Worst childhood hair memory


New Member
We've all been burned by a hot comb/iron at least once, had some rough hands and a too small comb. I love hearing about the stories of our childhood memories here because we have so much in common at times.

I wanted to use this post to reminisce on some of the worst childhood hair care experiences we have had.

I've had my share of mishaps. From psoriasis to having my mom nair my hairline. :look:

One of the most memorable experiences I've had was the first time i got my braids professionally done. My mother usually did my braids but this time we figured we'd head to a salon to get them done. This was when Eve first came out and the straight back cornrows were in.

so being that i was 10/11 years old and wanted to be down I got this style. I don't know what it was the stylists gripe or why she hated my hairline, but she literally braided every hair i had above my eyebrow.

That means my baby hairs were anchors. It felt like she was pouring boiling water on my scalp and I swear to you my skin got braided. I remember holding back tears and gasping as she was braiding and that even though i was holding the front nothing helped. I thought this was how it was supposed to be but I knew it wasn't just me when she turned to a little girl in the shop and said " See, how come she doesn't cry when I do her hair" :crying3:

I thank God and all the deities that i still have a normal hairline to this day

Tell us your stories
My mom is cheap. She let the lady down the street put a curl in my head. Why was the lady a cokehead :perplexed? I saw her snort cocaine off of her business card. Since she lived a couple of doors down from my granny, I ended up spending the night over her house with the rods in my head ( I guess she was too high to finish). It is a wonder that I had any hair after that experience.
My mom is cheap. She let the lady down the street put a curl in my head. Why was the lady a cokehead :perplexed? I saw her snort cocaine off of her business card. Since she lived a couple of doors down from my granny, I ended up spending the night over her house with the rods in my head ( I guess she was too high to finish). It is a wonder that I had any hair after that experience.


Was your mom aware of this??
The hot comb burn on the ears when getting it pressed as a child..and the fear of it and begging moms NOT to do it.

But it was my fault cause I moved, right?
I was teased REGULARLY for having "bad" hair.:nono: I have 2 older sisters, and my hair was always shortest. I had NL, 4B hair, compared to their APL/BSL, 3C/4A tresses.

Now, my hair is longer and thicker than both of theirs....by far!:grin:
- Getting hair pressed and having the grease snap, crackle and pop
- Two nappy afro puffs looking like minnie mouse. Oh boy did I get picked on.
Two things on the same day with the same stylist (she was a new stylist).

I must've been about 10 or 11 and she burned the skin CLEAN off my right ear! I had a scar there for a long time.

She also wanted to blunt cut my hair. The front of my hair grows much slower than the back of my head. Of course my mother had no knowledge of this and thought it was all "dead ends" and let her do it. She cut me from in between SL and APL to CL (chin length)!!

I was so hurt. I didn't have long hair for a long time after that. It still hurts my feelings to think about it.

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Two things on the same day with the same stylist (she was a new stylist).

I must've been about 10 or 11 and she burned the skin CLEAN off my right ear! I had a scar there for a long time.

She also wanted to blunt cut my hair. The front of my hair grows much slower than the back of my head. Of course my mother had no knowledge of this and thought it was all "dead ends" and let her do it. She cut me from in between SL and APL to CL (chin length)!!

I was so hurt. I didn't have long hair for a long time after that. It still hurts my feelings to think about it.

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ohh im sorry :heart: your hair is beautifully luscious now. You've done a great job on it. whip your hair girl ! you got it
In highschool, I was chasing that Aaliyah bone straight look. I went to a new stylist and she got started on my hair with a tub of Motions Regular...ran out half way through and did the rest with Motions Super. She said it would be fine to mix the two. :nono: My hair was never straighter and I had the long Aaliyah hair for a few months before it began breaking off. :nono: That was the start of a long cycle of damage that ended with me having basically NL hair. Glad those days are gone!
Two things on the same day with the same stylist (she was a new stylist).

I must've been about 10 or 11 and she burned the skin CLEAN off my right ear! I had a scar there for a long time.

She also wanted to blunt cut my hair. The front of my hair grows much slower than the back of my head. Of course my mother had no knowledge of this and thought it was all "dead ends" and let her do it. She cut me from in between SL and APL to CL (chin length)!!

I was so hurt. I didn't have long hair for a long time after that. It still hurts my feelings to think about it.

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF

Like other have said, the hair pressing. My mom and that hot comb off the stove.

Also my mom straightening my hair with the damn clothes iron :nono:
We lived in the Cabrini Green row house projects growing up, basement level. Chicago people will definitely know about that spot. My mom sent me to get my hair braided by a lady who lived over us. I was about 8 years old. Well, I remember sitting down on the floor while she sat on the couch braiding. I remember her pulling and it hurting but that wasn't the worst of it. There were roaches crawling all over her floor. I guess she never did anything to keep them away. I don't remember what was said or done to make me stay on that floor but I remember being was paralyzed watching the bugs crawl on me. When I went back downstairs, my mom screamed when she saw roaches smashed on the back of my legs. My mom had some choice words for the neighbor who avoided my mom from then on and I never went up there again. Today I am afraid of all bugs, including butterflies. Sorry for the gross story but that is my worst hair story.
Welllll...I only have two words....JERRI....CURL!:sad:

Need I say more?

In the so famous words of Kid's Dad on House Party 1, "Follow the drip.......follow the drip"....:lachen::lachen::lachen:

MAN that brought back some memories * Thinking back* :nono: plastic bags, activator, flammable hair. Just Horrendous!!!

Just want to say Thanks Mom:violin:
I never told her and I'm not sure why.

Probably because you knew your mother would have completely lost it on her! In the words of Biggie Smalls "Call the coroner there's gonna be alot of slow singin and flower bringin......"
Back in the day when I got presses, I recalled the day we found the *ahem* sex tape my dad made with another woman. Please keep in mind (I was 12 at the time) that my mom combed through my washed, natural hair the day before my press. So just imagine an angry black woman killing my scalp with all the hate just flowing from her arm through the comb and onto my head. :dead: The tape was playing in the living room (I hid my eyes b/c I definitely didn't want to see it!) and we were just waiting for my dad to come in (he was mowing the yard). As soon as he came in, I grabbed the red comb and hightailed it outta there!
Memory #1 The big puffy fanned out late 80's early 90's bangs . Yall know which ones I'm talking about :lol:

Memory #2 Laying across the kitchen counter getting my hair washed in the sink. I swear my back still hurts :perplexed:

Memory #3 Being popped with the comb or brush because I couldn't keep still

I'll be back with more

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Picking scabs on my scalp then pulling them all the way down strands of hair :ohwell:

Was grounded from my curling iron when I left it on top of my basket of dirty clothes (yes it was on)
A Jherri Curl

The Hot Comb Sundays
"Girl I didnt burn you it was the heat" ....in mind "hell isnt fire heat"
When I was a kid my hair was always braided. My stylist would try different styles on me. One was 5 or 6 giant braids like pig tails when I was in the 6th grade. It looked nice for a couple days but after a week it began to look really bad.:nono: There was so much fuzz in my hair I hated leaving the house. I was so happy when I took those braids out and washed my hair.:yep:
My worst is probably the time I got ring worm on my scalp. It started out as a small bald spot, like the size of a coin. It then progressed to about the size of a cantaloupe or small child's ball. It made my scalp this really nasty grey color. Styling my hair was dang near impossible and people at school were noticing the grey scalp. No one knew what was going on with me until my mom finally took me to the dermatologist.
My last week wearing jerri curls was very traumatic for me

Me and my mom was in the basement doing laundry when a waterbug came flying through the window I stood there laughing while my mom tried to swat the bug out the air with a shirt or something. She finally hit it but we had no idea where it fell she actually sent me on a mission to find it and I couldn't find it.

Ok so I had to be about 11 years old at the time and my 4b curl was about bsl. I had so much freaking hair and it was thick as all get out and we never washed it only my beautician did it.

Anyway that day I got a case of the major itches my hair was on fire for days finally I told my mother mid week she said we would go get it done that weekend the itching didn't stop it felt like something was crawling around my head I wasn't allowed to comb my hair only brush it. When I finally went to get my hair done I got it washed and as the guy was parting it to put the rollers in he fount the waterbug alive in my hair.

He pulled it out and the **** went flying around the beauty parlor. That f-ing bug was crawling around my hair for a week it survived me brushing through my hair and a full wash.

My mom was convinced it laid eggs in my hair and we would not get them out unless my hair was straight so out went my curl and in went my perm that same day.

I left out of there still with long hair but I just knew there were eggs waiting to hatch in my hair so I started to comb brush and wash my hair religiously it took less the a month for most of my hair to fall out.
Omg this story takes the cake!!!! My head is itching. I am so sorry this happened to you :nono:
My last week wearing jerri curls was very traumatic for me

Me and my mom was in the basement doing laundry when a waterbug came flying through the window I stood there laughing while my mom tried to swat the bug out the air with a shirt or something. She finally hit it but we had no idea where it fell she actually sent me on a mission to find it and I couldn't find it.

Ok so I had to be about 11 years old at the time and my 4b curl was about bsl. I had so much freaking hair and it was thick as all get out and we never washed it only my beautician did it.

Anyway that day I got a case of the major itches my hair was on fire for days finally I told my mother mid week she said we would go get it done that weekend the itching didn't stop it felt like something was crawling around my head I wasn't allowed to comb my hair only brush it. When I finally went to get my hair done I got it washed and as the guy was parting it to put the rollers in he fount the waterbug alive in my hair.

He pulled it out and the **** went flying around the beauty parlor. That f-ing bug was crawling around my hair for a week it survived me brushing through my hair and a full wash.

My mom was convinced it laid eggs in my hair and we would not get them out unless my hair was straight so out went my curl and in went my perm that same day.

I left out of there still with long hair but I just knew there were eggs waiting to hatch in my hair so I started to comb brush and wash my hair religiously it took less the a month for most of my hair to fall out.

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