Yah, he walked out on her. I would too!


Well-Known Member
"Bob" is a great guy who loved his wife. He worked 2 jobs providing for his wife and 2 kids. The oldest is a son from his wife's previous relationship. This young man is 17 years old.

A neighbor, who was a cop, pulled "Bob" 's coat and let him know that his son was selling drugs out of the house. "Bob" sat down with his wife to discuss how together they would handle the problem. His wife swore "her" son would never do anything like that. The cop was just "out to get her baby". Yah, people came to the house all times of the night..but he was "popular". Yadda, yadda, yadda.

"Bob" confronted the kid on his own. He had him up against a wall with his feet about 2 feet off the floor. The kid cracked and confessed to selling. He showed where he hid the drugs. All this time the mom is jumping up and down screaming and cursing like a mad woman. And she is directing all this anger at "Bob".

She claimed he never loved or wanted "her" son. "Bob" married this woman and cared for the son from the time the boy was 7/8 years old. She felt this was all "Bob" 's fault and she felt " her" son was doing nothing wrong.

She demaned he leave (the house is his-not hers) and never return. He left. And he sends her $1,500.00 every month.

And she cries to everyone who will listen about how he left her.
He needs to use that $1,500 to get himself a divorce lawyer. That woman will be in denial FOREVER.

I wonder how does the son feel about this?
The woman has no sense and we wonder why some boys stay boys when physically and age-wise, they're men. Too many women "loving" their sons and thinking they can do no wrong, even when confronted with proof. I saw this too many times when I taught school.
*blink* Wow. That's - that's motherlove, I guess. Damn shame it doesn't always translate into what is actually best for the child. :ohwell:
dang she's "insane in the membrane" :lachen: i mean sure, it's great that she loves her son that much, but as a mother you need to straighten your son out when you come to find out he's selling drugs. Also, this man really really really loves her and is holding out to hope that she'll take him back. Smh. Love is something else! :yep: she wants to place blame on him so she won't have to blame herself as a possible culprit for he son's indiscretions. This is a mess! Lol
No doubt this attitude of 'her son' having people out to get him has manifested itself at other times too. The boy confessed AND showed where he kept the drugs but this goes to far against the image of her son so she's taking it out on someone who's helped her all these years. Sad.
Unfortunately son will learn nothing and probably end up in jail pretty soon. When he's 18 and a drug dealer, mom will have to face the music one way or another.
Me thinks when her son is locked up, she will go crying, begging Bob to come back. It seems like the kid was breaking mom off with some money.
Too many women "loving" their sons and thinking they can do no wrong, even when confronted with proof. I saw this too many times when I taught school.

This is such a big problem in the black community.

I would get in arguments with my parents about the obvious difference in treatment between me and my brother.
The woman has no sense and we wonder why some boys stay boys when physically and age-wise, they're men. Too many women "loving" their sons and thinking they can do no wrong, even when confronted with proof. I saw this too many times when I taught school.

Bingo! "Mama's boys" grow up to be half-rate men.
Did he take his child with him?

That's what I'm wondering. He needs to get his younger son out of the house where illegal activity is going on. He's got every right to do it, too. No judge would blink an eye at him removing his child from a potentially dangerous situation. His wife can be in denial about the oldest one all day long, but he's got an obligation to his younger son.
That's what I'm wondering. He needs to get his younger son out of the house where illegal activity is going on. He's got every right to do it, too. No judge would blink an eye at him removing his child from a potentially dangerous situation. His wife can be in denial about the oldest one all day long, but he's got an obligation to his younger son.

I doubt he took the youngest son with him. That may be why he is sending money.
Ah yes, the real reason the black community is failing. A lot of activist and speaker say it's society, or single parenthood, or other reasons instead of putting the blame where it belongs. Drugs and our inability to hold these men accountable.

This has happened to so many young boys, who thanks to a bunch of nonsense, have rejected education and work as viable options. The world is out to get them, they cry. Their mothers and then future SO believe them and coddle them. Then they ignore the signs when confronted. By the time they learn the truth, it's too late.

This mother's life is going to be destroyed if she doesn't simply throw him out. If the police know that drugs are being dealt, and have told the father and even her, SHE could be convicted of a crime. It's having a drug house. Ordinary people watch their lives go up in smoke because their around the wrong people. She could lose her job, house, kids, and future because she wants to coddle a degenerate. She should be so lucky that her SO wanted to protect her from all this. Thankfully, when she does get charged with this their child can live with her SO instead of languishing in poverty. Perhaps she'll learn after having her life destroyed by this idiot, how stupid it was to baby him in the first place.
Sorry to be late responding. Been having router problems.

I agree with your comments on so many levels. I am like--kick her buns-along with her son to the curb getting them out of your house and move back in with your kid. Oh, and to divorce court we go.

But we all know everyone does things in their own time. But his hang buddies have a plan and have started on it.

Next Saturday will not be the same guys night out. Not by a long shot. They will be having dinner at one of the guy's house. The Fab Five hang out 1 Saturday a month.

They have researched and come up with a list of:

3 local divorce lawyers (fees, experience, track records, etc.)

State regulations concerning child support (hey, they have a kid together)

A listing of friends, family and neighbors who are willing to step in and up on any level needed (including the cop who pulled his coat)

One of the guys will be with him during his attorney visits-with a backup in case he can't be with him

He's got good male friends. I had approached my SO about doing this kind of thing for him and he told me they had already taken care of it. Then he told me the above things.

Keep your fingers crossed, ladies.
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I'm so glad his friends are going to convince him to take action! Maybe this will give him the wake up call he needs!
Is he going to seek custody of his child?

Yes, this is the most important issue to me. Let his wife be in denial all she wants and he has every right to not want to be in that situation. But I don't applaud him at all if he bails and leaves his kid there in a now broken home with a criminal activity presence. In that case, he's being selfish and short sighted IMO.