Your dating life is in trouble if


Well-Known Member

This is written by a white guy so take the beyonce comment with a grain of salt.

Your Love Life Is in Trouble If...

Your love life is in trouble if...​

  • You minimize the time that you put into looking good because you believe that "only shallow men care about your appearance."
  • You tell yourself you have plenty of time to find a guy.
  • You over-analyze what you should text men and when.
  • You behave differently depending on the kind of guy you are with (dating) at the time.
  • You blame the fact that you are single on "all men being assholes," the male "fear of commitment," or "all the good men being taken," instead of acknowledging the only real problem: yourself.
  • You reflexively criticize hot girls for being "ditsy" or "stupid" - even if they are.
  • You assume that a man means something else when he tells you he "isn't looking for anything serious right now."
  • You are trying to date a guy who is cheating on his wife or girlfriend with you.
  • You don't own high heels.
  • You don't have a gym membership.
  • You believe that you "just need to be patient" and soon you'll fall madly in love with a man who unexpectedly stumbles into your life, just like in the movies.
  • You don't think you can get more attractive than you are right now.
  • You believe that the best way to get more attention from the men who don't approach you is to instead approach them.
  • You are tall for a girl, and believe that slouching makes you more attractive because it takes the emphasis off your height.
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Why'd you edit it. I want to read the whole thing. The guy sounds like a jerk in the rest of his commentary anyways.
you can click the link to the orginal, I took it out cause I didn't feel it was relative to black women and beyonce is no where near fat.
The Beyonce Comment

You actually believe your friends when they tell you that you have "a Beyonce
thing going on" or compare you to any other heavy-set-but-attractive female celebrity.

Sorry OP but I'd rather post it here than give his blog more hits
This list is retarded.

You don't need a gym membership to work out.
My DH actually haaaates high heels and prefers that I not wear them.

Too many reasons why this list is dumb.
Beyoncé is on the heavy side to a lot of non-black folks. So, I agree with a lot of it. You just have to understand what he means...and replace the name Beyoncé with another one.
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Some of the things he said falls right in-line with some of the more 'popular' dating advice given on here.
Incidentally, in-shape black women blow away the competition when it comes to having great figures, which in most cases completely compensates for imperfect hair.

um, wat?........
@Oasis Where did you read that?? I didn't see this anywhere on that blog.:look:

He's just saying that when black women are in shape, they look better than everyone else...even everyone else when they're in shape. WE do have outstanding bodies when we're in shape.

The part about our figures compensating for imperfect hair...I understand that too. Through the years, a LOT of black women have been running around with horrible relaxers....etc. etc...:yep: I'm not saying that they (other races of people) have great hair or anything, but yeah, bad relaxers and tacky weaves were almost everywhere for many years.

um, wat?........
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Beyoncé is on the heavy side to a lot of non-black folks. So, I agree with a lot of it. You just have to understand what he means...and replace the name Beyoncé with another one.

I actually thought he meant it to say that your friends tell you that you are curvy like beyonce (because she is curvy) but you are really just fat.

I thought the Beyonce think was a compliment to Beyonce and an insult to fat women that think they have a beyonce thing going on...:look:
I think his blog should be taken with a grain of salt. It's understood that his opinions are not the opinions of every man out there so why get all worked up?
I think his blog should be taken with a grain of salt. It's understood that his opinions are not the opinions of every man out there so why get all worked up?

what's interesting to me is the attempts being made to understand or agree with anything this dude says. I mean...if Beyonce is heavy then must of us posting in this thread are morbidly obese. I'm not offended lol just making an observation.
I didn't click the link , but I agree with some of what was posted in the OP

You minimize the time that you put into looking good because you believe that "only shallow men care about your appearance."

You tell yourself you have plenty of time to find a guy.

You over-analyze what you should text men and when.

You behave differently depending on the kind of guy you are with (dating) at the time.

You assume that a man means something else when he tells you he "isn't looking for anything serious right now."

You are trying to date a guy who is cheating on his wife or girlfriend with you.

You believe that you "just need to be patient" and soon you'll fall madly in love with a man who unexpectedly stumbles into your life, just like in the movies.

You don't think you can get more attractive than you are right now.

You believe that the best way to get more attention from the men who don't approach you is to instead approach them.

You are tall for a girl, and believe that slouching makes you more attractive because it takes the emphasis off your height.

The problem is, It ain't about Beyoncé. He was just picking out a name of a celebrity that HE thinks is overweight....but is pretty. If you put the name of a celebrity that YOU think is overweight and pretty, it would make sense.

Some of y'all need to understand that EVERYONE don't think Beyoncé is the epitome of beauty. I know it's hard for some of y'all to believe though.:look:

what's interesting to me is the attempts being made to understand or agree with anything this dude says. I mean...if Beyonce is heavy then must of us posting in this thread are morbidly obese. I'm not offended lol just making an observation.
Lemme get on the Beyonce thing.....................there was a thread comparing Beyonce and Kelly and most posters agreed that white guys tend to like Kelly because she is thinner and more black guys go for Bey because she is thicker. So are we surprised by this white guy saying that? Our idea of fat and white peoples idea of fat are different. Also isn't the BMI different for black women because black women indeed are bigger boned. At least I read an article that they were trying to get two different BMI's because blacks and whites are different in the weight department.
Also, I remember when Beyonce first came out she was much thicker than she is now. There was a white guy at my job who thought she was oh so fat. But I'm sure he'd think differently about the present-day Beyonce.