Would you be Mad?


New Member
What if you are married or live with a man full time and he wakes you up on a regular basis between the hours of 2:00 A.M. thru 5:00 A.M. for coloring sessions knowing you have to get up for work at 6:00 A.M. I am not talking once every month or so I am talking at least 3-4 times a week.

Would you be mad at him?
HELL YEAH! My sleep is precious. I have this one guy that text me in the mornings to tell me good morning and it pisses me off because it is before I wake up lol.
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HELL YEAH! My sleep is precious. I have this one guy that text me in the mornings to tell me good morning and it pisses me off because it is before I way up lol.

Thank you, I thought it was just me. When I approched him about it his defense is do you know how many female's would love to be woke up that way so I said hmmm let me do my LHCF research and find out then :lol:

I'd be mad at myself for not making sure we were both on the same page with sex on a whole - likes/dislike, drive and frequency.

There would have to be some compromise some where; he'd have to wake up a lot closer to 6:00 am and possible cut his frequency ---OR---- I'd have to find a way to knock him out sexually prior to going to sleep.
What if you are married or live with a man full time and he wakes you up on a regular basis between the hours of 2:00 A.M. thru 5:00 A.M. for coloring sessions knowing you have to get up for work at 6:00 A.M. I am not talking once every month or so I am talking at least 3-4 times a week.

Would you be mad at him?

No maam. I would consider myself pretty lucky. I would pass over sleep for a good wang any day.

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Thank you, I thought it was just me. When I approched him about it his defense is do you know how many female's would love to be woke up that way so I said hmmm let me do my LHCF research and find out then :lol:

SOME women on here will be like GIRL, you better wake up and take the peen when he wants to give it to you, even though you are being sleep deprived and tired the whole day. Take that inconvenience with stride! What you won't do another on will. Wooo LAWD I'm glad I got a man.

Ummmm no. I don't subscribe to that mindset. A few times a month maybe I could deal, but 3-4 times a week nah son. I can't do it.

I'd be mad at myself for not making sure we were both on the same page with sex on a whole - likes/dislike, drive and frequency.

There would have to be some compromise some where; he'd have to wake up a lot closer to 6:00 am and possible cut his frequency ---OR---- I'd have to find a way to knock him out sexually prior to going to sleep.

Yeah...not with this man. I can color with this man 2-3 times a day everyday and he still would want more. If I didn't know any better I would say he's an addict but he doesn't display all of the symptoms.
Yeah...not with this man. I can color with this man 2-3 times a day everyday and he still would want more. If I didn't know any better I would say he's an addict but he doesn't display all of the symptoms.

sexual compatibility is a biggie for me....this is what it comes down to.

OT: damn he has a healthy appetite..:lol:
Yeah...not with this man. I can color with this man 2-3 times a day everyday and he still would want more. If I didn't know any better I would say he's an addict but he doesn't display all of the symptoms.

My ex was like this. I miss him so much sometimes :( I think I have an abnormally high sex drive for a woman.

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I need my sleep and I'm not a morning person, so that wouldn't work for me. We'd have to work out some kind of compromise.

What do you do OP? Do you turn him down? Or do it and be tired?

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It kinda depends on the type of coloring he wants. Does he expect cowgirl action and oral marathons, or will he settle for missionary or doggie then go back to sleep?

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I would love a 5 am wake up call. But can't do the 2 am - 4 am. But getting it in before work changes my attitude, its better than exercise and I don't need coffee :lol: I miss my 5 am man :cry2:
Thank you, I thought it was just me. When I approched him about it his defense is do you know how many female's would love to be woke up that way so I said hmmm let me do my LHCF research and find out then :lol:
:look: Errah tell him to go find them then because that is so not true and a false generalization. :lachen: After the new dangalang haze wears off those women would want a complete night of sleep too:lachen:. Timing is important when it comes to intimate relations. Tell em if he wants it reaalllllll good he should wait til your really really wide awake.:look:
What if you are married or live with a man full time and he wakes you up on a regular basis between the hours of 2:00 A.M. thru 5:00 A.M. for coloring sessions knowing you have to get up for work at 6:00 A.M. I am not talking once every month or so I am talking at least 3-4 times a week.

Would you be mad at him?
nope.. I like this kinda thing though
Thank you, I thought it was just me. When I approched him about it his defense is do you know how many female's would love to be woke up that way so I said hmmm let me do my LHCF research and find out then :lol:
But what does that have to do with YOU, though? :look: Contrary to popular belief, NOT all men are all about the nookie and there are PLENTY who would :perplexed about the idea of waking up 3 to 4 times a week between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. to have it (I what would have happened if you countered with that :look:... because it really IS true.).
NOPE! I would just go to bed a little bit earlier on those nights. Sex is an amazing thing. Sorry.. just being honest.
Yeah...not with this man. I can color with this man 2-3 times a day everyday and he still would want more. If I didn't know any better I would say he's an addict but he doesn't display all of the symptoms.

My dh is like this. If you are uncomfortable now, then speak up or leave. It can get worse. If he doesn't respect your sleep now, he may not later when kids, illness, etc occur. And that type of selfishness can bleed over into other areas of your relationship. I'm not projecting, just speaking from 9 years of it. :yep:
Honestly OP it depends on a lot o things. Is he waking you up for something worth losing sleep over? If not, play sleep until he gets frustrated. But if you know it's gonna be good, I say do it. But instead of 4 times a week, aim for two or three. That way you both get what you need: he wants puss, you want sleep. Or challenge him to put you to sleep

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Thank you, I thought it was just me. When I approched him about it his defense is do you know how many female's would love to be woke up that way so I said hmmm let me do my LHCF research and find out then :lol:

Let him find one then. What don't he understand about you needing rest for work.

I can't stand selfish people. Grrrrr
Talk to him about your feelings and try too come up with a compromise. If he refuses to listen, you have your answer as to how your relationship will be.
it depends on if i went to bed early! :lol: but why can't he just wait until 5-5:30am or better yet, color before sleep? that helps me sleep so much better. before i was so angry with my ex-husband waking me up, but i had a lot of resentment issues and had a newborn with a 1yr old that didn't sleep through the night.

but now, i love coloring before going to bed. it is so relaxing.