I decided to LOVE my relaxed hair... anyone else?

I agree with you sista. I for one embrace the relaxer. I have had relaxed hair for as long as I can remember. I am not ashamed of my relaxed hair. If natural hair works for some women more power to them.....But I like the smooth, bouncy, sexy styles that only a relaxed head can provide!
I second that emotion, Bermudabeauty, well said
I enjoy my relaxed hair...I also enjoyed my natural hair.

Hair is to be enjoyed whether relaxed, natural, cut low, or whatever.
this is why i detest relaxer-bashers. dont feel bad about ending your transition; a lot of people come to LHCF thinking they have to go natural to have healthy hair when there are soooo many people on here with relaxed hair. Tee, Traycee, Evazhair, and Macherieamour are only 4 examples of allllll the ladies on here who give me relaxer envy. LOL

enjoy your relaxed hair but more importantly enjoy your HEALTHY hair...after all that is why we are all here, right?
Love your hair! It's yours. I definitely love natural hair and believe it is really the best. But at the same time, there are some gorgeous relaxed heads of hair out here! At the end of the day, you should be happy with your hair.
Terrific OP! (and there is no "best" there is only the best for you) Relaxing is simply an option that works best for you and I love that.
I am natural and if and when the day comes that I am confident that I can take care of my hair and still retain length and health, I may relax again. Its all about options
I love my relaxed hair! I came to terms with it when I went natural. I love my hair relaxed for a variety of reasons. I prefer my hair relaxed and I am proud to say it:yep: I know what it feels like to be natural and I loved the experience of being natural.
I LOVE MY HAIR!!!! ok I got a little carried away but you know what I mean...:look:
Yay! I think you should personally love your hair however you wear it! Whatever suits you and your lifestyle best, is what you should do and love...good for you!:yep:

I go back and forth, right now, I am loving texture, so I want to grow it out natural...been relaxed, natural and in-between before, color, no color - super short pixie cut, longer...whatever you name it...it's my hair! Again, good for you!
i like bein relaxed too, but it seems like everybody's natural or transitioning into it, and i felt like eventually i'd be the black sheep of this site
I actually came to this conclusion today as well!! I've been on and off thinking about being natural and going through some long transitions for YEARS. I always end up going back to the relaxer. I spent a great deal of time being natural, so I do miss it...but I realllly do love relaxed hair more :giveup:
i like bein relaxed too, but it seems like everybody's natural or transitioning into it, and i felt like eventually i'd be the black sheep of this site

Whoa, get out of my head me-T, lol. I actually felt just like this:grin: because I have some very strong relaxer persuasions.
I'm with you prettyeyes.:yep: Thanks to this site I am loving my relaxed hair after years of horrendous hair practices.
I love relaxed and natural hair...and I also love the fact that I have a choice to wear my hair either way.

It's been a long time since I have really posted in this forum, but I guess I didn't realize that the majority are now natural or transitioning.

As of right now, I am not sure about what I want. Part of me wants to stay relaxed, but then I ask myself what the point is because I prefer straight styles most of the time.

Congrats to all the ladies who love their hair....
I am so happy that everyone is feeling so FREE.. to do what's best for them. I think thereis room for relaxed ladies, naturals and texlaxers here!

Hey CG!!!!
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I have always enjoyed my relaxed hair. Learning superb haircare here helps me keep it in tip top shape. I say as long as it is healthy, it can be relaxed, natural, or somewhere in between. :)
Sometimes i think about transitioning..but more times not. I'm about to go on a 1 year relaxer stretch.
I loove my relaxed hair.
I am. I was natural for about 3 1/2 years and I was generally happy then. I wanted a change and I am enjoying every moment of the novelty of having a relaxer again.
Amen!!!!I thought about going natural but I just cant.I love the whole afro/curly idea but.... not for me. I love combing and brushing my hair and seeing the length after my relaxers so...Im happy!!!!Im glad you are happy too!!!!
I don't think natural is for everyone. I actually really want to transtition again. I was doing it for like, a year...but then I had a date and wanted to look good so I relaxed LOL. the two different texture thing was SO not cute on me. I think if I had the knowledge of how to take care of my hair while transitioning I'd do it...but again, at the same time, I too, love my relaxed hair. I don't think relaxing is that bad-- you can still have beautiful hair if you take care of it, relaxed, natural, texlaxed, WHATVER (:
I also had to question if I was really only transitioning to prove something but I really do want to be a natural. I always have imagined how it would be to have long natural curly hair. I realized that is really my dream/vision and all Im doing is just trying to make it come true.
I agree with everybody. if you are not happy, then what's the point. Congrats on loving your relaxed hair! It was a few relaxed heads that first caught my attention while I was lurking, and then I saw the beautiful natural and texlaxed heads too. This may sound crazy to some but I actually think we should have relaxed, texlaxed/texturized/transitioning, and natural. I love the diversity, and I look forward to it when Im going from fotki to fotki lol.

The bolded surely doesn't sound crazy to me. Fotki stalking would be rather boring with no variation! :grin:
As a fellow "relaxer" (tex-laxed) I just wanted to tell you guys that yall's hair is soooooo beautiful. I wish that when I was bonelaxed I would have found this site so that I could have retained more length and practiced better hair options. Now when I do get the straight hair itch, I have to flat iron (which is starting not to be so much fun)....

I have been considering going back to straight, but I will give this curly thing a few more years to see how it looks on me. (I think)
I went back to relaxed hair but my stylist made it too strait. I've never been bonelaxed before. Can someone give a tip on how to care for hair that is that strait? :blush: