"Your hair isn't growing out!!" - That's supposed to be a compliment!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I was talking to my mom and sister about something last Friday in the kitchen.

Well, I had my hair pressed for about two weeks at the time. My sister then says in awe: "Wow Ebony! Your hair still looks so good and fresh. It hasn't even grown out!"

I totally snapped at her. I said "Don't say that!!"

My mom and my sister were totally dumbfounded by my reaction. I apologized and then explained to her that saying to a person that is trying to grow their hair out that their hair hasn't grown out after 2 weeks is not really a compliment.

But this isn't the first time I've experienced this. When I was relaxed, a month would pass and my mom would say "Wow! Your hair still looks freshly relaxed!"

In my mind, if it looks fresh, especially in the roots, it's not growing.

Just had to share that story.
I think your sister saying that your hair hadn't grown out was her way of saying that your relaxer still looks fresh. I don't think she was trying to insult you. Down girl!
Supergirl said:
I think your sister saying that your hair hadn't grown out was her way of saying that your relaxer still looks fresh. I don't think she was trying to insult you. Down girl!

ITA. They were complimenting you on holding the press for two weeks like it was still a fresh press. It wasn't an insult and wasn't meant to be. Who gets new growth after two weeks, anyway?
I agree with the ladies here as well. My hair does that too. It holds a press, really well, but when that water hits, WHOO, yes, u see the new roots :lol: Don't worry about it, girl... :)
I completely understand, but I'm going to agree with everyone else and say it definitely was a compliment.
Yeah, I know I overreacted. That's why I apologized. But she said it wasn't growing out. Not that the press was holding up.
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CantBeCopied said:
ITA. They were complimenting you on holding the press for two weeks like it was still a fresh press. It wasn't an insult and wasn't meant to be. Who gets new growth after two weeks, anyway?

I normally get new growth after 1 week.
Awww, I totally understand why you reacted the way you did, girl..... I know how you felt, although Im sure thats not how they intended it. Sometimes we interpret things one way in the moment and then realize immedietely afterward that we over-reacted. Its good that you apologized. :)

But either way, your hair looks great and SILKY, and it seems to me that its time to update that signature. You look like Armpit Length to me!!! :D