So After You Reach Your Goal......................

After this BC, I realized I don't want to cut my hair again. I miss my longer hair. When I cut my hair from past SL to CL in 03 I only like it for a little while. I'll stick to short wigs. I'm going for WL and sticking there.

Being natural, it's shrink up anyway.
When I get tired of growing it out ...i'll loc it. I intend to be that fierce old lady with the silver dreads swishing on the floor....
I'm all over WL just because I know I can and want to actually see it, but realistically I think I'll be cool maintaining somewhere between BSL and MBL. I think it better suits my lifestyle.
IDK. Me and my girls was JUST talkin about this last night! Sometimes older ladies with long hair LOOK "older" ya know? Ive seen some fly older women with with a silver grey rhianna bob! I was * droolin* it was so pretty, but then again Ive seen some pretty updos on older ladies also. ( very elegant!!)
I don't plan on cutting it short again but I do intend to maintain my hair at WL or somewhere between MBL and WL.
When I reach my goal length in the next couple of months, I'm gonna claim it and then I'm gonna cut it to WL and keep it there for a year or so. It's getting so hard to care for my hair with an infant, that cutting it a bit shorter will make life a lot easier. The other thing is that I want to have blunt ends, so cutting it to WL will make it easier for me. I will say one thing, I hate the thought of parting with my ends as I have not had a trim since Dec'07. I've grown attached to them even though they are starting to look a little sad.:ohwell: Then I'll probably just grow it back to HL and stay there for a while.
I will keep trimming to WL.......I have to admit that BSL style is very easy to keep, manage, but I can see as my hair grows longer it is becoming more of a challenge to relax, and is more of a challenge on the rare times that I want to keep it straight. I think WL will be just managable enough to wear it out every 3 or 4 months or so, and pin it right back up into a heavy bun...
My first goal length was to get to APL and then relax. I got to APL, didn't relax and set a new goal of BSL. Im almost full BSL but not quite there...have no clue what I'll do when I get there...part of me wants to chop it back off and start over...I miss the journey and the cool lengths in between but my boyfriend probably would be like :nono: he likes my hair and was the first thing he ever complimented me on
My goal is WL now once I reach it I am going to cut it to MBL and it will be there for as long as I can foresee
:crystalba The Jedi mind trick worked :D

I don't think I'll ever cut my hair short again, unless I get sick :crossfingers: or my hair gets really thin after menopause.

This did not happen to my mother, or my grandmother, or any of my aunts... so I am thinking that I am going to have thick hair forever. When my hair grows to its goal of MBL or longer (stretched) then I will leave it alone.
I don't ever plan on cutting my hair shorter than it's max - I'm just barely creeping up on APL now in the back, and it still seems INCREDIBLY short to me. If I can get hip length, unstretched, I'll maintain it there - I might consider locking again as I get up in age, but otherwise? Nah, son, not cutting none of this here off! :lol:
IDK. Me and my girls was JUST talkin about this last night! Sometimes older ladies with long hair LOOK "older" ya know? Ive seen some fly older women with with a silver grey rhianna bob! I was * droolin* it was so pretty, but then again Ive seen some pretty updos on older ladies also. ( very elegant!!)

Yeah I think about the fly factor vs regal /elegant.
Here some pics I found.





So funny you posted this pic, these are my cousins on my mom's side. Sadie and Bessy Delaney. They look just like my grandfather. I hope I live to be that old. My grandfather will be 90 next month and he's doing great.


im probably gonna grow mines waist length so i can have long silver hair like my great great grandma did and my granny
The longest I can recall my hair being was the length it was right before my BC. Basically, I have had short hair (the base of my neck) all my life. If I get past shoulders, I am never cutting my hair. For now, my goal is anywhere past shoulders. I have trouble believing I can get there!

Am I the only one?

Let's see if I can handle long hair, then I'll decide. I wanted it all my life but I already struggle with my hair at this length now! I don't think I want it too short anytime soon, but maybe when I get older I'll cut it off and start over again.
I plan to grow until hip length and hopefully keep it there for a while. But MBL is going to be the shortest I ever cut my hair for a long while because I really traumatized myself by doing the BC after only 3 months of transitioning.
My hair has always been shoulder length or a little longer. I plan to grow to at least WL while I'm still relaxed. I intend to transition as soon as I start a family- esp. if I will be having a little girl. I'm not sure if I'll BC- I think I could rock an Amber Rose look and eventually some of Rihanna's funky do's but I don't know how the other tall girls feel but it seems like it takes me a lot longer to reach my hair goals at 5'11" so I don't know if I could cut off all this hard work like that. I think I'll reserve wigs for trendy styles and eventually I want long silver dreds that I intend to never cut.
My goal is MBL. I think WL would be too much hair on me since I am 5'9. Once I reach that I will try and maintain it. If it gets to be too much I may trim it to BSL or APL. I want to keep my hair at a good length for the rest of my life.
So funny you posted this pic, these are my cousins on my mom's side. Sadie and Bessy Delaney. They look just like my grandfather. I hope I live to be that old. My grandfather will be 90 next month and he's doing great.


Awww that's so cool you're related to them...I read their book..I love them!

I'm all over WL just because I know I can and want to actually see it, but realistically I think I'll be cool maintaining somewhere between BSL and MBL. I think it better suits my lifestyle.

I agree...I think tons of people are sweating WL just to see if it's possible, then may move on to different things with their hair... an 85 yr old lady with WL hair is NOT hot in my humble opinion.
I intend on keeping my hair long. The shortest I'll cut to I think is APL, but since I'll be natural, it'll shrink up anyway so I doubt i'll ever do more to my hair than some trims here and there.
my hair goals constantly change. When I started LHCF in June I strived to go from Ear length to APL which I just about did. Then I decided to transition into natural which I am presently doing. Once I achieve my goals...I just start new ones.
When I was seraching for the pics, I stumbled into a forum where hair and age was being discussed. The women were all for long hair after 60. They referred to the short roller set look as that "menopausal helmet hair."
When I was seraching for the pics, I stumbled into a forum where hair and age was being discussed. The women were all for long hair after 60. They referred to the short roller set look as that "menopausal helmet hair."

That's so funny, but I do get the mental picture. :yep: I've seen some ladies in forums who were 60+ with classic length silver hair, and it was gorgeous worn up or down.
I will probably always keep my hair long. You know those older black lady hair cuts, shaved/short in the back and curls on top? I refuse to ever rock that.:nono:
Y'all are funny. I want to hear from Flower Hair. Maybe I can do a Jedi mind trick to pull her in.

So no short funky bobs so far.........................

No, not for me. I think trendy stuff like that is for young girls. Not to mention styles like that are dated. It's cute for 6 or 8 months, then it's like now what?