Is your hair a V, U, blunt cut, or uneven??

Is your hair cut/growing in a V shape, U shape, cut even or uneven???

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10 wks post and I'd have to say uneven "V". :ohwell: I love blunt ends but will wait til I'm 2 in. below my goal before I trim.
From when I posted a few months back, it is definitely even. ANd I must say I love the blunt cut so much better. I truly get to track my growth that way, and it bounces soo much better. I ::heart:: even hair now. That doesnt mean I am gonna go scissor crazy when a strand gets out of place, but I do love the way my hair looks even.
It used to be a U

Then it was all over the place

Now its blunt!
Mine is growing into an uneven V. For some reason, the middle back of my hair has always been longer than the rest of my hair all around :ohwell:. I will let it grow this way until I get past full SL.
"V" for me too! My hair seems to have a mind of it's own and no matter how much I trim that "V" off, it just keeps coming back. So you know what, Ima leave it alone and it do it's thing. Grow hair grow, no matter what shape you take on:grin:.
Aggie - "V" for me too! My hair seems to have a mind of it's own and no matter how much I trim that "V" off, it just keeps coming back.

Me too... I prefer even/blunt but Ima leave mine alone too...
My right side is waist length, and my left side is shorter, :wallbash: but it's still below bra clasp. Uneven hair is normal, but I wear it in a bun most of the time. :ohwell:
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My hair was long in the back and shorter in the front and I hated it. I just cut it in Sept where its longer in the front. I figured this way it will start to grow even since the back grows faster.
i guess it's kind of a V or U shape w/ layers, and i hate it. :nono: i want it to be all one length w/ a blunt cut, so that the ends will look fuller and as long in the front as the back.
my hair is a serious v shape and i love it. im not a fan of blunt cuts, esp. since i have fine and thin hair.
Unfortunately my hair is uneven because when I decided to do the BC 4 yrs ago, I went to my mothers barber and she jacked up my hair. She started cutting hair all over and then she ran the electric razor through my hair and thats whats when I lost it. I told her to cut the perm ends off but instead she was giving me a shape up. I felt like running the clippers up her ***. :boxing:Due to that tramatic event, my hair was very uneven and I'm still paying for it. Every couple of months, my aunt cuts my hair to try to even it out and its almost there. It really sucks because whenever my hair is close to waist lenght, I end up cutting it in order to even out.
Nice to see I'm part of the majority and normal! My hair grows uneven, one side grows faster than the other side which is always playing catch up.. I rarely wear my hair down so it doesn't bother me (",)
Had it trimmed not too long ago into a U shape, which I like. It could still be shaped a bit better, but I don't want to trim until I get to BSL!