Youtube Broke My Hair!! Devastating Set Back

I'm confused.... she keeps making videos giving tips like she isn't currently in the midst of a set back. I'd rather she share what she's personally doing to repair her damaged hair.

Exactly my thoughts. Well I will just have to assume that she is doing the same practices that brought her to TBL in the first place. She has a good regimen and she knows what she's doing.
In that setback tips video it sounds like she is quite familiar with the techniques that she suggested. Which is a good thing. She just needs to go back to what she knows. I would say that she is quite familiar with her hair and knows what is best for it.

You don’t get to TBL by not knowing what to do.
She has 4c texture hair. Detangling is an absolute requirement.
Her not detangling “properly” like many are saying (whatever that’s suppose to mean) didn’t cause this. She has been detangling this way for years. If detangling is such a requirement she would not have gotten that far with her hair in the first place. She didn’t JUST start detangling her hair that way. She needed to stick to what she knew. She knew what worked for her but decided to try something different and that’s where she messed up.
Her not detangling “properly” like many are saying (whatever that’s suppose to mean) didn’t cause this. She has been detangling this way for years. If detangling is such a requirement she would not have gotten that far with her hair in the first place. She didn’t JUST start detangling her hair that way. She needed to stick to what she knew. She knew what worked for her but decided to try something different and that’s where she messed up.

I think it was a combination of things... But once we find a good hair growing regimen are we really to never try anything new again? I don't think that's a good takeaway from this at all. She didn't do anything crazy. All she did was try a new hairstyle that required a few new products. It's unrealistic to expect that one will never do those two things again, because they now know how to grow their hair.

I do think that the lack of thorough detangling attributed to the set back. It may work for the way she normally wears her hair. But it did not work with this style and/or set of products. The regimens we put together-- the tools, the products, the methods-- they go hand in hand, and you can't always sub out one aspect for something entirely new and expect to get the same results as usual.
My (type 4) hair isn’t always 100% detangled. But it’s never in gel >90% detangled. I also would never trial multiple new things at once, but that’s just me. :look:
the lack of thorough detangling attributed to the set back. It may work for the way she normally wears her hair. But it did not work with this style and/or set of products. The regimens we put together-- the tools, the products, the methods-- they go hand in hand, and you can't always sub out one aspect for something entirely new and expect to get the same results as usual.
Her not detangling “properly” like many are saying (whatever that’s suppose to mean) didn’t cause this. She has been detangling this way for years. If detangling is such a requirement she would not have gotten that far with her hair in the first place. She didn’t JUST start detangling her hair that way. She needed to stick to what she knew. She knew what worked for her but decided to try something different and that’s where she messed up.

I guess what I’m trying to say is I don’t know of any 4a, b, or c haired ladies with long hair who don’t detangle. Not detangling leads to massive shedding, knots, breakage, etc. so, yes, I guess you’re right in that you don’t HAVE to detangle, but I don’t see how that would even work.
I think it was a combination of things... But once we find a good hair growing regimen are we really to never try anything new again? I don't think that's a good takeaway from this at all. She didn't do anything crazy. All she did was try a new hairstyle that required a few new products. It's unrealistic to expect that one will never do those two things again, because they now know how to grow their hair.

I do think that the lack of thorough detangling attributed to the set back. It may work for the way she normally wears her hair. But it did not work with this style and/or set of products. The regimens we put together-- the tools, the products, the methods-- they go hand in hand, and you can't always sub out one aspect for something entirely new and expect to get the same results as usual.

I think she had a setback.

Can anyone else see how thinned her hair now looks? It also looks shorter in places.

I'm curious as to why she hasn't cut it yet (to shape it). she keeps on saying she will. I'm curious to know if she's going to do it herself and if it will be gradual.

Her hair is still really long but very thin in sections and very uneven.

I think it was a combination of things... But once we find a good hair growing regimen are we really to never try anything new again? I don't think that's a good takeaway from this at all. She didn't do anything crazy. All she did was try a new hairstyle that required a few new products. It's unrealistic to expect that one will never do those two things again, because they now know how to grow their hair.

But according to get she didn't need the new products. She said she'd have been fine using her regular stuff. She'd Havre achieved better results this way (hindsight) but she wanted extra shine to her hair for YouTube followers. I believe she even said she'd tried this style before? So really it came down to any unfortunate accident for more clicks.
Of course she had a set back. I have no words for those who think she made this up or that she purposely ruined her TBL hair for youtube.
People do that on YouTube all of the time. Just because she has long hair doesn’t mean anything. She didn’t show actual damage, just did a bunch of talking and crying on camera.
I think there is a big difference in her hair between the wash video she just uploaded, and the one from a month ago. Her hair is shorter and thinner.



@shortdub78 What do you think? I can see how one could doubt her... Maybe she’s lying about how the setback came to be. This seems like a lot for some gel and tangles.
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