would you cut your hair, in the name of a makeover?

For a new look, you would let them...

  • cut it short... they know what they are doing

    Votes: 27 10.2%
  • trim or layer

    Votes: 84 31.6%
  • lighten hair (more than 3 shades)

    Votes: 32 12.0%
  • texturize (if natural)

    Votes: 7 2.6%
  • relax (if natural)

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • add weave

    Votes: 100 37.6%
  • other (explain)

    Votes: 10 3.8%
  • do nothing permanetly. They need to work with what I have.

    Votes: 138 51.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
after oprah, tyra and the 100's of other makeover shows... i've always noticed (as its also mentioned here often) that women with long hair often have their hair hacked off to achieve a new look.

I can understand making the ends neat, or adding layers, but most women's hair go (if they have it like that) from BLS or longer to shoulder length or shorter. A lot of times, it looks really nice, but all i can think of when i see it is... man... all that progress gone in seconds. and... couldn't they just worked around it? made the long hair "work"? i dont know...


would you let your your hair be cut (more than 4 inches), relaxed (if your natural), lightened (more than 3 shades than your natural color) or any other dramatic process for a new look?
I would do it. But when you agree to do a makeover, that's a chance you take. The point of a makeover is to make you look different.
I wouldnt let them cut it because I am tyring to grow my hair long. I wouldnt let them lighten it because I'm alreayd relaxed and color and relaxers dont mix too well. I guess I'll never get a makeover on TV lol.
I wouldnt let them cut it because I am tyring to grow my hair long. I wouldnt let them lighten it because I'm alreayd relaxed and color and relaxers dont mix too well. I guess I'll never get a makeover on TV lol.

Exactly. If people don't want change then they shouldn't do one. That's defeating the purpose. And how are you gonna tell the makeover people what you want them to do? For all of that you could just go to your own stylist and get what you want.

Its not just this show but alot of hair makeover shows. Since my hair is a little past SL I'm guessing it would be a big chop to get that wow factor. Like someone stated in another thread they give those with short hair weaves and those with long hair a big chop. And that is understandable but I can't do that my hair grows kind of slow.

One of the biggest changes they make is haircolor. If you're non-black its probably no big deal for you. But if you're black especially if you where relaxers you are the one that is going to have to deal with taking care of that color. And if later on you decide you don't want that its going to be a while to grow out. If my hair grew fast I would probably sport a new do every couple of months but since that isn't the case I'm very hesistant to change it too much.

To expand on the haircolor do these women have the time AND the money to keep it up?! I mean alot of the cuts and color jobs are to die for but the people that ususally do them come from higher priced upscale salons.

The show that annoys me the most is TLC's what not to wear. I swear that nick arrojo does NOT like long hair. Not even a little past shoulder length. I can only remember one show where he left a woman's hair long. Other than that when a woman comes in he always says (british accent) "Be prepared to go very very short." I mean even women with short hair like halle's signature short do's he'd cut it even shorter. I mean you can get a dramatic WOW! factor without having do a do a major chop. I mean if someone had a blunt cut add a some long layers and add accents or color for people that dont' want to let go of all their hair.

Hair means more to some than others.
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:nono: they would have to work with what I already have :ban: -------->
Unless it's just a hair makeover, they should be able to work with you and your wishes. You could break down and say "Okay, you can cut up to 2 inches"; or they could curl, straighten, color, etc. your hair to give you a different look along with your new makeup and new outfit. They can even do a full weave and cut it short. It doesn't have to be so black and white. It's just that way for people who don't have anything to lose or go from one extreme to the other very often already. However, I've seen them compromise on shows before and they still come out looking different and fabulous.:yep: Key word for me is "compromise".
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I would let them cut it if AND ONLY if I knew for a fact that the stylist A. had experience with AA hair, B. I saw HUNDREDS of amazing transformations in the stylists portfolio and C. If I felt 1000% comfortable with the stylist and what they were suggesting to do.

Otherwise, HELL NO.
They just going to have to deal with the fact that I'm a black woman...and I dont play that complete makeover mess. I would get a weave, and lighten my hair a few shades but other than that..they gonna have a crappy segment cuz I'mma walk off...LOL
Nothing permanent that will involve cutting my hair or changing my hair colour. I would accept a weave though to achieve a whole new look. They can cut, chop, layer and colour that.
Tyra and company work on my nerves wanting to cut folks hair. When she takes that weave out, then we can talk about a hair cut.
I wouldn't do it. They can certainly weave or wig me up all they wish, but I wouldn't allow then to cut my own hair. Some of the styles stylist are fond of require way too much maintenance for me with all the layers and color. :nono:
I wouldn't do it. They can certainly weave or wig me up all they wish, but I wouldn't allow then to cut my own hair. Some of the styles stylist are fond of require way too much maintenance for me with all the layers and color. :nono:

ITA, a lot of the stylist were giving people thick, blunt bangs on Oprah today. Now that might be in style right now, but that mess would get old in about one week for me. No way, no how would I ever let anyone make me over.
I would maybe be up for a hair cut if I thought it would suit my face. But I wouldn't let them texturize or relax my hair for a makeover :nono:.

It took me awhile to transition and I wouldn't want all my progress gone in an instant. But I would be up for a great flat ironed style; something I could wash out later and go back to normal if I wanted.

Its not just this show but alot of hair makeover shows. Since my hair is a little past SL I'm guessing it would be a big chop to get that wow factor. Like someone stated in another thread they give those with short hair weaves and those with long hair a big chop. And that is understandable but I can't do that my hair grows kind of slow.

One of the biggest changes they make is haircolor. If you're non-black its probably no big deal for you. But if you're black especially if you where relaxers you are the one that is going to have to deal with taking care of that color. And if later on you decide you don't want that its going to be a while to grow out. If my hair grew fast I would probably sport a new do every couple of months but since that isn't the case I'm very hesistant to change it too much.

To expand on the haircolor do these women have the time AND the money to keep it up?! I mean alot of the cuts and color jobs are to die for but the people that ususally do them come from higher priced upscale salons.

The show that annoys me the most is TLC's what not to wear. I swear that nick arrojo does NOT like long hair. Not even a little past shoulder length. I can only remember one show where he left a woman's hair long. Other than that when a woman comes in he always says (british accent) "Be prepared to go very very short." I mean even women with short hair like halle's signature short do's he'd cut it even shorter. I mean you can get a dramatic WOW! factor without having do a do a major chop. I mean if someone had a blunt cut add a some long layers and add accents or color for people that dont' want to let go of all their hair.

Hair means more to some than others.

I agree with the bolded. I'm never going near bleach again, that ruined my hair and I dont have the money for a salon to be taking care of it. Cutting it shorter? Heck no. I lived most of my life with it short so I'll gladly continue with it long.
Hell to the naw! I specifically had weaves so when I got on set for different jobs (especially for the white stylists) they could pull poke and prod with that but not with my hair child. Cause i can go get some more weave(30 minutes) to grow my own back 30 months, don't even think about it:nono:
Yes, I would allow my hair to be cut for a makeover. I would have to draw the line at lightening or weaving, though. As long as the health of my hair is not effected by the makeover process (and I don't think bleaching would be healthy for my strands), I'm cool. I just don't care for weave, wigs, braids, etc., so that would be a makeover no-no.
I probably would not get a makeover. I have too many nos to even bother. I could see revealing my makeover and looking exactly like I look now.
I always noticed that for White, Hispanic, and Asian women they cut their hair short. But with Black women, its a weave. Always a weave. I dont think they would cut our hair so readily because beautiful long hair on Black women is still a rare thing.
Even though more black women are learning to take care of their hair, its still much more common to have Black women with shoulder length and above than SL and below.
Its so common to see other races with long hair. You dont even think about it when you see it.
I think NOT!

Alot of those women on the Oprah show with long hair could have gotten more dramatic makeup or just a little make and something done to their hair. That could not have been me.:nono:
I used to think that the point of a makeover was to make one look better, but NOW I understand that the point is to make one look different. :hammer:

Ahh, now it all makes sense! :lachen: I've always wondered why oh why would they cut the luxurious locks of some girl ( I'm not talking scraggly long hair), and then give her some plain jane short style (not talking hot Halle style)? I mean, I think the stylists need to be more creative with long hair. To me the mistake that people with long hair make is wearing it the same way all the time, not cuz they love it that way, but cuz they don't know what else to do with it.

I have been waiting for EONS:sleep8: for a makeover in which the hair stylist styles the long hair in a sexy hot diva dream girl way. Is that too much to ask?!!
would you let your your hair be cut (more than 4 inches), relaxed (if your natural), lightened (more than 3 shades than your natural color) or any other dramatic process for a new look?

It all depends if it was a AA and the top of the line and they said look sistah your hair is damaged and it doesnt look like there is no hope..then yes but if i think its worth saving and i can nurse it back to health...weave me up....

If ive worked so hard to be natural(and with transitioning)--no i wldnt---blow it out or straighten it out(its one thing to just change it temporarily but its another when it comes to putting a chemical back in after ived worked so hard to be natural and love my natural hair)--

thats unless im thinking of going back to relaxed then yes i would do it---

i wouldnt go lighter more than 3 shades forget that--thats sounds like a whole bunch of damage....

I miss that show Makeover Manor that used to come on TVone--bcuz it was all based around Black women and men and the makeovers were never as drastic.
If it were a really cute cut that looked good on me and that I 100% knew how to maintain at home, then maybe. :)
Yes, I would cut my hair. If I decided to go on tv to do a makeover it's because I'm mentally and emotionally ready for whatever they're gonna do. If I'm not ready I wouldn't go for a makeover period.

I am too obsessed with the tresses on my head to let anyone wack them off in the name of a "new style." They betta go somewhere with that ish...