Ya'll Weren't Playing.. V05 Moisture Milk is the ISSSH!!!

I have been using this for years. I have only used the Strawberries 'N Cream, not the other versions. I use it for CW's and as a leave-in afterwards mixed in my hands with a little water (to thin it out) and applied to my hair. Its great, and gotta love that price too.
I have been using this for years. I have only used the Strawberries 'N Cream, not the other versions. I use it for CW's and as a leave-in afterwards mixed in my hands with a little water (to thin it out) and applied to my hair. Its great, and gotta love that price too.

So..So.. True Jewell. Speak the truth!!!:grinwink:
i've been cw with this for the last few weeks, and hair is finally soft afterwards, and i just started using it as a leave in, just a little and i'm loving it:)
I have been using the Strawberries and cream for my co-washes in kinky twists. It works like a charm..my roots are left super soft.
so I finally got this stuff yesterday. They didnt sell it at Traget so I was super bummed out but when I was at the grocery store I decided to check the haircaire aisle on a fluke and I found it. I rollerset my hair on Friday and decided to use the VO5 as a moisturizer and sealed with some Hot Six Oil. I then pincurled my hair. When I took the pins out this morning my hair was soft, moisturized and the curls held the whole day. I was worried that the V05 would cause reversion or frizz but my curls were smooth. So glad that I have found a new moisturizer. I was getting tired of EQP Mango Butter
Yeah, when I over 6 weeks post I used it as a leave in. It makes my NG and hair super soft. You only need a little as well.
That sounds great. I think I'll give that a try!

A great moisture milks recipe was posted on KISS:

50% Water
20% v05 Moisture Milks Conditioner
30% Extra Virgin Olive Oil or any other natural carrier oil.

Shake together and spray on scalp and hair daily and as a leave in. It smells really nice too. I added mine to a color applicator bottle and squeeze and saturate my hair with it after washing and conditioning. I use some of it in and through my hair and scalp daily - I have 6 months of new growth that simply drinks this right up. It really leaves my hair super moisturized.

Aggie, I tried your recipe last night. It was great BTW. Thanks for the advice.
I'll try your recipe. I wasn't too impressed with the V05 when I used it for my cowash, but that may have had more to do with the water than the conditioner.
i love v05 as well :yep:

PERFECT for washing out henna, & dirt cheap.

i also love the V05 White Tea Therapy conditioners. I havent noticed a difference between the Moisture Milk line, Tea Therapy, & Silky Experiences lines, all have great slip & are cone free.

Strawberries make me nauseous though :barf:
i wish they had more scents!
Where have you been girl... VO5 is the best 99 cent investment

This is part of my collection.... I have more... when they go on sale for 79 cents I freak out! I washed my hair with the Strawberries and Cream... girl my hair smells amazing and is super soft, and that shower comb slips right through!
Where have you been girl... VO5 is the best 99 cent investment

This is part of my collection.... I have more... when they go on sale for 79 cents I freak out! I washed my hair with the Strawberries and Cream... girl my hair smells amazing and is super soft, and that shower comb slips right through!

LOL, OMG I'm coming to your house on wash day!
My 3 year old loves it when I put the strawberries and cream conditioner in her hair ! She always reaches up and get a hand full from her hair to smell it and goes "Ahhhhh smells gooood mommy" ! :lachen:I'm going to have to buy her her own stash :look: