Would You date/marry a man if........


New Member
I posted this in OT, but thought it was appropriate to post here too:yep:

Hypothetical situations (I am getting ready to go out and this popped in my head, so I'm typing it as I think it:lol:)

He was convicted of statutory rape? Murder? He worked as a stripper (see 3 hypos below)

Hypothetical 1: You meet a man. He's great in every way you want him to be:). Things are going well and you think he might be the one:)

One day, while spending time together, he tells you that when he was like 20 or 21 (let's say he's around 30-35+), he was dating a girl who ended up being underage and getting in trouble with the law for it (i.e. going to jail, probation, etc.).

Would your answer depend on whether he knew she was underage or not?

Hypothetical 2:Same situation as above, except instead of statutory rape, he tells you that when he was 16, he killed someone? (What made me think of this is after watching "The Wire." Those kids are around 15/16). Imagine if by God's grace, they were able to get out of that life, make something of themselves. Would you date a guy who had been in that life?

Would your answer depend on the circumstances? Would your answer depend on how long he was in that life or how many people he killed? Would your answer change if he went to jail or never got caught?

Hypothetical 3: Same man as in above 2 (i.e. you love him), but this time he tells you that when he was younger (somewhere between 15-19/20, remember he's now 30-35+) to make ends meet (let's say he had to support himself 100% b/c he didn't have parents), he worked as a stripper and occasionally had to perform sexual acts as a male prostitute (but was not "gay").

Would your answer depend on the circumstances?

I know some of these are out in left field, but I think any of these above are believable situations. Just wanting to know your thoughts as we know some people's pasts are not as bright as others!
I would still date him as long as these behaviosr weren't continuing, except for the stripping...that may be fun.

People make mistakes, I would judge him based on his current character. I've had brothers, cousins, and friends in those scenarios in reality and have turned their lives around. The woman in their lives and wives have accepted it and moved on.
answer to 1, yes I would continue to date him....answer 2, I don't think a relationship will work b/c I would constantly worry about making him mad enough that he may click and kill me...answer 3, if he was just a stripper, yeah we could still date b/c now he is my personal stripper but if turn a couple of tricks with men than he has got to go, I don't need an undercover brother in my life
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I could deal with 1, but the last two hypos would not work. Hypo 2 is somewhat scary, and hypo 3...hell no!!!
Hypo 1-How young was she. I tend to think if you're 20 or 21 you don't need to date an underaged girl so I'd be :down: on that.

Hypo 2-Unless I could be absolutely convinced it was self-defense and he in no way contributed to the need for this, no. If he never got caugt--never turned himself in-then my answer is no period. He should have faced the consequences.

Hypo 3-No. I just wouldn't date a Man who has ever had (willing) sex with another man.