Your Hair is Long!

*Happily Me*

Well-Known Member
Is that a compliment? Should you say thank you?

I'm sorry if this may seem like a silly question, but every now and then someone will say this to me and i'm not sure if I should say "thank you".

Most times, I smile and mouth thank you. :lol:
A smile will suffice. You have long hair is a comment not neccessarily a compliment.

Now if I said..."You have such long pretty hair" (and you do!) imma expect a thank you:grin:
I always wondered this too. So once a girl in class said to me your hair is so long and I didn't really like her so I asked her if that was supposed to be a compliment because I didn't know how to respond to that. She claimed that it was.Your hair is so long sounds to me like a shocked I can't believe you were able to grow your hair that length it must be weave. Now if somebody said to me your hair is so long and __________ pretty, cute, always neat, or asked where did it get it done, then that is a compliment to me. The other sounds like just an observation to me and doesn't need to be said out loud because I am already aware of the fact that my hair is long.

This has happened quite a few times and it is very irritating.
I kinda just hit them with ------> :look: depending on who it is.

Folks who i know are genuine b/c they actually give a damn I tell em thanks.

Is that a compliment? Should you say thank you?

I'm sorry if this may seem like a silly question, but every now and then someone will say this to me and i'm not sure if I should say "thank you".

Most times, I smile and mouth thank you. :lol:
girl just say (in the voice of George Lopez) "I know huh"
I don't take it as a compliment. It's an observation. I just nod. Now if someone says "your hair is pretty" or something of the sort then I say thank you.
A smile will suffice. You have long hair is a comment not neccessarily a compliment.

Now if I said..."You have such long pretty hair" (and you do!) imma expect a thank you:grin:

yeah, see if they said your hair is pretty, I'd most defintely say "thank you!".

but i always seem to get, "is that your hair", "you never perm it, huh?" or "your hair is long".

I'll keep smiling. :) it is nice to get noticed even though it's not a "real" compliment

Thanks for the replies
yeah, see if they said your hair is pretty, I'd most defintely say "thank you!".

but i always seem to get, "is that your hair", "you never perm it, huh?" or "your hair is long".

I'll keep smiling. :) it is nice to get noticed even though it's not a "real" compliment

Thanks for the replies

I've said that to people before and it was ALWAYS meant as a compliment.
I'm just so much in awe that it came out silly. :blush3: It's real tho. :yep:

BTW your hair is beautiful! See I'm gettin' better. ;)
I've said that to people before and it was ALWAYS meant as a compliment.
I'm just so much in awe that it came out silly. :blush3: It's real tho. :yep:

BTW your hair is beautiful! See I'm gettin' better. ;)

This is me. If I tell someone that their hair is long it is a true compliment because I am so impressed. If there hair was long and ugly, super thin, scraggly I wouldn't even comment at all. If I thought it was a weave and I liked it, I'd say your hair looks nice or pretty but wouldn't refer to the length. Like Sareca said, we are just in awe:yep:. If anyone ever in my life says my hair is long chil' I wouldn't know what to do with myself, I would be :grin: all day long.
my mom always told me to say thank you when people said this. i never understood why because if your hair is long then thats a fact. it seemed to me i would only say thank you when it was a compliment like "thats pretty" because then thats a matter of opinion.

but i still say thank you.
I don't take it as a compliment. It's an observation. I just nod. Now if someone says "your hair is pretty" or something of the sort then I say thank you.

I agree. To me, It's the same as if someone says, "You're thin", "You're petite"....I dont usually say anything, because I dont consider those to be compliments, simply observations.
Is that a compliment? Should you say thank you?

I'm sorry if this may seem like a silly question, but every now and then someone will say this to me and i'm not sure if I should say "thank you".

Most times, I smile and mouth thank you. :lol:


it is a compliment :yep: i guess
my first reaction is to feel all good

then i stop to see how they said it. was it
A)a plain or stank-face "this-b word-think-she-all-that-but-i-cant-lie-i-like-her-hair" way to which i give a plain face thank you
B)a smiling "wow-her-hair-really-looks-nice" way to which i give a warmer thanks

long hair seems to automatically equal "good" hair
I always wondered this too. So once a girl in class said to me your hair is so long and I didn't really like her so I asked her if that was supposed to be a compliment because I didn't know how to respond to that. She claimed that it was.Your hair is so long sounds to me like a shocked I can't believe you were able to grow your hair that length it must be weave. Now if somebody said to me your hair is so long and __________ pretty, cute, always neat, or asked where did it get it done, then that is a compliment to me. The other sounds like just an observation to me and doesn't need to be said out loud because I am already aware of the fact that my hair is long.

This has happened quite a few times and it is very irritating.

I agree with that. It depends on how it's said but that's the way it seems like they mean it to me. No one has said it to me yet but I've heard it And that' s how I take it.
hmmm good question...since i've been on this board and seen what long hair really is (lol) i don't know how to take it when someone says it to me....sometimes i respond with "really"...or i just give a blank look or say "ohh ok", unless they follow up and say its really pretty or soft or something like that, then i say thank you.....

i really do believe that for the most part it's mean to be a compliment though :yep:
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I think it's a compliment because remember IRL there's not too many ladies with hair your length D. Trust me it's a compliment. My hair is bs now and ppl look at me like:blush: your hair is loonnnnngggg and I say thank you and get to smiling and all but then they wanna get all touchy and feely and I'm like:rolleyes:. I guess, if they or omg your hair is long. That's a compliment. JMO
So, the answers here have really cleared things up for you, right? :lachen:

Someone said it to me once. I just gave them the confused look. -->:perplexed Then I denied it, but I don't think you're going to get away with that.

I think it might be in the way they say it. I've said "thank you" for things like "you're so slim" because I could hear the intent with which it was said. Once someone said that I looked so young and when I didn't say thank you, they asked my companion (in Korean) why I didn't. I didn't because I was 19 and I was young. I don't know. I guess it requires that you judge the intent behind what they are saying.
Is that a compliment? Should you say thank you?

I'm sorry if this may seem like a silly question, but every now and then someone will say this to me and i'm not sure if I should say "thank you".

Most times, I smile and mouth thank you. :lol:

:lachen::lachen: I don't know why this has me cracking up! I guess thank you is good. I most often just smile. Usually it's followed up with a question, so not too much time to linger on whether or not I said thank you. I think you're doing great!
I don't think I would say thank you because white folk with hair that is apl or bsl don't get comments about their hair bein long. it's normal for "them". so i wouldn't say thank you. havin hair that length should be normal amongst black people. i know irl we don't but it shouldn't be so scarce among us. let's educate each other
When someeone tells me that my hair is long, my response depends on who the person is and/or tone of the comment. Most often, I don't say, "Thank you," though. I just kinda nod my head, :yep: because usually it's not really a compliment, just a verbalized observation.

I've gotten other interesting comments like, "Boy, you've got a lotta hair!" and, "You have too much hair for your small head and face.":perplexed (Got this one from my mom just yesterday.:look: I just responded with a :rolleyes: look.)
I think it really IS a compliment. It's rare to see a black woman with long, healthy hair. So to see it makes people say ''WOW! She has long hair!''

When someone says it to me, I feel all warm and toasty inside, cheese and say thank you :grin:
I consider it as a compliment. I was at the dentist office today and the receptionist told me, "your hair is so long." Well, I just smiled and said Thank you.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who's wondered about this...I don't know about this one or when they say "your hair is really growing!" err, thanks?:perplexed I usually say something like "yea, I finally decided to leave it alone and stop cutting it off" That usually does the trick for me :yep:
I don't take it as a compliment. It's an observation. I just nod. Now if someone says "your hair is pretty" or something of the sort then I say thank you.

Ita :yep: At work I get that "your hair is long"or "your hair is pretty"(then I say thank you :D). Then they ask "y is it in a bun all the time":rolleyes:
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it is a compliment for black women, because most dont have long hair, so if someone says that you do, im pretty sure you should say thank you.. :yep: