Would you have a Serious Relationship with a younger man?


New Member
I've only been in relationships with older men, (between 5-10 yrs older), but there is a guy that has been interested in me for about 2 yrs now, he seems like a nice guy and he's goal oriented, so I'm thinking about going out with him, but sometimes when I speak to him I can't help but think..."He's Young"; only 2 1/2 yrs younger than me, but since I'm used to dating older guys, it's more obvious to me.

When I asked my mom if she would be with a younger man, she said "of course!!...but not if I was your age". When I asked why, she told me that most young men cannot provide stability. I also asked some of my friends and co-workers the same question and received similar responses.
Some said they would Date a younger man, but wouldn't invest the time to be in a Serious Relationship with one.

Sooo, To Be or Not To Be...with a Younger Man???

BTW, I think this would be a nice poll question, but I'm not sure how to post it as one, if someone can help me, it would be appreciated :)
Don't sleep! Give him serious consideration. My mom and my aunt laughed at them young boys that wanted to marry them (when they were young mothers) and now those men are balling.

My girl just got engaged to a dude that's ten years younger.

Do you, just don't let something as arbitrary as a number be the primary consideration.


Hell yeah!!! I would grab my coat, wig n hat and go for it.....if anything, he can be your new "bust-it baby." I bet you won't be looking at his age when he's layin it down right and blowin ur back out:lachen:

life is to short...g'hed and indulge urself....who knows...​
If the younger man wasn't acting crazy and was mature for his age then yeah I'd consider something serious. But if he was still young and immature acting no way
My ex-dh was a year younger than me. I've dated maybe one other guy that was younger but it was only by a year.

I'm not going to rule it out completely but my preference is for an older man. I'm talking 5-15 years older.
YES! I wish I could date some younger men (not talking real young, but 2-3 years younger than me)... I'm about tired of these dudes 5-10 years older and all their baggage!

Give me someone fresh, thank you! :)
I dated a guy 5 years younger than me. He was a great guy but he was ultimately sprung while I was bored and uninspired.
I normally date guys younger than me. It can be hard because they may not be in the same place you are, but to me thats just the person not their age. I say don't rule out the possibilities.
To me 2 1/2 years is not even enough of a difference to talk about.

Now if your 20 and he's 17 1/2 Ok, but if he's 23 and your 25 or your 30 and 28..what's the difference?

You're the same generation probably like the same music and everything else. He's been feeling you for over 2 years, he's a nice guy, goal oriented what else do we need?

You're thinking of dating him not getting married at least for now . Girl , go for it!!

Not talking about you OP cause I don't know you but that's why so many women don't have a man cause we exclude the good ones for petty reasons. My DH is younger than me by a few years more and if I had passed on that I would be a sorry something.
It depends on the man, but girl yes! I used to be apprehensive just like you, but I'm currently in the best relationship of my LIFE with a man thats 1 1/2 years younger than me. I used to date men that were 5-7 years older, but they usually had baggage by then (baby momma drama, ex-wives, couple kids, etc....) and I dont have time.

Do it! He may surpise you.
Dating one now who is 17 months younger. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it is!
If I can get past his immature obsession with pledging (he's a neo), and concentrate on his maturity, it might work out.

Plus, he's MOLDABLE. Hello!
Dating one now who is 17 months younger. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it is!
If I can get past his immature obsession with pledging (he's a neo), and concentrate on his maturity, it might work out.

Plus, he's MOLDABLE. Hello!

I heard that!!!
I dated a guy 5 years younger than me. He was a great guy but he was ultimately sprung while I was bored and uninspired.

That's what I'm afraid of. My attention spand is short enough as it is, I can't be with someone who is unable to challange me on multiple levels.

But my mom has always told me "It's always best to be with a man who cares about you more than you care about him". He will work harder to show you that he is the man for you. Now, I would not want a man with no back bone, but the potential for him becoming "sprung" does not bother me.

Idk, Older men tend to have more baggage, but they also tend to know what they want in life, if they are looking for a fling, to date casually, or a serious relationship, it's more likely for an older man to be upfront with you, where as a younger man may try to play games and get over. **Of course there are exceptions to this rule.**

Younger men are not as stuck in their ways...like Lover of Life said, they're "MOLDABLE". :lachen:
My wonderful hubby is 7 years younger than I am. The age factor never comes up.

:wave: Hi Coffee!

Same here. My SO is 44, I'm 51 (as of yesterday :grin:). I'm teaching him to be the man of my dreams and he is an able and willing student :lachen:!

Age (in most cases) is just a number...:yep:
My husband is 10 years younger than me. I'm in my 30's and he is in his early 20's. He knew he wanted to marry me when he was 17 years old. I'm so glad that I made the decision to take that chance because it is the best and most fulfilling relationship that I ever had.
My husband is 10 years younger than me. I'm in my 30's and he is in his early 20's. He knew he wanted to marry me when he was 17 years old. I'm so glad that I made the decision to take that chance because it is the best and most fulfilling relationship that I ever had.

That's wonderful. It's extremely rare that you meet a man in his early twenties who is ready to commit to and accept the responsibilty of marriage. Congrats to you and your husband. God Bless.
If I were single now, I would try to date a man from around 32-33 and up to my age (38).
I don't ever want to date some old 45+ divorcee with 3 naughty kids and a wicked ex-wife :nono: :lachen:
My husband is 10 years younger than me. I'm in my 30's and he is in his early 20's. He knew he wanted to marry me when he was 17 years old. I'm so glad that I made the decision to take that chance because it is the best and most fulfilling relationship that I ever had.

Girl... I envy that.

I LOVE younger men seriously... even though I never end up with any, I really likes 'em in their early-mid 20s. :)
Dating one now who is 17 months younger. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it is!
If I can get past his immature obsession with pledging (he's a neo), and concentrate on his maturity, it might work out.

Plus, he's MOLDABLE. Hello!

Let me hip y'all to something if you don't know already.

Immaturity is not defined by age. I know 40-something ,50-something year old and in some cases 60 and 70 something year old men that are just as stupid as the day is long :nono: . Immature, set in their ways, expect a woman to work a FT job , take care of the kids alone, cook and clean (sex!!) and still look like Beyonce.

Give the man a chance to show you what he's about.
My husband is 10 years younger than me. I'm in my 30's and he is in his early 20's. He knew he wanted to marry me when he was 17 years old. I'm so glad that I made the decision to take that chance because it is the best and most fulfilling relationship that I ever had.

Sorry , I didn't multi-quote.

This is almost my difference it's 9 years, WOW :ohwell: :look: !! I never said that before cause people are so quick to judge. I married my DH when he was in his early 20's & I was in my early 30's.

That sounds like a very interesting story. I wish you would tell.
Sheeeit...heck yes! Age is just a number; plus I can suck his essence to stay young..lol...please don't read too much into that comment

As long as they are legal; from Chris Brown on up baby..
Well, it depends. I'm 30 right now, and I certainly wouldn't date a guy that's 25 or younger; if I was single. :nono: But if I was 45 or so, I wouldn't mind dating a guy 35 or older...again...if I was single. :lachen:
Some young men too me I would draw the line at the age of 25 no younger than that. I have 21 year olds hit on me all the time LOL! However, I prefer a man who is 10-15 years older than I =)
Sheeeit...heck yes! Age is just a number; plus I can suck his essence to stay young..lol...please don't read too much into that comment.....You soooooo set urself up with that comment, lol

As long as they are legal; from Chris Brown on up baby..

Let me hip y'all to something if you don't know already.

Immaturity is not defined by age. I know 40-something ,50-something year old and in some cases 60 and 70 something year old men that are just as stupid as the day is long :nono: . Immature, set in their ways, expect a woman to work a FT job , take care of the kids alone, cook and clean (sex!!) and still look like Beyonce.

Give the man a chance to show you what he's about.

That's what I'm saying!

If a younger man is somewhat immature, that's excuseable somewhat cause he's young.

But seeing that I'm meeting so many immature older men, then why am I discriminating against the young' uns? ;)
Why not? It depends on the characteristics of the particular man - integrity, maturity, ambition, intelligence, the ability to laugh, a good heart.

My sister is married to a very stable man 6 years her junior. (He's just past his mid-20s)

The only thing for me is that I'm more likely to be *attracted* to a man if he's lived a little, has a little experience and sophistication. But I definitely wouldn't discriminate against a good man because he was a few years younger than me.
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