"You don't want my advice yet you're quick to use my stuff" (Long Rant)

Mizz Diamonds I laughed at your post! I haven't lived with my siblings in years, but I feel your pain. My daughter takes all my stuff, but she lurks here so I'll leave it at that LOL

I think that they are telling you that your methods don't work just to get on your nerves. They're secretly watching you and trying to copy your regimen so they can have beautiful hair too. I say hide your stash, give them a list of all the goodies they can get at the store and online, wish them well on their happy hair journey... then tell them to get a job and get their own @#$$!
Oh, I can understand your pain. I can't stand it when people use my stuff (especially stuff that is not cheap) and then don't put it back where it belongs. My older sister would mess up my stuff and not even apologize. I think you should hide your stuff because it sounds like she doesn't care about how she is using them or putting them back where they belong. Oh, and using large amounts of stuff at once.....no no no. Hide your stuff.
My Husband. He says I like natural to much. He says the aliens are going to come get us all, but the ones with natural hair will be saved. I know that I am a natural hair natzi, but I love natural hair, natural hair products. But, when I am not looking, he uses MY natural products. Let some one at work say something about his hair, he will be all up in my products trying to fix the problem!
See, I'm mean like that. I will share, but dammit don't take my stuff or steal it and then get belligerent cause I WILL wreak havoc. I lock up EVERYTHANG and have no shame. Hair stuff, cookies, my own stash of cocacola...I DON'T CARE.

You should have said to mom that sis needs to replace your stuff, or you get her allowance cause that is so not right. But you need to go to home depot, get the lock with a KEY not the knob so no one can get it (had to do this cause my nephew saw me pry my door open with a butterknife and then his little butt did the same thing and stole a bunch of candy and put it in his pants and was waddling down the steps :lachen:)

lock your room when you aren't home. don't lose the key though!
Can I be the Voice of Reason and say
Shame on her for envading your space. But this is your sister, and family is more important than products. Prehaps this can be an opportunity to turn this into a positive hair lesson.

She is 14 so a direct confrontation is only going to end in a screaming match.
So put Love First and approach with a plan to help her get her healthy.

I know it's hard, but I had a brother who put material things ahead of me, and it took us years to repair the damage we did to each other.

Oh and if you want her to pay you back, hold something of hers hostage until you get your money!
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Tell me about it. My mother talked about me like a dog when she saw my Denman brush. Then one day I caught her hairs in it. She's in love with that thing. So I brought her, her own so she can use it all she wants.
Wow that's so messed up. I think you handled it well. Luckily I don't have any younger sisters and my older sisters wear weaves. I remember when my younger brother would wear my sneakers when he was like 8/9 I would go give him a good pounding.
Anyways I think lock and key is the answer. But definitely provide them with guidance. If feel your pain.
Ew, your little sister sounds annoying :ohwell:. I have the same problem with my mother who has had the same length of hair for 6 years, 2 inches of dry, damaged natural hair. She has a scalp issue but, that is only on one side of her head. The rest grows in nicely. But, she's constantly "moisturizing" with grease & pomades. She washes her hair like every 2-4 weeks & she won't take any of my tips. Poor mom, she's so beautiful & healthy hair would just compliment her so much more. She should listen to me :grin:.
Can I be the Voice of Reason and say
Shame on her for envading your space. But this is your sister, and family is more important than products. Prehaps this can be an opportunity to turn this into a positive hair lesson.

She is 14 so a direct confrontation is only going to end in a screaming match.
So put Love First and approach with a plan to help her get her healthy.

I know it's hard, but I had a brother who put material things ahead of me, and it took us years to repair the damage we did to each other.

Oh and if you want her to pay you back, hold something of hers hostage until you get your money!

I understand where you are coming from, but I don't agree. It's not like the OP is disowning her sister because she is using her stuff, she is upset (rightfully) because her sister is rudely invading her personal space and possessions. Family is family yes, but family members are also people, and they don't always treat each other right. If she feels the need to protect her stuff from someone who most likely will not respect her need for privacy, then she should.
I know that this is really bad but I would save the bottles that are next to empty rinse them out really good and then put the cheap stuff in it and then hide your good stuff else where. I had to do that with my husband. He is Filipino and Black and always feels the need to wash his hair daily. Before my BC I would wash my hair like every two weeks. I would be pissed each time because I would only have like two drops of shampoo and three of conditioner. So I just did a swap out. I know that it is evil but trust me it works.
I don't know if this has been suggested, but I would get a trunk with a lock and key. All my stuff would be locked up everyday!!!!!!