would you cut your hair, in the name of a makeover?

For a new look, you would let them...

  • cut it short... they know what they are doing

    Votes: 27 10.2%
  • trim or layer

    Votes: 84 31.6%
  • lighten hair (more than 3 shades)

    Votes: 32 12.0%
  • texturize (if natural)

    Votes: 7 2.6%
  • relax (if natural)

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • add weave

    Votes: 100 37.6%
  • other (explain)

    Votes: 10 3.8%
  • do nothing permanetly. They need to work with what I have.

    Votes: 138 51.9%

  • Total voters
I have seen quite a few shows that will accomodate your hair wishes like what not to wear, But I would not. of course I have short hair so they would slap a weave in my hair. But I would not want a "hollywood weave, I have seen them put them in on ANTM, they rip through the girls real hair, and now that I am an LHCFer all I am thinking is STOP IT, YOU're HURTING HER HAIR!!!:grin:
there are some makeover shows where they give you a whole new wardrobe or something, or like Extreme Makeover where they give you a whole new body.

if i'm getting lots of other great stuff in return, sure, i'd let 'em shave my head! :lachen: but otherwise... *** that!
If I were on a makeover show, it would be because I'm ready for a change, so I think that I would be open to whatever... coloring, cutting, weaving, go ahead!!

But right now I'm pretty pleased with how I look and I don't want to change it. If someone walked up to me in the street like, "Do you want a whole new look?" I'd probably be sort of hesitant to let them do anything.

Plus, I don't know those stylists... IRL, I find a stylist that I liked and stay with her for awhile before I even let her trim really well, much less something drastic like a cut or color. On makeover shows, it's like, "Hi, I'm the stylist." 2 seconds later: Chop, chop and :shocked:
I agree with you 200%. I would go for a makeover b/c for me it is just hair and will grow back whether they decide to cut, color or whatever. I would not be thrilled about a weave b/c it looks terribly uncomfortable but hey show me the possibilities. I get bored!

Exactly. If people don't want change then they shouldn't do one. That's defeating the purpose. And how are you gonna tell the makeover people what you want them to do? For all of that you could just go to your own stylist and get what you want.
I would permit 1 of those ANTM type weaves where they braid your hair away, but that's as far as I could go given my level of trust with hairdressers.
I would let them press my hair, and THAT's going a good lil bit out of my comfort range. I'm not trying to have them do anything to my hair that looks good for the 2.5 hours I'm in the studio with people buzzing all around me, and then I get home and have no clue what to do with it and end up with a torn-up head.

That defeats the whole PURPOSE of a makeover - I'm trying to take that home and incorporate it into my life, not look good for an hour long show on some network.

So. No bleaching. No chemicals, period. I'd let them use heat to press, and I would let them trim as my hair hasn't had a trim in a minute. Cutting me into a 'straight' style - hell no. I'd even let them put a weave in my head - as long as they weren't using glue.

And if the stylist isn't skilled enough to make me over within those guidelines, s/he ain't skilled enough to be in my head. Period.
No way! I said they will have to work with what they have. I mean, chopping off all of the hair doesnt work for everyone, which I see too often..everyone getting the same hacked off style! They wouldnt touch my hair...:lachen:
They'd just have to work with what I've got. I'm not doing anything permanent to my hair, except my relaxer. I've cut my hair in the past, and while it was cute for a little while, I've always regretted it.
They'd just have to work with what I've got. I'm not doing anything permanent to my hair, except my relaxer. I've cut my hair in the past, and while it was cute for a little while, I've always regretted it.

Same here! I always like it at first. Then come the styling struggles, the awkward in-between stage where you can't do nothing with it, and the ultimate pain of getting it back to its original length.
I would I think they are specialist in knowing what will look right; I doubt they'd cut mine short because of my round face.
i wouldn't be against it at all! it's just hair...it will grow back
Probably not but hair always has to be in perspective. I just saw the episode of ANTM where the girl who started with WL hair and went to a pixie cut, left the show instead of allowing another inch to be cut. That is crazy to me.
I don't understand why all makeup over shows cut off a tremedous amount of hair, I just think they do it to make the show more interesting.
No, I wouldn't let them do any of that stuff to me. Why? So I can be on TV? I can go get a professional image consult any day of the week and then take or leave the advice, but I'd be the one in control. I know what I like, and I'm still open to suggestions, so I'll decide for myself if I want anything even semi-permanent done to my body.
I picked add a weave since I would have no problem with them experimenting on that. If I should come to like it later on, I might let them have a go at my own hair, but it is not likely.
That's why I would never want to go on What Not to Wear. They always pressure them women into cutting their hair and most of the time it is really not for them. I already don't trust stylist, there's no way I'ma let them run free in my head. They can have fun with a weave though.
It depends. Now if it was What not to wear MAYBE because you are given $5000 to buy clothing so at least I have something to balance out the fact that I have cut all my progess gone. Otherwise, no. I think there are many other ways to makeover a person other than cutting their hair.
Never! If you are on a show that is undoubtedly trying to make you look better, then they should ask you what exactly do you think would be nice and with their own plans come up with a middle ground. There are tons of hair styles and to tell me the only styles that make women look cute are short style?
First of all as women, it's almost implied that we are to have long or longer hair. What is up with women with damn near male cut/shorned hair, to each HIS/her own I guess...
Also if you have everything looking right and your hair is just a bit plain, the end result isn't plain, I'd like to believe you'd be doing the damn thing!

BK ^_^
Honestly at this point, I would. I have thin stringy ends that need to go. If someone can give me a cut that flatters my face, I'll be more than happy.
I know how much some of us put into growing long hair (me too) but I wouldn't mind a hair cut if they could show me how I would look better.

Color wouldn't bother me either the obly think I'm totally against is relaxing my hair. On these shows even the ones that are supposed to be black makeover shows like Makeover Manor on TVone will always relax your hair if you are natural. There is no way that they can find the beauty in natural hair. I know some of us don't either but it can be beautiful when styled the right way.

Since going natural I have styled my hair in many different ways and I'm not a silky hair natural either . I have the coarsest hair , it just takes time and patience.

I would even try a weave or flat ironing but no relaxer.
I'm with Kurlee. That's that on that for me.

Or maybe with Mwedzi. I'd have to get past that "why" part too!

I worked on a makeover show for a while and they WOULD ask if that was okay with you, but the persuasion can be kinda strong. I also remember watching an episode of What Not to Wear where the lady absolutely would NOT let them take her weave out for the show, so the stylist had to work with what SHE had.
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I voted for add weave and they'd have to work with what I have. Ain't nobody cuttin' my hair. I am trying to get to MBL like yesterday and cutting my hair will only set me back by say....uhmm, like....A WHOLE YEAR!!!