You Know Your Hair Obessed When.....

Nice Lady

Well-Known Member
Tonite, I am conditioning my hair under the dryer and I realized that I am hair obessed because I think about my hair 24-7---from my vitamin regimen, frequent cowashes, frequent deep conditioning, constant hairboards obsessions(6-8 hours per day) even with a ton of work to accomplish or constantly clicking in when I have free time....TONITE, the eye opener was when I was searching on boards geared toward Caucasian women, Pakinstani women, and finally Indian women.....HELP ME PLEASE....I have a terrible addiction....Tell me what are some of your symptoms. :notworthy
If anyone even mentions hair I go into a whole thing about cowash, sealing with oil, scalp massages, etc. Also when I use our words IRL.

Sigh....I sure wish I had someone to talk hair with IRL. Someone who's passion and intrest was as strong as mines.
lol im the same way. i just started on my journey but im already obsessed with my hair. i think about it almost all day. especially when im just sitting around. like when im watching tv and a commercial is on.... ill hear "no down payment [hmm i wonder how much NG i've gotten in the past two weeks] see your local ford dealer today" but im hoping it'll subside a lil after a while since im new to all of this. healthy hair care is like a new world i just discovered soooo please please PLEASE somebody tell me i wont be like this forever lol. like i loooveee everything about all the new info ive acquired but DANNNGGGG.
I know I am hair obsessed because I...

  • visit various online websites (,, etc) making wish lists
  • keep a copy of hair wishlist on Blackberry
  • put off homework for three classes to read about hair
  • keep a journal AND a binder of hair journey (vitamins, goals, setbacks, important websites, purchases, etc)
  • can't remember what someone was wearing, but can describe their hair to a "T"
  • can always be found in the hair products aisle in any store
When you're talking to a girlfriend and one of the first questions she asks you is "how's your hair" as if it's a relative.
Yes I forgot before I started working again i would def be on the boards ALL DaY everyday. Although I will admit I just started coming back to the hair section after my BC.
and i thought i was bad because i rolled with hair scissors to catch SSK.....ya'll make me feel better about myself :)
I'm on this board way too much - when I should be working, from my blackberry, checking every single thread of interest to catch up on any new post since the last time I was there.

Keep a wishlist of products on my blackberry and am constantly reorganizing and updating it.

Daydream about my hair.

Always in the hair aisle in stores (have to mentally decide before I walk in whether I'm allowed to make a purchase or just look).

Whenever I can, telling people, "By so and so, my hair will be this long."
when the hair aisle in stores becomes your favorite aisle
staring down everyone's hair especially BW
seeing a bw with healthy nice hair and wondering if she's on the board
.its funny because me and my sister have a saying b/w us when we ask each other, "is your hair an addiction or a hobby".
.my life's too chaotic for me to be obessed with my hair, but its most def. my hobby're watching a TV show and some woman gets her hair flatironed and you're thinking about how many passes the stylist used. And once the hair is done, you see that she's wearing a sweater, and all you can think about is how her ends are gonna be damaged by rubbing against that sweater.

No joke, this was me last night.'re watching a TV show and some woman gets her hair flatironed and you're thinking about how many passes the stylist used. And once the hair is done, you see that she's wearing a sweater, and all you can think about is how her ends are gonna be damaged by rubbing against that sweater.

No joke, this was me last night.
Lol. I never even thought of that but eventually I guess it will gradually escalate to those levels for me. Also, I stare now at women's hair instead of their clothes.
When you have taken protective styling to an insane level. Example: DH came home from work one day and I had my hair out. He looked at me so intently that I was like :perplexed What's wrong? He said he was trying to figure out if this was a new wig, or a weave... and trying to see how it was attached. My own husband didn't recognize my hair when he saw it! :lachen:He hadn't seen it in so long!
LHCF is my homepage

They know me at Sally's - I love recommendations!

I have my hair care regimen posted in three places

I spend more time in the archives than the live threads because I want to know EVERYTHING

I sit at my desk at work fantacizing about doing a DC when I get home

I get angry if ANYTHING gets int he way of a twist set, DC, wash, or straightening my hair. My SO has been on the bad end of angry when he misplaced my favorite conditioner when he cleaned the bathroom:lachen:we laugh about it now, but it was a bad bad day...
You diagnose and tell people the perfect regimen for their hair...when they haven't even asked. :look:
When your signicificant other asks you if you are planning to open a BSS due to all the products you have.

When comments about your wash-n-gos change from "you look like you just stepped out of roots" (or a slave musical) and "you need to relax your hair" to daily comments of "I wish I had hair like yours" to "how did you get your hair like that" and "Wow! Your hair is soo soft!." Because ot the new head of transformed hair you have, you know that your obsession is paying off!

When your stash of conditioners start dropping below 20 and you start to feel uneasy and start itching to replenish your stash

When you buy gallon size conditioners

When you can easily use one 250ml tub of conditioner in one go

When you are going in for surgery and the thought that your silk or satin scarf will likely fall off while you are unconscious is making you feel more worried than the actual (major) surgery!

You have gotten your DH/SO on the co-washing bandwagon even though their hair is cut so short you can see their scalp because they only have about 2-4 weeks of growth since they shaved their head.

You get your 10 year old nephew to baggy his afro every night as it help to maintain moisture.

Your sister asks you not to buy her and her 3 kids any more hair products until she uses up what you already bought her.

People IRL thank you for turning them on the henna and hair butters
when you pack for vacation, and you realize one whole suitcase is for hair stuff.

when your husband asks "are you're sure you don't want to go to hair school?" i guess i should, but i suck at styling.
When you have taken protective styling to an insane level. Example: DH came home from work one day and I had my hair out. He looked at me so intently that I was like :perplexed What's wrong? He said he was trying to figure out if this was a new wig, or a weave... and trying to see how it was attached. My own husband didn't recognize my hair when he saw it! :lachen:He hadn't seen it in so long!

That is true prior to my HJ, I would always have my hair down. Hmm...I don't even remember what that is like.
well, i've been noticing the condition of little girls hair and wanting so badly to tell these mommas that they can start their girls off with long thick natural hair and that relaxers on three year olds are not the answer. I want to hand out kids organic moisterizer to all the little dry dull baby heads.
I do a lot of what has been posted already, like staying on the boards in and out of work, like constantly, (here I am posting from my phone instead of sleeping)...

My other personal faves are; sleeping on a satin pillowcase but right on the verge of sleep worrying that the sheet may rub up against my nape in the night, someone lookin for me and my Mum saying 'she and her head is in the bathroom again!'
My Pops asking after a new DC, tea or henna mix, 'now what does THAT do for your hair?' Oh and my nephew saying I'm infecting his eyes cause the peppermint oil in my scalp massage mix was so strong, lol
When you want to dc all of the time because you may not have gotten all of your hair last time and last time was yesterday.

When you worry all of time if you do to many protein treatments, then you go home and do one anyway.

When you search all over the internet trying to find a new homemade all natural hair wash and the ones you do already work well enough!
O.M.G! So glad I'm not the only one who flocks down the aisles of hair in every store FIRST before getting whatever it is I need.

Yep, it's an addiction. I can easily loose hours of time reading messages and blogs and watching hair videos...oh my! :perplexed:

My own boyfriend who I love very much cannot escape it! I recently made...well nicely asked him to watch the "Good Hair" trailer on youtube.
Eeeeek! We need a like an AA for hair...HA? (Hair-a-holics Anonymous)

"Hi, my name is Brittney and I'm addicted to hair"

Oh and look at this smilie.....:afro: too cute!
I realized I was obsessed with hair when I was in the restroom at work talking to a co-worker and she plugged in her flatiron to "touch up" her hair and I totally forgot what we were talking about becuase I could hear her hair screaming for help with all that heat. She is caucasion and I couldn't get over the fact that she was totally damaging her frail dry hair that was also dyed and had highlights. I was sooo tempted to take the flat iron away and give her some shea butter and aloe vera gel!! I had to shake it off becuase I know the look on my face said it all.
O.M.G! So glad I'm not the only one who flocks down the aisles of hair in every store FIRST before getting whatever it is I need.

Yep, it's an addiction. I can easily loose hours of time reading messages and blogs and watching hair videos...oh my! :perplexed:

My own boyfriend who I love very much cannot escape it! I recently made...well nicely asked him to watch the "Good Hair" trailer on youtube.
Eeeeek! We need a like an AA for hair...HA? (Hair-a-holics Anonymous)

"Hi, my name is Brittney and I'm addicted to hair"

Oh and look at this smilie.....:afro: too cute!
LOL That is sooo funny!! I recently forced my BF to let me do a deep condition honey treatment on his hair. I forced him to wear a plastic cap and errthing. He said he felt his manhood was slowly being taken away from him LOL!!!! But he loved it in the end and was in the morror for like 30 min afterwards ;)
Thanks for sharing ladies,
Yes, I'm hair obsessed, addicted and so on....

I'm just coming back from holidays in Germany and the first thing I did as we arrived there was to run to the Hair Products aisle of most of the shops:wallbash:.
I have a routine but why I'm still looking for products???:wallbash:

I've got tons of accessoiries but I was still looking for some....Anyway I enjoyed it and found out one or 2 things:yep::yep: