WOW...A Black Hair COMPLIMENT!!!

RelaxerRehab said:
Just wanted to add to the Curly Girl part of this convo is that there's a book called "Curly Girl" that explains the concept....

I've read about how people have adjusted the technique to work for their hair...and that's cool.... I'm still trying to perfect the routine for my hair but the idea/logic of it makes sense to me....

In case you don't want to invest in purchasing the book, I was able to borrow the book from my local library to learn about the routine.

Yeah, I purchased the book, you can also hit up the B&N, have a latte from the cafe and take a quick read through it while you are there instead of buying it and get the necessary points to take away. If you are into mixing up the homemade recipies in the book, then you may want to purchase it.
this thread is inspiring. OP your hair is beautiful. actually similar to mine but more even (yes jealous)

has me wanting to get some curly pudding :perplexed i am jus scared of the pricetag.

i got a complment on my hair today and it does help every now and then when someone lets you know your natural style is nice, you dont have to have that straight boring hair all the time to look good :)

thanks girls.
great post....and the girl was very right. we have some of the most versatile hair of anyone in the world.
amr501 said:
This is exactly the reason that I'm transitioning......I just finally came to the realization that there is no need to keep putting relaxers in my hair anymore. I was just doing it out of habit and my hair has been suffering in the meantime. I miss my thick, natural hair- it had so much more character and potential!

I'm natural, but I've been thinking about a relaxer for a while and even more so lately. I flat ironed my hair on a whim Thursday night and it came out great, but I'm no longer impressed. I look so much better with my natural hair texture. Since its straight and easier to see my ends, I went on ahead and got some more cut, but I think I finally cured myself of relaxer lust.
I wore my hair in an afro today, big hair, with hooped earings.

I got so many compliments, I was just gleaming.

Some guy told me it looked jiggy... LMAO I needed a clarification with that one, lol, English slang... So lost..

I feel so much more comfortable with my hair lately. I don't even want to go back to kinky twists.
Great post. :D

Ya, I've heard several non-black people compliment the versatility of black hair. It is true, if you take a random selection of black women, you will find yourself with a variety of hair types, textures and styles.

I think the primary reason anyone who is non-black would have any grounds for a negative comment/belief about black hair is that they hear us complain about it so much or they otherwise witness our own aversion for our natural texture and styles. If we don't appreciate/like our own hair and always complain about how unruly and horrible it is, how can we expect others to see the good qualities in it?
MsNadi said:
So I've been wearing the curly girl routine (thanks to so1913 - girl, I will not stop shouting you out on this one) for about a month now. Prior to that I was a DIE HARD blow dryer - not because I didn't WANT the curls, but because I didn't know of anything that could make my hair hold the curls, without shrinking up Albert-Einstein-Style and without making it helmet-hard. :::Curly Pudding and Fantasia IC Gel plug:::

Anyhow - I was talking to one of my co-workers (not a sister) about beauty and whatnot. And she started asking me about my hair. And I started explaining on a simple level - ya know

"I used to blow dry my hair, now I don't, I just put some of this and some of that." "No I didn't cut it, this is what we call "shrinkage". "Yes this is natural". "No I can't do it on your hair". "Yea it still gets big and out of control once in a while". "Yes, sometimes I do contemplate shaving my head (just kidding!)".

And she stops, and she thinks...and she says:

You black girls are lucky. You can do it all. You can wear it thick. You can wear it curly. You can straighten it out. You can pull it back. You can wear braids and those twisty things (twists) and even dreadlocks, and still look good. All I can do is wear it straight or in a ponytail. It's so boring. Your hair is interesting.

And maybe, she's right.

Maybe we need to stop thinking what's wrong with out hair and start thining about what's right about it. We're all getting better about this (hey, thats why we came to LHCF, right)...but I wish there was a way we could take our new-found-glory out on the streets.

Haha...I guess I just wish I could share some of what I learned on here - with some of the younger folks who are screwing up their hair (like I did) trying to be cute - not realizing there are other options, that you will LOVE (and the boys will like). :)

And this is about ALL black hair - relaxed, texturized, texlaxed and natural.
We get alot of those compliments over here, thank God :d
Great story. Thank you so much for sharing. I love my natural hair even though we were battling for a few days this week. I liked my relax hair( i needed a change that's why i cut it all off).
A white guy that works in my office is always on the lookout for a style change and makes sure he lets me know that he likes it every chance he gets, he definitely appreciates the versatality of my hair.

It's a nice boost to know that someone out there recognizes the true beauty of our hair!!!
Thanks for the post! That is really an eye opener and tells me that I need to be grateful for what I was given.

BTW, can I be down with this Curly Girl routine! Hook a sistah up!