Women who's kids are grown.


New Member
A friend of mine is 42 and her children are grown 26 and 23. Well she has started dating. Her husband passed away and it has been 3years. She was only with one man and has been with him since middle school.

Well my problem with her is that she is dating a man that is 32 with 4 kids 1 6mths 2 6yrs old 3 14yrs old and 4 17 yrs old. Well I told her y is she dating some1 that on alternate weekends he has to keep his kids and she has to plan her schedule around them. I am sorry I am married and if something happend to my spouse aint no way I will want a man with little kids.

Her hubby left her set for lyf. She does not have to work, her house and cars are paid for so she is good. She likes to travel and wants to take this man with her, but he has to work to pay childsupport so he can not just leave when he wants or she wants to. He is a good man. He takes his kids to school and works very hard. The ex-wife has moved on and she is really good. My friend n the ex have a good relationship. The ex states her priortiy is her children and that their father have a active roll in their life. She is with him a little league games and parties. Her kids don't like it they thinks he is taking advantage of their mom.

What yall think?
This would not be a good match for me. Why can't she find a man in a similar situation as hers, maybe divorced/with an older child/children. Is she that lonely? I do think there is cause for concern, this man may see your friend as a sugar mama :nono: I have seen similiar situations in real life and some men that are divorced with multiple kids or had multiple children out of wedlock, tend to look for women that can help support them :ohwell:

I agree with the kids. Your friend needs to look elsewhere good man or not. The 6 month old baby turned me off from the start. Was this man married to the mother?
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Yes the youngest 2 r his the older 2 r by other men. He n the ex were married for 10 years and he said they just could not make it work. The ex says he was to childish.:lachen:

Funny thing she says he will smell her butt if she is n the bathroom or stick his finger in her butt just for the fun of it. I was grossed our when she said he stuck his tongue in her nose. :barf: She has had older more settled men ask her out but she says she is in luv!
Sometimes life just isn't what you've planned or hoped for.

If something happened and I would be alone of course I would NOT be looking for someone with small children.

But what jumped out at me is he is a good man. He works very hard. He takes care of his children.
Maybe, just maybe, he does not see her as a sugar mama.

Her kids don't really have to love it, anyways.

This might even be a phase she is going through.
She's dating male #2 at age 42.
Maybe there will be a male #3,4,5.

I expect it's going to take time for her to find someone who fits her life and heart like male #1.
Its her life. She is a grown woman and can do whatever she wants. I personally wouldn't want to be in that situation but as long as she is happy who cares?

If you really feel that this isn't a good situation then express your concerns to her.
I agree with the last two posts. Live and let live.. One thing she's learned is that life doesn't turn out the way you plan perhaps he makes her happy (for now) it's only been 3 years.

Now if she said she wanted a baby by the guy or talking marriage and paying his child support I would be miffed. But it appears that her guy is not expecting her to take care of his responsibilities.


I wouldn't choose a 32 y/o at 42 but my reason is for age (him being too young) NOT the kids. I don't date guys with kids!! but that's just me..but I know people who do and find what they consider happiness.
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Yes the youngest 2 r his the older 2 r by other men. He n the ex were married for 10 years and he said they just could not make it work. The ex says he was to childish.:lachen:

Funny thing she says he will smell her butt if she is n the bathroom or stick his finger in her butt just for the fun of it. I was grossed our when she said he stuck his tongue in her nose. :barf: She has had older more settled men ask her out but she says she is in luv!

On top of all that he is gross :nono: