"You don't want my advice yet you're quick to use my stuff" (Long Rant)

Mizz Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Who has family memebrs who dismiss your adivice but use your products.

My younger sister hair is jacked up and when I mean jacked up I mean jacked up. When she was like 7 or 8 she had braids in and a few braids were in her middle of her face so she cut them from the root and she had a big bald patch there so my mum had to shave it all off. She is now 14 and her hair hasn't grown or retained a lot since then :nono: so she relaxed her hair and I was telling her what she needs to do so she could get some length. You know what she said?

"Not everyone's hair is like those women hair on the internet! I can't wash my hair a lot or i'll wash the relaxer out"

OOOOOoOKAAAAAAyyyyy....:rolleyes: :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: fine then do whatever

So she continues to abuse her hair slap on some brown gel put on a long wavy phony pony and spray her hair down with luster pink spritz thing. Mum mum bought me and my sisters coconut oil she mixes it with the spirtz and water and sprays her hair down. Oh and weave glue can't forget that which she just rips out and I warn her and she says "I know what I'm doing!" :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

"No you don't!" She has bald pathes yall!

So she goes to her friends house and she is 3 months post and relaxes her hair and does the same things to it and gets upset when her hair isn't growing (or retaining length) so she is three months post again and has taken out her sew in which she is completely messy about and whats to relax her hair again or buy another weave which my mum won't let her coz her hair is so damaged and she leaves were weave pieces EVERYWHERE :nono:

So anyway I start seeing my things have mysterious been moved my shampoo is on the right side of the shelf I can smell Herbal Essences HH in the bathroom my wide toothed red comb has hair in it and its not mine. The girl is using my things! My big sister is the same way "That's white people stuff" yet she uses my stuff and then goes out and get her own Aussie colour mate :rolleyes: Then use up all of my IC Fantasia gel

So I get home from school yesterday at 6:03pm and go to my room to find a batterfield of hair products my shea butter har been left open my castor oil is dripping on the floor HE HH has hair all over it my deep conditer lid has been left open and hair is all over the combs and my precious Aussie detangling spray bottle is a lot lighter than it was in the morning.:crying3::cry: After crying i got mad :evil: and went looking for her :spank:

She won't even pay to relplace them either!!

Sorry for the long post but that's all my EMA money right there that she's wasted
Aww, :bighug:
Sorry that happened to you. Fortunately I don't have to worry about this since my siblings are only 6 and 8, but I can imagine how upset I would be if this had happened to me. I remember my sophomore year I introduced my roommate to this site and she got pretty hooked, but she would want to use my products instead of going out to buy her own. I finally had to tell her that I didn't appreciate her using my stuff without helping to purchase it.

Long story short, we worked it out. She pretty much got all of her own products and every now and then we experimented with each other's. If you can deal with sharing, I would just try to tell little sister that she has to help buy the hair products that she is using of yours and if you can't deal with sharing, tell her she gotta get her own. Sorry!
I hur ya gurl. My mom is the same way. She used to take care of both our hair so nice back in the day. She will ask me what I do for my hair but then say..well I do this to my hair and etc etc and my hair is growing(its not). I used to try to remind her about the techs she used, That I use now but I give up. LOL its funny ya know, back in the 80's my mom baggied both of our hair, we sprayed "world of curls" jeri curl jucie in our hair and we had good results form it.(i dont do it now, hair tex has changed)Now her hair stays at collar bone length. It use to stay at about APL without PS. Oh well

Oh wait and my HUSBAND!!!! Always saying.."Stop puting all that stuff in ur hair".. so tell why all my shampoos, conditionors, and moisturizers are in his bathroom! ..Jerk..
I am sorry this has happened to you. I live in a house full of males (husband and twin boys) they like to use my "left overs" the stuff that doesnt work for me. And I dont have a sister.

My suggestion to you is if it is that serious to you explain to them that this stuff aint cheap and if they cant chip in the find a good cabinet and a good pad lock and shut the store down.

Ahhh man!! I used to hate it when my sis used my stuff like that!! get a plastic box and store all of your stuff in there and hide it somewhere. Leave your old bottles in the bathroom, they will probably think you need to buy new stuff but hopefully they won't have the cheek to remind you!!

Or on the other you can all chip in and buy good products for you all to use if they are up for it.

Hope it works out for you!!
Hide the items next time and you won't have to worry about it. Get a little container to hold all your items and put them under your bed. End of story. Luckily my days of worrying about my sibling is over and it was a guy. However, I did have roomates and I followed this rule because they were always in my stuff or at least curious about it. Thank goodness that's over. However for your purposes just do the same thing. Don't leave your stuff out all over the place and you won't have that problem.
Ahhh man!! I used to hate it when my sis used my stuff like that!! get a plastic box and store all of your stuff in there and hide it somewhere. Leave your old bottles in the bathroom, they will probably think you need to buy new stuff but hopefully they won't have the cheek to remind you!!

Or on the other you can all chip in and buy good products for you all to use if they are up for it.

Hope it works out for you!!
We are so there! I just noticed your post.:grin:
I'm really sorry that this happened to you...I have three sisters, and they are always in my stash, even though they tell me to stfu when I tell them to ease up off the flat iron and blow dryer. :rolleyes: I made them sign a contract though when I realized that they were in my products. Yes, I am that serious, this stuff be costing money :look:.

But your sister, oh hell to the no, she can't be taking your stuff and then disrespecting it, leaving hair all over it and stuff uncovered and dripping on the floor. :nono: You need to put the clank clank on that, at least until she promises that if she borrows your things, she will treat them respectifully and ASK before she uses them. You should go to a home store, like linens and things, or bed bath and beyond, or even staples has little metal cabinets, and buy a little cabinet or box that you can lock. And then get a combination lock, instead of a padlock, so NOBODY but you can open it. I feel like just putting the stuff in a box and putting it under your bed won't be enough, because if she wants it bad enough, she'll look for it. Trust me.

Good luck, I hope everything gets resolved!
You should go to a home store, like linens and things, or bed bath and beyond, or even staples has little metal cabinets, and buy a little cabinet or box that you can lock. And then get a combination lock, instead of a padlock, so NOBODY but you can open it.

ITA with Chaos and this is EXACTLY what I was going to say. If she can't chip in for some products, then lock your stash up! It is THAT serious! It costs $$$ to build up an arsenal of hair care.
I hate to sound like a baby here, but can't you tell on her? LOL!

Also, for her hair abuse, maybe you could appeal to your mom to convince/make her practice better hair care.

Sorry this happened to you, luckily no one in this house cares about hair products but me.
Thanks ladies I was just so mad before, I kept my stash in my room closet in a really big bag but now I'm getting those padlocks and everything you lot suggested. Maybe even get a 24 hour security guard who's willing to work for minimum wage :look:

Older sis sometimes chips in even my youngest brother lol Everyone excpet her and she doesn't take anyone's advice not me or my mother or all her friends some who even have APL to MBL hair :wallbash:

Yeah but I've calm down destroying things she loved has made me feel a whole lot better :grin:.
Good for getting the lock. Now make sure you put your foot down with her. As an older sister I sympathize. Tell her that you dont appreciate her using your stuff and if she wants help or to borrow something, she needs to ask. Preferably with some money.

Gotta keep these lil sisters in line man
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I have 5 sisters but only 1 visit often. She is constantly in my stuff and I had to tell her to leave my hair products alone. She would come in and use my flat iron then sit it in the window seal to cool. The iron has fell several times and is now broken. Since finding LHCF I rarely use it so I leave it in the bathroom for her to use but all my other items are under lock and key tucked in the back of my closet. I hope that you find a solution. I think a person must put their foot down and let the other individual know that you mean business. Unfortunately, if they are still doing the same thing I would take measures such as locking my room door, locking the supplies in a storage bin in my room, or keeping them in the trunk of the car and take them everywhere I go. I agree the products that are healthy to the hair are not cheap and over time are expensive. For people to rudely use them and not contribute is not cool.:nono:
My sis is the same way. But now she tells me "you and that hair". lol.. I used to get angery when she takes my flat iron, wishing she would go buy her on. But since I am on a no heat kick, I dont even care. I just look and smh when i see her flat ironing everyday.
Gurl do like me.....get you a box and push it under your bed!!! I hide my good products....my faves and my exspensive ones....the exspensive stuff i let my mom and sister know not to use bc they are special to me....so i usually hide that stuff....also my really good products i hide in my box....that way i have every right to be mad about somebody snooping around in my room!
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I have 5 sisters but only 1 visit often. She is constantly in my stuff and I had to tell her to leave my hair products alone. She would come in and use my flat iron then sit it in the window seal to cool. The iron has fell several times and is now broken. Since finding LHCF I rarely use it so I leave it in the bathroom for her to use but all my other items are under lock and key tucked in the back of my closet. I hope that you find a solution. I think a person must put their foot down and let the other individual know that you mean business. Unfortunately, if they are still doing the same thing I would take measures such as locking my room door, locking the supplies in a storage bin in my room, or keeping them in the trunk of the car and take them everywhere I go. I agree the products that are healthy to the hair are not cheap and over time are expensive. For people to rudely use them and not contribute is not cool.:nono:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:....that's extreme!!:grin:...i like it!!
I feel your pain. My brother and sister used to do that to me. I eventually did put a lock on my door. The only thing that sucks is having to remember to carry all the products back into the bathroom and then remove them after the shower. I hated that. So what I would suggest is you also get a portable shower caddy. My sister had one and it looks like it comes in handy. I still want one.
I feel you. My older sister is the same way. She'll always say "oh your hair is going to fall out. U wait to long to get a relaxer. and Why do you keep washing ur hair every week at home" She used to always go to the salon for anything. Now her hair is not as long as it used to be. She's saying all those things to me, and yet, if i need to wash my hair, I have to go to her house to get my DC, conditioner, Shampoo. She's using all my stuff. She comes to my room and get my hair products when i am not home. And she doesnt even put them back. I have to call her and ask her where are my products when i need to wash my hair because i cant find them. So annoying.
Omg reading all these stories is ANNOYING ME. I can so feel it. Gosh why are some people like that. I couldn't do that. I would be so embarrassed to use some one's products and leave them in a condtion that they weren't already in. Or actually remove someone's products and they have to call ME for their products back...can you say EMBARASSING. Shame on them SHAME.
WOW that is horrible. My mother complains about my regimen & how Idk what I am doing to my hair (i.e the white girl products complaint, im gonna go bald & etc) then uses my products but she always asks first & then if it goes empty she'll replace it. I think its cute how when I bring home a new product (i.e roux porosity control) she was like "well i dont want to use that today because im tired and I just want to deep condition with your keracare, blowdry and go to sleep." and I just start laughing & thinking like "Lady this is not for you. This is for ME and my STUPID regimen." But nah..at my house if you take somethin thats not yours you get punched in the face. Yes, it is that serious..esp, if its food. My mother don't play.
[B said:
Sorry for the long post but that's all my EMA money right there that she's wasted[/B]

Are you from the UK?

My cousins who are practically like my sisters, do the same thing. And my mum. She never takes any of my advice and now she sees my hair growing longer than hers she says, "See, I told you it would grow, you don't have to be doing all of that extra stuff to it." And I'm like, "I already knew it would grow, and what extra stuff do I do? All I do is wash it with conditioner and use gel to style it. Nothing else.":rolleyes:
Hide your stuff in closet or wherever no is going to look for them. That's what I did when I used to live my relatives. They'd use up all my expensive stuff (hair and skin products and fragrances) and then remind me replace them, when they ran out.

I did get my own back though, after I had a product that had an "ambiguous" bottle. It was hair treatment, but my aunt thought it was a facial mask. So she put that stuff on her (dry) face (she didn't waste time reading labels), and the stuff started to feel really funny. See, she used to use my stuff behind my back hoping I wouldn't notice (which I always did, because her fingers are chunky and you can see an obvious dip in the product). This time she had to come right out and ask me about the product. :grin: I laughed so hard.
Until I moved, I left all the crappy stuff out and hid all the good stuff. It's tedious I know, but it's your money, and they will never offer to replace your product when it runs out!
It's a pride thing. They see what is working in your hair, and they want to use your stuff. They don't want to admit that you have a hold on what you are doing.

Like the other ladies have said, I would just hide my stuff away in a box, and carry it into the bathroom when you're using it.
Are you from the UK?

My cousins who are practically like my sisters, do the same thing. And my mum. She never takes any of my advice and now she sees my hair growing longer than hers she says, "See, I told you it would grow, you don't have to be doing all of that extra stuff to it." And I'm like, "I already knew it would grow, and what extra stuff do I do? All I do is wash it with conditioner and use gel to style it. Nothing else.":rolleyes:

Yeah North Weezy London. Come into college for a whole week for my £30 and that happend (sigh)

Sorry I don't understand why some people do that it must be a pride sort of thing you know its like

You don't want to admit your wrong so you put up a big front then go behind the person's back to use their things because you're too stubbourn and embarrassed to say "Hey um could you repeat all the things you were telling me before?" lol
Teenagers... They (some) think they know it all, and you can't tell them nothing..

She probably not at the stage of absorbing constructive criticism (for a lack of a better word). I was like that, if you gave me constructive critizim i would be defensive and spiteful. Just get a lock box/safe from Target/Walmart and lock all your products in the box. If she comes crying say you dont want your products being used if you don't want to take my advice... because you'll waste it. Hopefully she'll come around.
Lol you're right Mizz Diamonds.
And I know how you feel about the EMA. I hardly ever got mine though when I was in college coz I always skipped lessons lol. I'm in uni now though and I'm getting my student loan on Monday. Can't friggin wait!
Yeah girly, get yourself a shower caddy. so you can bring everything you need to the bathroom each day.

so glad im not the only weirdo who has a box of hair stuff under their bed. that box is my expensive/faves. the stuff i use on my daughter's hair and i dont care if visitors use is in the bathroom. I get real serious about my products. think i may actually fight someone over my products. she's your sister. black her eye and she'll get the idea. it's tough family love.