

Well-Known Member
Today I was walking with a staff member and he is a white man. Lately I have been straightening my natural hair temporarily with my Maxiglide. Today he turned to me and said "Whatever happened to your curly hair?" He said he liked it big and curly and ever since I became Director me wearing my hair straight made me "blend in". He said he liked my big curly hair.

I thought that was so nice of him. Funny, b/c all of the black people who saw me today at our quarterly company meeting complimented me on the straight hair. Go figure.
CurleeDST said:
Today I was walking with a staff member and he is a white man. Lately I have been straightening my natural hair temporarily with my Maxiglide. Today he turned to me and said "Whatever happened to your curly hair?" He said he liked it big and curly and ever since I became Director me wearing my hair straight made me "blend in". He said he liked my big curly hair.

I thought that was so nice of him. Funny, b/c all of the black people who saw me today at our quarterly company meeting complimented me on the straight hair. Go figure.
This is something I've noticed, white men in particular love black women wearing their hair either in natural or natural-looking styles and are drawn to them. They love our natural texture. It could be because it's different than their own.
It was surprising to me b/c he was like "all of the male directors have the same boring conservative haircut". So he was like "I like your big curly hair it changes things up a bit". Just funny to me b/c there is this older white woman who is a Sr. Dir. who constantly compliments me when I wear my hair naturally kinky/curly. She says she loves my hair and the fullness of it.

I once had a white boy tell me if he had hair like me he would have it loc'd. I believe him. LOL...funniest part he is REPUBLICAN! Not your typical one though. Very interesting.

So for those young ladies going natural who WORRY about da' man or anyone having problems with the natural hair - it is a figment of your imagination. If they do not hire you being discriminatory it is MORE b/c of your skin - NOT YOUR HAIR that turns them off so do YOU......thank God for how he made you naturally and SPORT IT!
What a wonderful compliment. Whenever I go to the spa (once per year) my caucasian facialist loves to massage my head with scented oils. She just loves my curly-locks. :)
And I say all this to say - it is about time we AAs start to embrace our own uniqueness in all its glory. It was so backwards to hear someone with straight hair compliment my curls and people with naturally curly hair/kinks give compliments on my straightened hair.

Now the sister with locs who saw me didn't even recognize me with the straight hair but I assured her it was ALL TEMPORARY!! LOL!! She blew a sigh of relief. LOL! Gotta love it.
CurleeDST said:
Go figure.

Yeah girl go figure ;)

This is something I've noticed, white men in particular love black women wearing their hair either in natural or natural-looking styles and are drawn to them. They love our natural texture. It could be because it's different than their own.

I think this goes for white people in general, I've received more compliments from both white men and women with similar styles.

But then again I've also gotten some compliments from white folks when its straight too. It all depends.
I agree that while folks don'e necessarily hate on our hair as much as we do. There are a lot of natural black women with white men, so they could definitely be drawn to the hair.
I'm sure that was a shock, and very nice of him to say too!

The day after I did my flat twistout, I pulled it into a high ponytail and put a cute scarf on it. I drove through the drive through at a fast food place and there were two white girls there. One had straight hair and the other one had naturally curly hair. The one with the naturally curly hair just burst into this big grin when I pulled up and told the other girl "ooh, look at her hair, it is sooo pretty!!" I was kind of shocked, but thought it was nice of her and thought the same thing you thougt. I guess we are the ones that have the real issues with our own hair texture.
Isis said:
This is something I've noticed, white men in particular love black women wearing their hair either in natural or natural-looking styles and are drawn to them. They love our natural texture. It could be because it's different than their own.

I thought this was all in my head...
I've been given the same compliment from many white men when I wear my hair curly. Last November, I got a relaxer and one of my white coworkers was so upset. He said he didn't notice me and that he really likes my hair better when it's curly and that it's cuter. Now when he sees my hair down and curly he always begs me to let him touch one curl. He also loves my protective styles.

When my hair is down and straight, black men all of a sudden notice me and are all in my face like they have never seen me before. (I'm like, you walk right pass me everyday and don't even speak when I'm wearing a bun or curls, but now you want to talk to me like we're good friends.
I would not get upset if black men noticed me with straight hair b/c they do tend to pay attention more, but also accept that as a compliment.

It is just an odd phenomenon to me though.

Galleta said:
I've been given the same compliment from many white men when I wear my hair curly. Last November, I got a relaxer and one of my white coworkers was so upset. He said he didn't notice me and that he really likes my hair better when it's curly and that it's cuter. Now when he sees my hair down and curly he always begs me to let him touch one curl. He also loves my protective styles.

When my hair is down and straight, black men all of a sudden notice me and are all in my face like they have never seen me before. (I'm like, you walk right pass me everyday and don't even speak when I'm wearing a bun or curls, but now you want to talk to me like we're good friends.
I twisted my hair up yesterday in 2-strand twists and pulled it up in a clip to keep it off my neck and face and I got SOOOO many compliments from co-workers made me almost think - "dang what did my hair look like before".

I literally received about 10 compliments from men and women alike who said my hair looked very pretty, cool hair, love the twists, and nice hair.

Unfortunately, I didn't receive any compliments from my AA peers.
CurleeDST said:
Unfortunately, I didn't receive any compliments from my AA peers.

That's really great that you've been getting hair compliments! Get em girl! Unfortunately I know what you mean. I've noticed sometimes AA are quick to criticize and pick out the negative. Not trying to start a debate here, but it's just something that I've observed. Maybe all the AA at your job were in awe and didn't have the balls to give credit where it's due.
Thanks! I mean honestly, I was surprised by the # of compliments I received yesterday. Well I guess it doesn't hurt I felt I looked cute yesterday. LOL!! Jes kidding.

Men normally don't notice much but I turned a few heads yesterday - I still got it! Ha!

shellzfoshizzle said:
That's really great that you've been getting hair compliments! Get em girl! Unfortunately I know what you mean. I've noticed sometimes AA are quick to criticize and pick out the negative. Not trying to start a debate here, but it's just something that I've observed. Maybe all the AA at your job were in awe and didn't have the balls to give credit where it's due.
Nice compliment.

It's an interesting phenomenon. I went to a "club" for the first time since I've been transitioning. It was interesting to just sit back and peep the long haired relaxed girls, the naturals, the braided beauties, etc. I will say that over the course of the evening, naturals got plenty of attention from the brothers, as did any beautiful woman. So much more is about your confidence level and how much of your personality shows through (slamming body and great outfit doesn't hurt). :)

Two funny things: I was in the bathroom, and complimented a woman on her two strand twist style. She thanked me because she said she had a bad hair day that day. I told her when you're transitioning, everyday is a bad hair day and she just cracked up. :lol:

I had to wear my hair in my ever present bun (no time to style in a braidout). My hair gets pretty curly kinky looking if I choose to define the curls. Guy friend who was with our group at the end of the evening--"wow, you sweated out your perm, huh?":lachen:
CurleeDST said:
And I say all this to say - it is about time we AAs start to embrace our own uniqueness in all its glory. It was so backwards to hear someone with straight hair compliment my curls and people with naturally curly hair/kinks give compliments on my straightened hair.

:clap: With few exceptions, it is black people who have a problem with our natural hair. A lot of white people don't understand why we put such effort into straightening our hair.