Would you EVER put RELAXERS on your daughter's hair???

When one day if I had a daughter I would NEVER put RELAXERS on my daughter's hair EVER EVER EVER!!!!! :nono: I don't want my daughter through this same problems that I had been through the hard time growing my hair when I was a child I was forced to have a full PERM in my whole head because my mother couldn't handle my natural hair, it used to be long I was like what happened? And PLUS would never put my daughter in the hairdresser either. :nono:

I vowed not ever put it on my own daughter's head until the age of 18! I would hide all of my head applicants somewhere so my daughter couldn't use it to mess her hair. What about you?

No matter how my daughter begs me for relaxers for years because I know she would thank me for saving her hair ONE day!
I would not put it my my daughter's hair, But that means that I really have to put in the time to do her hair. When she is older, like late teens, if she requests it, then sure

BTW, an LHCF member who perms their daughters hair, will be armed with all the info here to do it the right way and not damage her daughters hair IMO
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My children are not getting relaxers. If they wanna get them when they get older AND prove that they can take care of it then it'll happen.
I hope that if/when I decide to have children
relaxers are a thing of the past...

I will FORBID relaxers not just until she/they are 18, but FOREVER!!!

Relaxers will be on par with tattoos, crazy piercings, and unwed pregnancy...
ok maybe not that extreme but I think you get it...

Actually I won't even talk about relaxers... they won't even know what it is...
and hopefully they will be surrounded by positive curly haired female role
models that teach and inspire them to love their natural hair.
I hear you ST, My daughter said she didn't like it, so she is just growing her hair out, I didn't force it upon her, I guess she wanted to see what it was about, she is 13 so, I gave in, and she don't like it and prefers her Natural Hair. so that is what we are doing. It stayed on 10 minutes or less and she was like "Get this out my hair" LOL!!! So she is Transitioning!
I wouldn't, just because I think it would be nice to give her the option of keeping her natural hair (without having to BC) or relaxing it herself when she got older. I don't think I'd make her wait past junior high, though, if she did want to.

I think that more than anything I would want her to accept herself purely as she is (kinky hair included) and would just want to make sure that she wasn't doing it just to fit in or for some other reason.

I do agree though that someone who knows how to take care of relaxed hair will do well by her daughter, relaxed or not.
When she hits 14, then sure, why not? As long as she can take care of it. That will be my priority no matter relaxed or natural. I've had one since i was 14 and i dont' regret it and neither does my mom.

There is nothing wrong with relaxers so long as you can take of it. ;)
I'll raise my daughter(s) natural but if they later decide to relax at least they'll know what their natural hair was like. If she is under my roof (age 13- 18) I'll allow her to do so if she can demonstrate that she understands the care that relaxed hair requires because I definitely don't want her crying or complaining later if it doesn't turn out how she thought it would.
i dont have any kids lol but i would let her make that decision when she is old enough. my mom relaxed my hair when i was 4 and i was recently natural for 3 years then relaxed again but this time it was MY decision
I would let her make the decision when she is old enough to manage/care for her own hair.

As long as I'm caring for her hair, and as long as I can manage it with some ease, she'll stay natural. If it gets to be too stressful for us, then we may consider texlaxing/relaxing.

I can't understand enforcing a(n) opinion/decision/lifestyle upon a kid based upon your misfortune. That's like keepin ya kid in the house all summer cuz YO momma didn't know about sunblock.
My daughter told me, Relaxing take up too much of her time LOL!! She would rather Co-wash & deep Treat than Relax, she was like I tried it & I don't like it, I was like Okay. I think her friends who's hair has all thinned and broke off scared her. because no one takes care of their hair, her good friend hair hasn't grown in 2 years, it seems as soon as it grows, it breaks, and she has a Sister who braids hair, and her Mama just went Natural.
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I have two daughters - 19 and 10
Both are natural (3B/C). They know that to get straight hair all they need is a flatiron. Its not even an option, they know I'd beat them LOL
Not a mommy..but Ima still answer!:grin:

I wouldn't relax my daughters hair until she was well into highschool. So like her junior or senior year. This is because I know what I went through...getting relaxers early on, and not being that interested in taking care of my hair. I think when she gets a bit older, she'll be able to appreciate it more and take care of it accordingly.:yep:

***Plus, she might have a job by then...and she can buy her own hair stuff and pay for her own hair appointments!:lachen:***
If I ever have a daughter she will not be getting a relaxer - there's no need.

My hair was relaxed when I was about 8, then I transitioned shortly after. I relaxed again some years later, transitioned again and I've recently transitioned for the third time. Relaxers are too damaging for my hair and I just wouldn't want to use chemicals on my daughter's hair when the straight look can be acheived easily with a flat iron and the right heat-protectant.

Now I'm natural and I know exactly how to manage my hair whether I want to wear it in its natural state or straight. So I'd be able to pass on that knowledge to my daughter(s) and a relaxer wouldn't be necessary.
I wouldn't because permanently straightened hair goes against what I believe to be true about black beauty. I couldn't and wouldn't want to teach my child that practice.
I hope that if/when I decide to have children
relaxers are a thing of the past...

I will FORBID relaxers not just until she/they are 18, but FOREVER!!!

Relaxers will be on par with tattoos, crazy piercings, and unwed pregnancy...
ok maybe not that extreme but I think you get it...

Actually I won't even talk about relaxers... they won't even know what it is...

and hopefully they will be surrounded by positive curly haired female role
models that teach and inspire them to love their natural hair.

I'm with you. I didn't even know what relaxers were until I was in college.

If I have a daughter as long as she lives in my house she won't be getting a relaxer. It just won't be an option. I've never had a relaxer and neither will she.