Would do the BC

Would you do a Big Chop

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • I only plan on trimming and cutting.

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • If it was the only solution

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • I forgot, what do scissors look like again

    Votes: 3 8.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Once I reach somewhere between BSL and MBL, I plan on cutting my hair in layers right above my strap. What I really want to do eventually is go natural. I will probably transition for three months and chop it all off. I just can't see myself at 70 years old with a relaxer. How do y'all feel about cutting your hair
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that's exactly what i did. i was midback, waited 3 months and did the bc. i wish i had waited a little longer, so i'd have more hair, but my hair was too tangled and hard to manage b/c of the two textures.
What I bc NOW? Helllllll no. I can't deal with short hair, atleast not right now in my life.

But in your situation and you are transitioning, you mines well. But I would transition for about 8 mos then BC.
LocksOfLuV said:
What I bc NOW? Helllllll no. I can't deal with short hair, atleast not right now in my life.

But in your situation and you are transitioning, you mines well. But I would transition for about 8 mos then BC.

:lachen:... I am not planning to do a BC now. I think when I am somewhere in my forties or fifties I plan to chop it all off to go natural:lol: .
No I would just keep progressively tirmming until it is finally all gone. A BC would be too much of a shock for me.:cool:
Ineedhair said:
:lachen:... I am not planning to do a BC now. I think when I am somewhere in my forties or fifties I plan to chop it all off to go natural:lol: .


A little of me cried in the inside when I looked up at your avi. Your hair is so pretty too.
LocksOfLuV said:

A little of me cried in the inside when I looked up at your avi. Your hair is so pretty too.

I do plan on cutting in layers once my hair grows long enough. Like I said B4, right above BSL.

Thanks for the compliment:) . FYI, I frequent your fotki:p . I love how your hair has progressed.
I did it ..i was past bra strap and gradually chopped..i was happy to make my relaxed goals but even more happy to take the plunge to chop and go natural..my albums have plenty of pics documenting all of this Happy Hair Growing Ladies :-)
I voted yes and it is really easy to say that because I big chopped when I went natural the first time. I can't see myself with BSL length natural hair in my 40's.
I voted yes, because I've already did a BC when I went natural. I transitioned for 8 months then chopped off the relaxed ends, plus some of the natural hair too. I also did a BC when I was relaxed and my hair was damaged due to too many blowouts. While I do want length, hair health is most important to me so if my ends need to go, then they're gone.
I voted: I only plan on trimming and cutting.

I've had short, broken, damaged hair for most of my life, so I definately plan on enjoying my long, healthty hair for at least a few years. If I were to transition, sometime waayyyyy in the future, I would do it without the BC.
I voted "would do the BC" because I did. I cut my armpit length hair to 5" after a year long transition. It was difficult to chop only because I was so used to having long hair. I spent maybe a few weeks being weirded out with having short hair (although I loved my hair). And that was it. I used to be tied to the "image" of being a black woman with long hair. The BC broke that (thankfully). Like Turnergirl, I just want to have long natural hair in my 40s too.
I voted yes because that's what I did. I transitioned for 8 months and chopped because I was losing too much hair trying to deal with the two textures.
Right now I wouldnt cut my hair. But in the distant future (as a senior citizen) I see myself doing a BC and going natural.
Right now I wouldnt cut my hair. But in the distant future (as a senior citizen) I see myself doing a BC and going natural.
I voted yes I would do a big chop but only if I wanted too. Not because I have to or because I am getting older. I have BC 2 x now and it is no big deal the hair grew back.

But in old age I plan to be the grandma with the long hair in a bun.
No, I wouldn't do the BC. I've been natural in the past and transistioned for a very long time. When I go natural again someday, I will do the same thing. Short hair just looks terrible on me. :nono: