Wow did you add some hair?


Well-Known Member
First let me say I have the best boss in the world. But I think I threw him off today. Yesterday I washed my hair, blowdried it and put it in braids. My plan was to wear a braid out this am but I was having technical difficulties with the Supremes and forgot. So I got to work and the lady from HR came in my office and said, ooh I like your braids and asked to touch it. :look: I thought braids, and then realized I was wearing all of these crazy parted, different thickness braids all over my head. :lol: So I ran into the bathroom, took them apart with my fingers and left the back out and pulled the top into a loose ponytail. Well my boss just walked past and asked, "wow did you add some hair?" I laughed and explained it to him. He said, "wow that's kind of neat." I rarely wear my hair out and this braid out is looser and longer than usual because my hair is blowdried. Anyway just wanted to share a hair story and I already know and will take and post pics when I get home. So no thisthreadisworthlesswithoutpics smileys!!! Q
**Que** I can only imagine the "BAM" surprise. Don't you get your hair caught in the car door and ish? :rolleyes:

:lachen: at you going to work "half-baked". I feel better now for the few times I've gone with eyebrows not done right. (Like when I picked purple lip pencil instead of brown. :p)

(Love your reference "The Supremes", BTW. How cute!)

OK, it's been a while since you posted this. Are you almost home to take the pics?
I am mad that you forgot to take braids out.... LMAO... I wanna see pics...
Girl thankfully they were neat but still. Q

:lachen: We want a good picture not a cell phone picture.
Thanks for having my back d. Q

**Que** I can only imagine the "BAM" surprise. Don't you get your hair caught in the car door and ish? :rolleyes:

:lachen: at you going to work "half-baked". I feel better now for the few times I've gone with eyebrows not done right. (Like when I picked purple lip pencil instead of brown. :p)

(Love your reference "The Supremes", BTW. How cute!)

OK, it's been a while since you posted this. Are you almost home to take the pics?
Girl you know I got my puff caught in my door once already. I was cute from the neck down though. I got my crisp white shirt, green pants, boots and bag to match. I even put on earrings and still didn't notice. Yeah I call them the Supremes, Triplets, the Dreams all that. :lol: Q

Waiting patiently for you to get off work :popcorn:
:rolleyes: It is only 12:43 pm here. I am trying to see if I can borrow the company camera. :sekret: Q
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Girl thankfully they were neat but still. Q

Thanks for having my back d. Q

Girl I got my puff caught in my door once already. I was cute from the neck down though. I got my crisp white shirt, green pants, boots and bag to match. I even put on earrings and still didn't notice. Yeah I call them the Supremes, Triplets, the Dreams all that. :lol: Q

:rolleyes: It is only 12:43 pm here. I am trying to see if I can borrow the company camera. :sekret: Q

I got your back Q!
Just feel like a kid at Christmas!:grin:
First let me say I have the best boss in the world. But I think I threw him off today. Yesterday I washed my hair, blowdried it and put it in braids. My plan was to wear a braid out this am but I was having technical difficulties with the Supremes and forgot. So I got to work and the lady from HR came in my office and said, ooh I like your braids and asked to touch it. :look: I thought braids, and then realized I was wearing all of these crazy parted, different thickness braids all over my head. :lol: So I ran into the bathroom, took them apart with my fingers and left the back out and pulled the top into a loose ponytail. Well my boss just walked past and asked, "wow did you add some hair?" I laughed and explained it to him. He said, "wow that's kind of neat." I rarely wear my hair out and this braid out is looser and longer than usual because my hair is blowdried. Anyway just wanted to share a hair story and I already know and will take and post pics when I get home. So no thisthreadisworthlesswithoutpics smileys!!! Q

And I was just gonna go there till I saw this! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Too cute...look forward to seeing the pictures!

Today, my best friend out of state saw a recent picture of me and asked if my hair was all mine...LOL. She always had long hair but homegirl asked me for some tips....I was quite flatter!
I can only imagine how nice your braidout looked! I've been thinking about trying one on blowdried hair, so I can't WAIT to see your pics. This is pure torture, waiting 'til you get home!:popcorn:
I'm glad you added that part at the end, because I was about to let you have it!:lachen:

I can't wait to see the pics. Your hair makes me drool.:lick: