How Do You Feel About Younger Men???

Kachi My birthday is August 19th...lovely leo lol...I look way younger than my age. I am use to it though. But although I do, I think men pick up that I am just little when out and about, probably bc I am by
Nope not for me. I like being the younger one in the relationship even if it's only by two or three years.

I've turned down relationships with younger guys...Surprisingly, they had no issue with me being 40+....I would use my age as a deterrent and they'd come even harder.
Thanks for all of the responses ladies. As for the comment about women not aging well, women in my family age VERY well, so I'm not concerned about keeping a younger man interested. At my age, I am looking for someone that is marriage minded so I tend to date guys in their 30s.

That said, I know quite a few people that have successful marriages with younger men. In fact, there are quite a few examples in my own family. 3 years younger is not a big deal, but 5+ is a lot.

For those of you that are only focused on older men, age does not imply maturity. I know plenty of older men that are immature as hayel! I try to evaluate each man on a case-by-case basis. Everyone is truly different.

As for this younger man, I'll just see what happens. Thanks for chiming in!

Agrees with the bolded. I think I'm doing quite nicely myself for going on 43. They still come at me thinking I'm much younger.
I naturally gravitate towards older men (early- mid 40s). My experiences with guys younger than me or even my age (33) have not been great, so they're usually not even on my radar. Plus I don't frequent any places that younger men would hang out, I prefer an older crowd. Less drama.

I'm not opposed to it, but he'd have to be really, really mature.
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Yes!!! The guy that I'm dating is 8 years younger than me. When I was trying to make a decision about dating him he said "What can a man your age do for you that I can't?" Honey, nothing. He is mature and we get along great. It helps that I don't look my age. As long as he is mature and you two get along. Forget what people will say. They will talk about you but be somewhere wishing they had what you got.
Hmm...I definitely didn't say that applied to EVERYONE. I actually cited an example of a friend who didn't fit that mold in the paragraph prior to that comment. I guess you didn't read that part.

Excuse me? I'm 46. When I was 30, I was still looking like I was in my VERY EARLY 20's. So that's not true for EVERYBODY.
Weird but I have always loved younger guys. When I was 17 I was dating a 15 year old. 98% of the men I dated were anywhere from 2-8 years younger. Hubby is 4 years younger:lick: Yes mam!
I've dated younger men no more than 5 years younger than me. I look up to 10 years younger than my age so people are always shocked when I tell them how old I am. Although I have dated younger men I now prefer an older man. I am soo attracted to these salt and pepper bearded guys now. Something about an older man is so sexy and appealing. And of course they are more relationship oriented.
I dated a guy 8 years younger than me last year. It was one of the best experiences I've had...until it ended. That was horrible. But it wasn't his age that contributed to the end, it was cowardice. And the secks was goooooodt :blondboob:

I'm attracting A LOT of younger men lately, 6-9 years my junior. When we discuss our ages they all say they thought I was their age. They seem to have less bitterness/baggage compared to men I meet who are my age or older, the only challenge is being on the same page. I'm ready for marriage and babies.
I tried a few young ones. I guess the ones I get are all immature :lachen:I'll stick to my age range, even though the older guys always seem to like me. I'm talking about 10-30 years older.
I noticed in the last couple of years I m attracting guys 10-15 years younger than me . I m 34 but I look about 27. I don't think I would take them seriously but for a bit of fun why not ! (No fun allowed for me though lol)
Same developmental stage or age bracket/range is fine with me. This is the first time in my adult age that I've dated a younger guy and it's fine so far (6 years).

No so good for baby planning...
Yes!!! The guy that I'm dating is 8 years younger than me. When I was trying to make a decision about dating him he said "What can a man your age do for you that I can't?" Honey, nothing. He is mature and we get along great. It helps that I don't look my age. As long as he is mature and you two get along. Forget what people will say. They will talk about you but be somewhere wishing they had what you got.

I used to complain that the only men giving me any attention were either much older or much younger than me. I would always date the older ones and not the younger ones because I felt it just is not "right".
After a lackluster and disappointing dating life

I decided to date the man and not the age. Best decision ever.

I have the most amazing, gorgeous. loving bf I could have imagined who happens to be 14 years younger than me.
Newly single and seeing someone only 4 years younger. He's an Alpha Male so he is in control there is no mistaken him as a kiddo or anything.