18 Months Into Transition-Small Updates (pics)

Dat shure iz sum purty hair Miz E...

*sorry...my thesis in on The Color Purple...I can't shake it yet..*
Beautiful! It looks so pretty and soft! How are you liking the new length?
Beautiful BEAUTIFUL hair and progress!

And congratulations on reaching 18 months... I so admire people who do long term transitions (inspiring)!
Dat shure iz sum purty hair Miz E...

*sorry...my thesis in on The Color Purple...I can't shake it yet..*
:laugh: Why can I hear the voice!
Beautiful! It looks so pretty and soft! How are you liking the new length?
Thanks, Tiff! I'm adjusting to the new length. I'm okay with it. It's helping me get over the hair anorexia, actually :giggle:
Girl, your hair looks awesome! I'm so glad that you stuck with it! You're in the home stretch now! :yep:
Thank you! Your ng in your siggy is BEAUTIFUL! :drool:
Thank you! I noticed your siggy...you might as well call it a transition boo :laugh:

LOL!! :lol:

I know right?!
Well actually I just may have to take that route---at least for a little while longer.

I had an appointment with a dermatologist today---set this appointment back in January...because he is supposedly the best at Vandy specializing in hair. My edges are giving me hell!!

He suggested that I continue to keep chemicals out of my hair. :ohwell:
So I'll be transitioning.....and I use that word lightly and loosely :lol: for at least another 3 months until I have my followup appointment in August.

I even have to use this shampoo and conditioner purchased at the pharmacy called--'Free and Clear'. This stuff is free of EVERYTHING: dyes, fragrance, parabens, protein, lanolin, formaldehyde...just everything!!
I just hope it's moisturizing.

We'll see what happens, and how long I can keep this up, because it's a REAL jungle at my 4bz roots! :perplexed

I'll keep you in the loop. Because you are my transitioning SHERO!!!! :grin:
Manzana I hope they get that together for you! I'll be watching for updates. You know if the con isn't moisturizing enough, you can add some natchal stuff to it to enhance it.
I thought you were natural already. I didn't know you were transitioning.:blush: Your hair is so gorgeous!
I'm not sure how I missed this thread! Your hair is gorgeous!

Okay being the pj that I am...where did you get that hair clip in Pic #6? TIA.
I'm not sure how I missed this thread! Your hair is gorgeous!

Okay being the pj that I am...where did you get that hair clip in Pic #6? TIA.
Damn, my straightened pic after the cut looks a hot damn mess!! Sheba in a whirlwind. I'm going to have to straighten again for some better shots :ohwell:

Shay, you know you had me like "what clip??" I got that thing @ the local BSS for $1.99!!
I can't believe I missed this thread.

Wow Eisani I absolutely love the color and length! Your hair is gorgeous!!!
I'm trying to get to waist length by December! We'll have to have a match, take that and that!