Would you be offended if you went to a salon and they asked you to

I'm with you sis! I would have looked at her like she had a tail for asking me to take my shoes off!

I don't EVER walk around without shoes not even in my own house (and I clean almost constantly). The feeling of the floor on my bare feet is gross.:perplexed I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I slip my feet into a slipper!

DH almost caught a major beat-down last night b/c he was outside with socks on in the driveway looking like he was thinking of walking into the grass. I clowned him and told him he better take all that nonsense to the mud room and put some shoes on before he carried his big feet (sz. 15!) onto MY carpet! He ought to know better!:naughty:
No, I wouldn't be offended if the place was clean and they were posh. The salon might just want to keep things clean, so I wouldn't be upset. I would ask if it's okay to wear socks though!
I wear clean, washed socks EVERYtime inside my shoes.

People with athlete's foot get their hair done, too. So when they take off their shoes, that fungus doesn't depart from their feet. In fact, they track it, and the stuff can stay alive in damp environments, and thrive on the floor just long enough to get picked up. Thats why in the dormitory I live in with a communal shower, it is MANDITORY that we wear flipflops in the bathroom, and an unspoken rule that we wear at LEAST clean socks on the linoleum floor in the hallway.

You can't trust people just cause they're barefoot. They could have ringworms! Crabs can live on ANY part of your body with hair. What if hairy-legged tenisha strolled in with body lice AND/OR athletes foot AND/OR some ringworms or some other kind of flaky nastiness on her feet and you sat next to her to get a wash?:perplexed You coulda been covered in clothes from head to ankle and your toes would have been left vulnerable :nono:

Not on my watch... hell, not on my FEET!:lachen:
I wear clean, washed socks EVERYtime inside my shoes.

People with athlete's foot get their hair done, too. So when they take off their shoes, that fungus doesn't depart from their feet. In fact, they track it, and the stuff can stay alive in damp environments, and thrive on the floor just long enough to get picked up. Thats why in the dormitory I live in with a communal shower, it is MANDITORY that we wear flipflops in the bathroom, and an unspoken rule that we wear at LEAST clean socks on the linoleum floor in the hallway.

You can't trust people just cause they're barefoot. They could have ringworms! Crabs can live on ANY part of your body with hair. What if hairy-legged tenisha strolled in with body lice AND/OR athletes foot AND/OR some ringworms or some other kind of flaky nastiness on her feet and you sat next to her to get a wash?:perplexed You coulda been covered in clothes from head to ankle and your toes would have been left vulnerable :nono:

Not on my watch... hell, not on my FEET!:lachen:

If you are going to have that policy then provide flip flops. But otherwise this sounds crazy. I wouldn't want to walk around bare foot on the same floor where everyone has. And besides If it was my salon I would not want clients walking bare foot on my floor (Hygiene) :ohwell:. And yes some posh or upscale salons may ask you to do this. However, this salon was not because they didn't have the decency to tell you the policy when you called for a consultation. And,oh yeah it took two weeks to return your call (talk about unprofessional):nono:.
I would have two quick questions:

1) I wonder if such a request is sanitary in a public place where various types of treatments/chemicals on the body is going on....


2) if that is a requirement for the establishment, is alternative footwear provided?

To answer the question, I wouldn't be offended. But the service had better be above the standard.

ETA: I wouldn't be offended if I had been informed of the policy and again, they had better provie alternative footwear...otherwise, I wouldn't get ANY servives there.
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You can't trust people just cause they're barefoot. They could have ringworms! Crabs can live on ANY part of your body with hair. What if hairy-legged tenisha strolled in with body lice AND/OR athletes foot AND/OR some ringworms or some other kind of flaky nastiness on her feet and you sat next to her to get a wash?:perplexed You coulda been covered in clothes from head to ankle and your toes would have been left vulnerable :nono:

Not on my watch... hell, not on my FEET!:lachen:

Whoever said pustules and flakes.... I am mad at you. :lachen::lachen:

You and me both! :rofl: Some of these responses have truly had me rollin. But you know what's funny? I posted this here and on NP and it's interesting to see the different types of responses I got between here and there.