your man oogleing at other women


Well-Known Member
So ladies I have come to realize that men have some inner ape in them that makes them naturallly look at other women. I personally don't like it but I am learning that this is just what a man does. He may not snap his neck every time a pretty woman passes by but you can tell. Anyways I want to know how you ladies feel about this. Have your experiences show that this is true and if it is do you care or how do you deal? Just wondering
Well like my mother's friend always says "A man will be a man"

HOWEVER, if a man respects you, he will NOT let his eyes wander while in your presence. His focus should be on YOU and only YOU when you two are together. Now when he's with his boys, or alone...he's gonna look. Men are visual creatures. Heck, I love to look as well...but not when I'm with my man.
If a man respects you he will curb it in your presence. He is after all, a man, not an animal.
MY man looks and I know it. I'm not in denial about it. He's only human and I've talked to him about it. He never does it in my presence. Not in all the years I've been with him, and I always know when a man is looking...
I have not seen any of the men I've dated look while they're in my presence. Of course, they look, but not while I'm there or overtly. You should talk to him about how it makes you feel. Like Viv stated, he should curb it.
yeah I have talked to him about it but I think he does it now to annoy me so I just ignore him now but he takes a quick glace or maybe two and it just drives me up the wall:wallbash:
I know what type and what attracts my hubby's eye....big booties are on the top of the list :laugh: If we are out and I see her before he does.... and I usually do:look: I'll say, I know you wanna look and we will laugh about it. He does me the same way, he knows what I like:giggle: He doesn't look and slobber when we are together and neither do I.

Respect is the name of the game. If your S/O does it in a way that bothers you let 'em know...they may not even be aware that they are doing it.
yeah I have talked to him about it but I think he does it now to annoy me so I just ignore him now but he takes a quick glace or maybe two and it just drives me up the wall:wallbash:

Personally I have found that if you do it back to him (juvenile I know LOL), it nips that problem in the bud. That has been my personal experience, many men don't realize how things feel unfortunately until they are done back to them. Let your eyes stray a few times, and if he says something to you about it...then you can let him know that it doesn't feel to good does it? I know some will say that you should be the "bigger person" and not stoop to his "level", but honestly some people don't get it until the shoe is on the other foot...
Just because he's a man doesn't mean he can't control himself. Admiring an attractive person and ogling are two different things. I would feel disrespected if my man ogled women.:nono:
My husband doesn't stare at women in my presence. I am sure he sees beautiful women all over the place when we're together and he is respectful. As am I. Thankfully that is not something I will ever need to get used to.
My boyfriend doesn't stare at other women in public besides those nasty ho ho hos on black men's magazines.

Honestly, I got a little mad/sad when I saw him lick his lips at a in-shape woman on a movie. It made me really self-conscious about my body :(
My boyfriend doesn't stare at other women in public besides those nasty ho ho hos on black men's magazines.

Honestly, I got a little mad/sad when I saw him lick his lips at a in-shape woman on a movie. It made me really self-conscious about my body :(

Interesting! My man is the same way, not too much in public, but the women in movies he is all in awe.

But onetime I caught him taking a peek at this W girl (he's also White) and when he turned his head quickly back to me he only saw a guy walking pass checking me out. At the end of the date he mentioned something about it and I said see it goes both ways sweetheart. While you are staring at a girl you are missing out on the excitement on who is staring at your girl.
I personally have never seen my SO do this... maybe he is extra discreet; because I am extra observant
He does it, but he doesn't ogle. He never has...

The most he's done is say "She's cute" or acknowledge their attractiveness.

I took him to a photo shoot with women (Buckeey, Serious, others) walking around half naked and in lingerie, and told him have fun and look, but he admired and stayed right in his place for the most part. I guess I'm lucky. I'm mostly secure in mine, and I work for a men's magazine... so I'm cool with all that.

I wish he would, so I wouldn't look like a lush staring at hot women by myself. I honestly don't mind.

I notice that if/when I do mind, it's because I'm not taking care of myself like I should... now who's fault is that?
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I've never seen my man oogle at any women. Shoot I will oogle at them (I'm not gay I just look at them with awe and slight envy) but I will look at him to see if he's looking at what I'm looking and he doesn't even notice. I've never seen him turn his head at all to look at anyone.
i aint mad at em. i look at other men myself. when he looks at another woman ill say "yea she was beautiful" and let him look at me confused like he has no idea what im talking about.
Personally I have found that if you do it back to him (juvenile I know LOL), it nips that problem in the bud. That has been my personal experience, many men don't realize how things feel unfortunately until they are done back to them. Let your eyes stray a few times, and if he says something to you about it...then you can let him know that it doesn't feel to good does it? I know some will say that you should be the "bigger person" and not stoop to his "level", but honestly some people don't get it until the shoe is on the other foot...

Nuff said :yep:
I know what type and what attracts my hubby's eye....big booties are on the top of the list :laugh: If we are out and I see her before he does.... and I usually do:look: I'll say, I know you wanna look and we will laugh about it. He does me the same way, he knows what I like:giggle: He doesn't look and slobber when we are together and neither do I.

Respect is the name of the game. If your S/O does it in a way that bothers you let 'em know...they may not even be aware that they are doing it.

My SO and I are the same way..:yep:
Personally I have found that if you do it back to him (juvenile I know LOL), it nips that problem in the bud. That has been my personal experience, many men don't realize how things feel unfortunately until they are done back to them. Let your eyes stray a few times, and if he says something to you about it...then you can let him know that it doesn't feel to good does it? I know some will say that you should be the "bigger person" and not stoop to his "level", but honestly some people don't get it until the shoe is on the other foot...

:yep: Fo real!

As for me, We all look. It’s natural. But to gawk at or eyeball electrically is not acceptable! My SO doesn’t do that – but if he did I would have no problem eyeballin the next cutie I see coming! ..Let's See how ‘ok’ it is then -
Men will be Men my ***

Dh doesn't oogle women, I think that would be disprespectful but he will on the slick check out chicks:rolleyes: He's not blatant about it but if see him do it, I just say oh she's cute (we like to people watch so that wouldn't be out of the ordinary)
Just because he's a man doesn't mean he can't control himself. Admiring an attractive person and ogling are two different things. I would feel disrespected if my man ogled women.:nono:

I agree!! It's so disrespectful for any man of mine to be drooling over another woman.
Dh doesn't oogle women, I think that would be disprespectful but he will on the slick check out chicks:rolleyes: He's not blatant about it but if see him do it, I just say oh she's cute (we like to people watch so that wouldn't be out of the ordinary)

:lol: :lachen: I like that. Catch him, before he does it (I think it also reduces the stress, b/c he knows you are secure with yourself:yep:)
So ladies I have come to realize that men have some inner ape in them that makes them naturallly look at other women. I personally don't like it but I am learning that this is just what a man does. He may not snap his neck every time a pretty woman passes by but you can tell. Anyways I want to know how you ladies feel about this. Have your experiences show that this is true and if it is do you care or how do you deal? Just wondering

It's men being men. I Personally don't care as long as its respectful. Checking out a pretty girl is ok cuz I'll probably be checking her out too. Oogling is not ok. If you're mid sentence and lose your train of thought - not ok. If you start to swerve in the car as you're driving - not ok. But just a glance - ok.

The funny part is, when you're with a guy, chances are that YOU will see the pretty girl coming up faster than HE will. :yep::yep::yep:
I'm not gay disclaimer*

Okay, when I see an attractive woman, I mean even I look because I admire beauty - not in the lesbo since but pretty is pretty ya I can't really expect him not to look although if he does he's discreet.

I also look at men...there are A LOT of men jogging around charlotte this time of the year with no shirt on and it's very distracting sometimes when I'm driving down the street. :nono:

I've caught myself turning my head all the way around but never with DH in the car.

I can't hate if he's doing the same....:rolleyes:

God forgive me for the lust in my heart. :nono:

But, the difference for me is when I look I'm not thinking about how he'd be in bed, I'm just appreciating God's artwork. :look:

I haven't seen anybody with a better body than my DH in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Sometimes I'm jealous of how fit he is. :/