
wow, very impressive.
I've always wanted to see someone, like yourself, that started off soo short, and get that far. see, i started growing (in August, like yourself), and my hair is "a short cut". but a little longer than your beginning pic. So, if that's what a year did, i am definitely motivated and i know it can happen, and congrats on the baby. i'm a new mom myself!
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:blush::blush::blush: Wh-wh-what in the world...????? :thud:

What on earth are you eating? :eek: That's got to be the craziest growth I've seen in a while. You grow witcha bad self. Dayum!!! :notworthy
Awesome progress. What's up with the fierce hair color? I loves it lots! Congrats on your pregnancy. Being a mommie is really amazing.
Congratulations on your pregnancy, may you have a healthy pregnancy and birth and congratulations on your hair it is so lovely.
You a damn lie.... ayurvedic powders my azzz.... you were using miracle grow powders....where can I buy some?
(Aug 2007) Did a big chop. :grin: Cut my hair off. I had a twa for 4 weeks. :look:Was not completely ready for my natural journey, so I decided to relax it again.:ohwell:


(Jan 08) Six months after I cut my hair. Slowly growing back. :grin:


(Aug 2008) One full year of growth since my bc. :grin:



At the beginning of the year I frequently co-washed my hair. I used ayurvedic powders allot in January. Then I fell off ayurvedic powders and put my hair in protective styles (weave and braids) in Feb and March. Also March 26th I started using MTG again. (diluted with Amla Lite oil). Stopped using MTG in May b/c I found out I was pregnant. Since then I only take prenatel tablets and Omega 3 DHA since May until now.
Very inspiring! You are very pretty! And your baby is going to be soooooo cute!:yep: I hope I get that much growth!