Would you be offended if you went to a salon and they asked you to


Well-Known Member
Would you be bothered if you went to a salon and they asked you to

ETA: Maybe offended wasn't the right choice of word. How about bothered? I'll change it.

Would you be Bothered if you went to a salon and they asked you to remove your shoes upon entering?

I went to check out this Natural Hair Salon here in town. It got voted the best in the area in a local magazine. They have a nice website and I've been on their mailing list for a few months now. So I decided to call them and talk to somebody about my hair. I wasn't sure what kind of style I wanted and I wanted to check out the salon. The person I spoke with said that the person I needed to speak with wasn't there at the time and she would take my info down and have somebody call me back in 24 hours.

Well a few weeks went by and nobody called me back. I had forgotten all about it. All the sudden I got a phone call in the middle of the day and they left a voicemail. It was the woman from the salon. She said she was calling to follow up with me because she had my number there. She told me that they were really busy the past few weeks because they had been moving to the new location.She wanted to know if anybody had called me back and if I had been serviced. I told her no, so she suggested that I come in for a consulation and that she would waive the $25 consulation fee since nobody ever returned my call. So I said okay cool.

Well I get there today and as soon as I walk in, the woman who greeted me asked me if I had an appointment and I said yes and told her with who. Then she told me I had to take my shoes off. And I looked at her like :confused: I have to take my shoes off? She said yeah and pointed to the shoe rack near the door which was full of shoes. I asked her why? Is there a particular reason? She said no, you just do. I told her I didn't feel comfortable. So she said okay I'll go upstairs and get so and so (the woman I had an appt with). She left me standing there in the foyer. I looked in the one room where they were doing hair and nobody had shoes on except the one woman who was wearing flip flops.

So the woman I'm supposed to be meeting comes down and introduces herself and tells me I have to take my shoes off. And again I asked why? She said that it's the owner of the building's policy that no outside shoes be worn inside. They don't want things tracked from the outside in the building. That the people who work there and don't want to be barefoot usually wear a work shoe or flip flop that never goes outside. I was like well I don't feel comfortable. She said that she tells everybody on the phone that they have a No Shoes, No Guests, No Food Policy. I don't remember her telling me that over the phone. I also told her that if she had told me that over the phone, I wouldn't have even made an appointment nor have wasted my time coming all the way over there since I live across town. She asked if I would like to reschedule my appt so and she that next time I come I could bring a pair of flip flops if it would make me more comfortable. I told her no I didn't want to make another appointment. Thanks for her time. And I left.

Was I being overly dramatic? Was I wrong? I've never heard of such in my life. I don't even like taking my shoes off when I enter somebody else's home but I understand a little bit better with somebody's home. I mean that is where they live. But a salon? Psh...
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No I woudlnt be offended,especially if its a boho pseudo African spiritual incense burning monkey butter using salon:lachen:. I come from a culture of no shoes in the house, so taking my shoes off as a sign of respect is just isnt a big deal for me. They are trying to create an environment they feel conducive to the way the run business. Perhaps they should give customers a head up so people can make sure their feet situation is moisturized before they come, and have a box of flops for people who are caught off guard. Do I think you were being over dramatically , yeah, but hey its your feet and if you didnt feel comfortable so be it.
I don't know if I would be offended because they asked everyone and not just you to do it, but I would feel weird, uncomfortable and would leave as well. Although it seems as though they are doing this to keep their salon clean, you don't know what's on their floor to be walking around with socks or barefoot. Thats just weird. :perplexedI would have left for sure. Especially since you didn't know before and weren't prepared with flip flops, extra shoes or whatever. I don't think you were overreacting.
Unless there was some spiritual or cultural reason I think it's odd to ask someone that who is paying for a service. Not to mention since people are still wearing sandals etc.. if someone has some type of fungus or whatever on their foot, walking around bare foot is just passing it along from one person to another. That is not very healthy. I wouldn't have done it either. If it was an in home salon I could kind of understand.
Never heard of that, but I would have gone on head and took my shoes off. Reason #18 why I stay pedicured down...never know when your feets need to make a special appearance. :grin:

If you felt uncomfortable, then you felt uncomfortable. You dont have to splain yourself to anyone. However, since they've been rated so highly, I think you could have given them a shot. I still think its weird that they would have a no shoe policy..I guess they dont want to have to buff out scuff marks or mop up dirt. *shrugs*
WTF - I actually think it would be unsanitary to walk around barefoot on floors that you don't know when or how they were cleaned! :blush: Are they going to pay your doctor bills if you catch an infection or step on something. :nono:

You did the RIGHT thing!
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I wouldn't be offended but I wouldn't get my hair done there either. If I go to a salon (which is rare) , I want it to be peaceful and comfortable. And it's not peaceful or comfortable for me to walk around without shoes in a place I don't know.
I wouldn't be offended but I wouldn't get my hair done there either. If I go to a salon (which is rare) , I want it to be peaceful and comfortable. And it's not peaceful or comfortable for me to walk around without shoes in a place I don't know.

That was my whole point. Sure I walk around in my house barefoot all the time. The first thing I do when I get in the house is kick my shoes off. But at other places? :nono: I have to be REAL comfortable with you to walk around your house barefoot. And I never would do it in public. The salon looked really nice and clean on the inside but it was just weird. There was a woman standing there retwisting this guys locs and she was barefoot. He was sitting in the chair with his socks still on.

And if it was for holistic reasons or whatever, why didn't they just say that when I asked why? The first woman couldn't even give me a good reason. I might have thought about it if she had given me a good reason. But I would have made sure I brought some flip flops next time I came. Today I actually had on closed in shoes. My toe nails are done but I still didn't feel comfortable taking my shoes off.

Also, she said this was the owner of the buildings policy. They just moved to this new shop maybe a few weeks ago. So I get the feeling that this was not their policy at the last place.
I don't know. I would be upset if I didn't know beforehand, but I would have stayed if I really wanted to check them out since they had good reviews. Maybe you should give them another chance? Just bring some flip flops or house shoes next time so you don't have to be barefoot.
I wouldn't have been offended at all. I have the same 'policy' in my home. Everyone takes their shoes off and I keep cute slippers and cute socks with the skid proof thingies in the foyer closet:yep:. We don't even walk in our house with shoes.

It wouldn't bother me in a salon. A lot of spas have the same policy. I think they should offer flip flops however......if they are going to have such a policy.
No, I don't think you were wrong at all. I think the request was kind of odd unless they were known for being "that type" of place...which must be some new **** that I'm not up on.:lachen: I probably would've done the same thing. It's different in your house with family/friends, not in a salon with strangers.:nono:
WTF - I actually thing it would be unsanitary to walk around barefoot on floors that you don't know when or how they were cleaned! :blush: Are they going to pay your doctor bills if you catch an infection or step on something. :nono:

You did the RIGHT thing!
That's exactly what I was thinking. I wouldn't have been comfortable in just socks either. It seems like a health and safety issue.
I don't know. I would be upset if I didn't know beforehand, but I would have stayed if I really wanted to check them out since they had good reviews. Maybe you should give them another chance? Just bring some flip flops or house shoes next time so you don't have to be barefoot.

I can't. I just won't get my hair done there. I need to feel comfortable in a salon and there is no way that I would feel comfortable with my shoes off BAREFOOT in a strange place. It's not like they had carpet or anything. It was bare floors.

That and the salon was pricey to begin with so I wasn't sure that I wanted my hair done there in the first place. She quoted me $300 for kinky twists over the phone. And I was a little miffed at first that the woman told me somebody would call me back in 24 hours and I didn't get a call back for like 2 weeks. After a day or two went by, I forgot. But since she offered to waive the fee, I figured I could at least go and check the place out and see what the woman was talking about. She never even looked at my hair.
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WTF - I actually thing it would be unsanitary to walk around barefoot on floors that you don't know when or how they were cleaned! :blush: Are they going to pay your doctor bills if you catch an infection or step on something. :nono:

You did the RIGHT thing!
That's what I was thinking but didn't want to say it.

P.S. BMF, you are a good person. I've seen you post another thread asking if you were wrong, and I may not have agreed with you; but again, you are a good person and when it comes down to it, I think you should trust yourself.
they should offer socks or slippers. You know like the kind you wear when you go to the spa. I went to one place that had disposable flip flops.
I would not have felt comfortable either and would have been annoyed that she didn't tell me that beforehand. It is one thing to do it at home, or respect someone's house or culture, but a salon full of people whose hygiene I have no clue about? No. Even when I go to get pedicures I am paranoid and make sure the foot spa is cleaned before it is used for me. I think it is cool if that is how they want to run their business, but they could easily have the cheapie slippers/flipflops for unsuspecting or uncomfortable guests.
I have no problems taking my shoes off in someones home...I do it out of habit now but a place of business...gtfoowtbs. At the very least THEY should provide slippers or footies or something, not tell you to bring them. Thats crazy. What ever happened to no shoes, no shirt, no service...haha.
I probably wouldn't have been offended. I mean as long as they ask everyone and aren't singling people out, I wouldn't really have a problem with it. I would have a problem walking around barefoot and would have told the woman that if they had such a policy, then they should provide you with a pair of those disposable flip flops that you get when you get a pedicure.

ETA: My mom has a no shoes policy in her home...and has a brand new bag of socks at her door that she hands out to people. :rolleyes:
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We have a no shoes policy in our home for cultural reasons, but would that be considered sanitary in a public place like a salon? Seems like there'd be some health code/saftey violations for that type of thing in a salon. :look:

I can see a religious building or a home, but there's got to be health code issues they are violating running an enterprise that uses chemicals and such.
That's what I was thinking but didn't want to say it.

P.S. BMF, you are a good person. I've seen you post another thread asking if you were wrong, and I may not have agreed with you; but again, you are a good person and when it comes down to it, I think you should trust yourself.

What thread are you referring to? I'm just curious...
WTF - I actually thing it would be unsanitary to walk around barefoot on floors that you don't know when or how they were cleaned! :blush: Are they going to pay your doctor bills if you catch an infection or step on something. :nono:

You did the RIGHT thing!

I totally agree
I can't. I just won't get my hair done there. I need to feel comfortable in a salon and there is no way that I would feel comfortable with my shoes off in a strange place. It's not like they had carpet or anything. It was bare floors.

That and the salon was pricey to begin with so I wasn't sure that I wanted my hair done there in the first place. She quoted me $300 for kinky twists over the phone. And I was a little miffed at first that the woman told me somebody would call me back in 24 hours and I didn't get a call back for like 2 weeks. After a day or two went by, I forgot. But since she offered to waive the fee, I figured I could at least go and check the place out and see what the woman was talking about. She never even looked at my hair.

Bmoreflyygirl, I would not have been offended 'bout the shoes BUT $300 - as in Three hundred $$ dolllars for Kinky Twists:wallbash:? I would have been HIGHLY OFFENDED.

If it's an afrocentric shop, then the shoe policy is not to weird.
i wouldn't be offended as long as they provided me with some kinda slipper (new/packaged, not previously worn) to wear. barefoot or socks ain't happenin:nono:
No I woudlnt be offended,especially if its a boho pseudo African spiritual incense burning monkey butter using salon:lachen:. I come from a culture of no shoes in the house, so taking my shoes off as a sign of respect is just isnt a big deal for me. They are trying to create an environment they feel conducive to the way the run business. Perhaps they should give customers a head up so people can make sure their feet situation is moisturized before they come, and have a box of flops for people who are caught off guard. Do I think you were being over dramatically , yeah, but hey its your feet and if you didnt feel comfortable so be it.


ROFLMAO @ the bold.
In my home yes....you must take off..but public no..what if their is a fire:ohwell:?people scrambling for their shoes:perplexed.. what if some glass its are on the floor.:blush:. They should get runners for the floor or provide disposable slippers for each customer(hygienic)

You would'nt happen to be in ATL are you? This sounds like a place I went to here and got into it with the owner.
I would have wanted to be told before hand to bring my own shoes

and they should have flip flops to give to the guests just like nail salons do

Bmore I would have done the same thing
The no shoe policy should have been clearly stated on their website. So as far as I'm concerned it can't be a "real policy" of theirs...kwim? :perplexed
The no shoe policy should have been clearly stated on their website. So as far as I'm concerned it can't be a "real policy" of theirs...kwim? :perplexed

They don't even have their address on the website. It's the weirdest thing. It's in the email newsletters they send out to the mailing list but not actually listed on the website. Even when I called today because I thought I was lost (I was a block over on E and not W) the woman asked me did I have an appt when I asked where exactly they were located. Like she didn't want to tell me the address or something.