Would You Want To Know If Your Boyfriend *might* Have A Child?...


Well-Known Member
... or not until he finds out for sure?

No shady circumstances. This was before y'all met or dated. A woman from his past.

He had no idea she was pregnant. They have not kept in touch.

She reached out to him and said he may be the father.

He is your boyfriend, not husband or fiance.

Would you want to know when he knew the possibility or only want to know if he finds out he is the father?

So if he's not you would have never known about any of it at all.

ETA: The baby is already born.
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I would want to know if he is and if he plans to be in the child's life. Yes - when I was dating I was lightweight looking for my future husband. If a man was bringing a potential baby-mama into our future.... I wanted to know.
Why you claiming someone fresh out of another relationship? If he still got her stink on him then he just someone you're dating.

I would want to know so he can be moved from candidate to "movies dont pay for themselves" list. If Maury clears him then after another 90 day period he might move back to candidate status. But while he's waiting I'll be dating anyone else.
I don't like surprises or secrets so I would need to know potentially life altering information as soon as it was made known. In my older age, children were not a dealbreaker but the ages of those children could be. Kids that would be out of the house in a few years was tolerable. Brand new a-- babies - :nono:
Why you claiming someone fresh out of another relationship? If he still got her stink on him then he just someone you're dating.

I would want to know so he can be moved from candidate to "movies dont pay for themselves" list. If Maury clears him then after another 90 day period he might move back to candidate status. But while he's waiting I'll be dating anyone else.

OP, I'd wanna know even if he turns out NOT to be the daddy.

OP, I'd wanna know even if he turns out NOT to be the daddy.

Women kill me. Three dates and one session of coloring and they changing statuses on Fb. Meanwhile his last chick hasn't missed her last period yet.

Slow down.

Now if this was his HS or college gf that popped up because Maury told her that Ray John was NOT the father that requires a whole different response. But an infant in need of diapers? Nah, take your drama elsewhere. You can call to touch base when next blockbuster movie comes out .
I could be wrong, but from the OP it sounds like the child could be years old, a teenager even, not necessarily a newborn.

I would want to know every step of the way.
*Not to be confused with holding your hand while you getting swabbed.

Of course. If we were to get married there would be visitation, custody issues...child support. And if the kid is a certain age it can be very expensive. CA will collect back child support plus interest.