Yogurt for Straightening/Loosing curl pattern in 4b naturals...

I always figured that the coconut milk and lime mixture worked b/c of the combo of protein and citric acid. I've noticed that citric acid is an ingredient in most smoothing or straightening shampoos and conditioners. The yogurt idea completely fixes the mess issue that I had with coconut milk. It was so hard to get it to stay in my hair and it leaked the whole time I had it in. I've noticed that honey gives me alot of shine and strength so I'll probably mix honey, yogurt, maybe alittle coconut milk and maybe a powdered ingredient - like SAA or silk peptide so I can thicken it up to a mask consistancy. :rolleyes: Another idea I have to store away to try for when my braids come out -- I'm excited! :look:
Yikes, I'm on the other side of the fence on this one...I'm wanting to stay away from this now since I don't want to loose any more curl pattern! This sounds yummy for moisturizing, but if I loose too much curl in the front, it will be straight, and that's not a good look for me!:nono:

But for those who this has worked for, congrats on this discovery!
Yikes, I'm on the other side of the fence on this one...I'm wanting to stay away from this now since I don't want to loose any more curl pattern! This sounds yummy for moisturizing, but if I loose too much curl in the front, it will be straight, and that's not a good look for me!:nono:

But for those who this has worked for, congrats on this discovery!

Yeahhhhh, I was thinking this today as I was checking out my hair in the mirror - it almost looks like I pressed it (just lightly, not bone straight) and I'm wondering if I REAAALLLLLLLYYY need to be using anything else on my curls or jsut sticking to the henna.

Though, maybe I'll just put a lil bit on my ends, and see if I can get them tangle free like the rest of my head...... Hrrrrrmmmmm...... :rolleyes:
Question ladies (i'm all ears on this one, lol). how much milk did you add? and does anyone know how this would work on color treated hair?
Question ladies (i'm all ears on this one, lol). how much milk did you add? and does anyone know how this would work on color treated hair?
Well with mine, I didn't want to make it too runny/watery so I didn't add that much milk to it maybe 2/4th of a cup + the yogurt already has milk in it as well.
I added a couple level tablespoons of yogurt to my conditioner three times three weeks ago and noticed that next Sunday how loose my curl pattern was. I did it three times that first week because I just liked the way my hair felt after the conditioning treatment. I was not looking at all to loosen or relax my curl pattern and was very surprised that this happened, so I started researching this and it is likely the lactic acid action.

My mix also had honey, molasses, whey protein, a tiny bit of coconut oil and coconut milk and my powdered herb mix of strengthening/softening/ moisturizing herbs. My base conditioner was SalonCare honey and almond. I did it three times last week with a splash of buttermilk added (as an experiment) and my curl pattern has loosened about 75-80%. My hair has barely tangled in three weeks and it feels very smooth and retains moisture better. I haven't gotten anymore of those nasty knots on the ends either.

I did not use the yogurt or buttermilk at all this past week and I have wet my hair every night this week either co-washed, shampooed or rinsed and the curl pattern is still the same -- loosened. The "s" shape of the strands are elongated and when I pull my hair back into a bun, my wave pattern is nearly non-existent. I believe it is the lactic acid in the yogurt/buttermilk.

Uuum. You're making me hungry!:lick:

...I've been considering using milk to soften and strengthen. But I like your combination as a conditioner. I am going to have to try that.
Royal Glory: It looks so yummy, I have to stop myself from tasting a bit of it. I was wondering where you were....
Royal Glory: It looks so yummy, I have to stop myself from tasting a bit of it. I was wondering where you were....

I've been swamped with life. (See my mood icon? ) But I'm still taking care of the hair. I needed to get a little inspiration, so I had to jump back in and see what everyone is up too. Good to see you.
I used Whole Milk and Giovanni Direct Leave In. The milk can get messy, dripping and getting all over the counter and floor. I am going to try it with Yogurt, whole milk, and lime juice next time.
I really have to try this! It sounds great! I love natural products for my hair/skin etc.
I have a conditioner I user religiously. It is Retread by Lush and it has yogurt as a main ingredient. I noticed when I use retread it helps my hair become more manageable, it hardly ever tangles and it does have a nice texture to it, but the plain yogurt itself may be just what I need to get my hair a little straighter. :-)
Did anyone use 2% milk or did everyone use whole milk?

I did not use plain milk at all. I only used yogurt, buttermilk and coconut milk, but I believe that my results were from lactic acid and lactic acid is found in sour milk, molasses, various fruits and wine. I had also added molasses to my mixture along with lots of other stuff like honey and whey protein. I was just trying to use up the last of my yogurt and that little bit of molasses sitting at the bottom of the bottle so I could throw away the containers. HOWEVER, again, I got my results first, then I started researching the reasons this (greatly loosened curl pattern) happened although I already knew that all of those things are good for hair.
Has anyone tried this with a coconut milk mixture or has everyone been using regular milk(whole or whatever)?
Has anyone tried this with a coconut milk mixture or has everyone been using regular milk(whole or whatever)?

I tried the coconut milk and that didn't work.
I tried whole milk and it loosed up my curl. I applied enough to fully saturate my hair and left it on for an hour. I believe my curls will revert. It's already starting to go back to being dense and compact. I washed 3 days ago.
My hair has not reverted yet. However, as I said in the first thread, I used the mixture six times over a two week period. I used it so much the first couple of weeks because I just loved the way it made my hair feel. Now I just do it once a week. Between the seven day periods that I do not use the concoction, I wet my hair nightly -- either cowashing, shampooing or just rinsing -- and my hair does not revert in the interim. If I stop doing the yogurt/buttermilk/molasses thing, it will revert. Also, I added banana this last time.
Sorry if this was asked before, but are you ladies using this as a pre-poo or are you applying after you've shampoo'd and then just rinsing out the yogurt, etc?
Sorry if this was asked before, but are you ladies using this as a pre-poo or are you applying after you've shampoo'd and then just rinsing out the yogurt, etc?
I use mine like a deep conditioner

ETA: I did my hair with non fat yogurt and I don't think it worked for me so two days later, last night I tried it again with lowfat yogurt and it worked. I did not put any additional products in my hair and I slept and woke up this morning and my hair is still soft, I ran a comb through it this morning while dry and it was very soft and easy to comb
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I used to do a yogurt and avocado mix as a pre-poo for my hair and it made it very silky and easy to straighten my hair. Maybe it was the yougurt that made that more possible...
Is this a permanant change? I love my 4a-b hair and I don't want to loosen the curl pattern. I have used yogurt before as a protein treatment, but only once or twice. Never again! Thanks for the info ladies, you saved my hair!
Quick question, have any of you ladies used this as a good stretch helper? I'm all about anything to make my stretches go a little better.:grin:
Hi. This is my first post!!!! You guys really intrigued me with this so last night I went to the market and purchased plain yogurt, buttermilk and molasses. Mix was mostly yogurt with a 1/4 cup of buttermilk and about 2 tablespoons of molasses. Everything was the store brand and inexpensive. I'm a 4A/B with my nape and bang area 3B. Since I've never mixed my own products before I was amazed at how nice my hair looks today. My 4B hair is really big fluffy and soft. The other hair has spiraled and stretched. I'm wearing a wash and go and my hair is really stretched out. I'd definitely say it worked for me and I'll try it again. I left this concoction on my hair for 1 hour with a plastic cap and no heat.:yawn:
Hi. This is my first post!!!! You guys really intrigued me with this so last night I went to the market and purchased plain yogurt, buttermilk and molasses. Mix was mostly yogurt with a 1/4 cup of buttermilk and about 2 tablespoons of molasses. Everything was the store brand and inexpensive. I'm a 4A/B with my nape and bang area 3B. Since I've never mixed my own products before I was amazed at how nice my hair looks today. My 4B hair is really big fluffy and soft. The other hair has spiraled and stretched. I'm wearing a wash and go and my hair is really stretched out. I'd definitely say it worked for me and I'll try it again. I left this concoction on my hair for 1 hour with a plastic cap and no heat.:yawn:

Welcome to the board...I am glad this worked for you...