Women Who Won't Be Quiet


Well-Known Member
Why is it so hard for some women to be quiet when someone says they don't want to talk? So I'm sitting outside my class waiting for the other class to finish and all of sudden I hear/see this couple (I'm assuming) and the girl is pulling on him and complaining about him not communicating with her. He's trying to walk away and keeps repeating, "I don't want to talk to you. Go to your class." Well, I didn't stay to see the final result but this isn't the first time I've seen this happen. I've noticed a lot of women insist on trying to force a guy to talk to them when the guy clearly doesn't want too. Just want some opinions on this issue.
Sad to say, I used to be this girl who would persist, persist, persist and it would only wind up aggravating the guy. In my experience and with the guy I was in this situation with, I learned that if he really didn't want to talk at the moment, I had to drop it for the mean time. Maybe some guys are different and want you to keep at it, but not the one I was seeing, LOL. With him, I would ask about two times what was wrong and if he could talk to me, and if it still seemed like he didn't want to talk, I said okay and dropped it. After giving him ample time to relax and cool off, tension had melted and we could talk. This is just my experience.
If you are having relationship problems people always tell you,"Oh you should talk about it with him" I hear that alot and it's kind of annoying because as you stated, it's not always time to talk and you can't talk if the other person isn't interested.
But I still persist (only at home) because even if he says, "we can talk about it later." He really means, "I hope you forget and don't bring this up again."
I don't know why some women do this, but I would suggest they stop. It's really annoying, in any situation. not only romantic. A person will talk when ready, it's easier that way.