Women Jealous Over Their Daughters' hair

Anyone who's jealous of their daughter's hair (which leads to them mistreating the hair) has no business in having children, or they need help or both.

Dem too bad mind.
@ bold: but she'll put it on her child's hair!

:nono: That poor baby! When she gets older, she'll question her mom as we all did... as to why she put chemicals on her hair.

Does she know about this sight? Let her take a look at the many beautiful heads of natural hair'd women and children here. Some people just can't see the beauty of natural hair.

I showed her this site and took her to Fotki. Told her all about moisturizing and sealing and protective styles. She said that heat protectant damages hair so then I stopped bringing it up.
In response to many of the comments about parents wearing name brand and their kids wearing k-mart. I'm not gonna spend $100 on some shoes when my 5 year old is just gonna run through puddles with them on. Nor will I spend tons on clothes, when my kid will just eat something and as much as I try to keep them clean, they still get stains. Don't judge everyone like that. Most of you don't even have kids so you wouldn't understand. I don't have children. But I have two younger siblings and I've watched my mom spend tons of their clothes, only for them to mess them up days later. I even did it as a child and that's alot of money down the drain. So when i get older, if I have LV purse and Christian Louboutin shoes, but my precious baby girl is wearing some dora the explorers from walmart, it's because I know she will mess them up. And I'm gonna gonna try to hamper their childhood by making them sit still 24 hours a day instead of letting them play around, and who cares if it gets dirty because I didnt spend tons of money on baby jordans. However, there are two sides to every story and I do see some parents with kids looking a total hot mess. they aren't clean and their hair isn't combed, but the parent looks like 100%. So I feel you on that. But the K-mart vs. name brand thing is redic.:nono:
I showed her this site and took her to Fotki. Told her all about moisturizing and sealing and protective styles. She said that heat protectant damages hair so then I stopped bringing it up.

Well it seems you've done your part as a friend. :yep:
Thanks for sharing!
In response to many of the comments about parents wearing name brand and their kids wearing k-mart. I'm not gonna spend $100 on some shoes when my 5 year old is just gonna run through puddles with them on. Nor will I spend tons on clothes, when my kid will just eat something and as much as I try to keep them clean, they still get stains. Don't judge everyone like that. Most of you don't even have kids so you wouldn't understand. I don't have children. But I have two younger siblings and I've watched my mom spend tons of their clothes, only for them to mess them up days later. I even did it as a child and that's alot of money down the drain. So when i get older, if I have LV purse and Christian Louboutin shoes, but my precious baby girl is wearing some dora the explorers from walmart, it's because I know she will mess them up. And I'm gonna gonna try to hamper their childhood by making them sit still 24 hours a day instead of letting them play around, and who cares if it gets dirty because I didnt spend tons of money on baby jordans. However, there are two sides to every story and I do see some parents with kids looking a total hot mess. they aren't clean and their hair isn't combed, but the parent looks like 100%. So I feel you on that. But the K-mart vs. name brand thing is redic.:nono:

That's a very good point. As long as my child's head looks moisturised, neat and his clothes are clean and pressed is the most important thing.

My son has a range of clothes from very cheap to run around in to the very expensive, but he always looks good even in his cheaper clothes! :grin:
My mom has never ever ever been good with hair. She refuses to wash her own hair for fear that it will fall out. Or it wont look as nice once she finishes. So I remember as a child, my hair was always between APL and BSL, thick coarse. And I loved to wear my hair down. so she'd wash and detangle it and hot comb it once aweek. but the hot comb only lasted for a day. And when she'd detangle my hair, she'd get soo frustrated and start crying, and I'd be crying because I was tenderheaded, and my dad would be yelling @ her because he thought she was hurting me. But I was just VERY tender headed. This lasted until I was about 9, because firs thing she did was get me a relaxer. and they'd never take because I couldnt leave them on long. so I'd basically be texlaxed until I was 15, when a friend of the family and a hair dresser for about 40 years got my hair bone straight and I'd been relaxing ever since. but before then, I only got a relaxer once a year. and that was during the summer when id sweat alot. My mom tried really hard to take care of my hair. at one point as a 5 and 6 year old. she'd send me to the salon, once a week to get a press & curl. So she tried really hard. She's just never been good at hair. Nor making good hair choices for herself. Now that I'm older, I'm actually naturally good at doing hair. especially styling. So I help her out alot.
That's a very good point. As long as my child's head looks moisturised, neat and his clothes are clean and pressed is the most important thing.

My son has a range of clothes from very cheap to run around in to the very expensive, but he always looks good even in his cheaper clothes! :grin:
That's the point. It's in the quality of the way the child is presented. Now in how much you spend on his or her clothes.
In response to many of the comments about parents wearing name brand and their kids wearing k-mart. I'm not gonna spend $100 on some shoes when my 5 year old is just gonna run through puddles with them on. Nor will I spend tons on clothes, when my kid will just eat something and as much as I try to keep them clean, they still get stains. Don't judge everyone like that. Most of you don't even have kids so you wouldn't understand. I don't have children. But I have two younger siblings and I've watched my mom spend tons of their clothes, only for them to mess them up days later. I even did it as a child and that's alot of money down the drain. So when i get older, if I have LV purse and Christian Louboutin shoes, but my precious baby girl is wearing some dora the explorers from walmart, it's because I know she will mess them up. And I'm gonna gonna try to hamper their childhood by making them sit still 24 hours a day instead of letting them play around, and who cares if it gets dirty because I didnt spend tons of money on baby jordans. However, there are two sides to every story and I do see some parents with kids looking a total hot mess. they aren't clean and their hair isn't combed, but the parent looks like 100%. So I feel you on that. But the K-mart vs. name brand thing is redic.:nono:

thats what i mean. brand names are expensive on kids; they grow too fast. but some kids are nasty and disgusting and head all tore up. :nono: while the parents are decent. ♥
In response to many of the comments about parents wearing name brand and their kids wearing k-mart. I'm not gonna spend $100 on some shoes when my 5 year old is just gonna run through puddles with them on. Nor will I spend tons on clothes, when my kid will just eat something and as much as I try to keep them clean, they still get stains. Don't judge everyone like that. Most of you don't even have kids so you wouldn't understand. I don't have children. But I have two younger siblings and I've watched my mom spend tons of their clothes, only for them to mess them up days later. I even did it as a child and that's alot of money down the drain. So when i get older, if I have LV purse and Christian Louboutin shoes, but my precious baby girl is wearing some dora the explorers from walmart, it's because I know she will mess them up. And I'm gonna gonna try to hamper their childhood by making them sit still 24 hours a day instead of letting them play around, and who cares if it gets dirty because I didnt spend tons of money on baby jordans. However, there are two sides to every story and I do see some parents with kids looking a total hot mess. they aren't clean and their hair isn't combed, but the parent looks like 100%. So I feel you on that. But the K-mart vs. name brand thing is redic.:nono:

Well I have 4 kids :look: I don't think anyone was insinuating that someone is a poor parent because they don't buy name brand clothing for their kids. I think the comparison was more of the mom looking like she walked out of a Nordstroms catalog with perfect hair, nails, and designer clothes while their kids is looking like a Save The Children ad. Think Mel B and her daughters.....
Maybe you should kindly say something to her. My mom was kinda the same when I was 8-13. She'd be 3 piece suited french roll and heels and I'd be all messy headed with a little longer than apl thick hair and some clothes from whoever. It wasn't that she didn't love me but she was focused on her own stuff. One day a woman at after school just came out and asked "why yo momma be all fly and send u in her like that" she meant no harm but I was bothered never realizing it until then. I told my mom what she said and she paid 70 bucks to get my hair braided and brought me a pair of new shoes. As for her hair being damaged glossy doesn't mean healthy but maybe it is. Ask her to let you take a close look and maybe you could trim it then you can know its not a jealousy thing.
Anyone who's jealous of their daughter's hair (which leads to them mistreating the hair) has no business in having children, or they need help or both.

Dem too bad mind.

Dem bad mind yes! How dem come suh, bad mind a dem pickney mi nah no:lol:
i was one of those kids dressed in oversized t-shirts looking like a black raggedy ann while my mom was dressed to the nines. And I can say from personal experience, that I rejected fashion because, being a shy kid, I didn't want the attention. I'm glad my mom didn't force me to wear anything she thought I should wear, although she'd make suggestions often LOL.

Also, she didn't know **** about how to style my hair since she didn't even style her own hair (she frequented salons). AGAIN, very grateful, that she didn't force me to go to salons, cuz as a kid, the last thing I wanted to do was sit in a salon chair for lord knows how many hours!!! I suppose she could've learned but things like hair and such were put on the back burner when we lost my father to cancer, I guess.

Just sayin', things may not be as simple as they appear.
In response to many of the comments about parents wearing name brand and their kids wearing k-mart. I'm not gonna spend $100 on some shoes when my 5 year old is just gonna run through puddles with them on. Nor will I spend tons on clothes, when my kid will just eat something and as much as I try to keep them clean, they still get stains. Don't judge everyone like that. Most of you don't even have kids so you wouldn't understand. I don't have children. But I have two younger siblings and I've watched my mom spend tons of their clothes, only for them to mess them up days later. I even did it as a child and that's alot of money down the drain. So when i get older, if I have LV purse and Christian Louboutin shoes, but my precious baby girl is wearing some dora the explorers from walmart, it's because I know she will mess them up. And I'm gonna gonna try to hamper their childhood by making them sit still 24 hours a day instead of letting them play around, and who cares if it gets dirty because I didnt spend tons of money on baby jordans. However, there are two sides to every story and I do see some parents with kids looking a total hot mess. they aren't clean and their hair isn't combed, but the parent looks like 100%. So I feel you on that. But the K-mart vs. name brand thing is redic.:nono:

I am the second oldest of six children and my mother always made sure we were well dressed with tidy hair dos. We learned how to maintain our looks and still have fun and be little girls. I'm not saying that children should walk around decked down in Gucci. I have seen and know parents that wear very expensive clothes and their kids look like they went dumpster diving for outfits. I know women who wait for their children's fathers to send the child support check so they can buy some new Jordan's and get a new weave installed. I talk from witnessing these things with my own eyes.

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Seriously! I had a discussion like this on a parenting forum Im on and the moms on there couldn't understand what I meant. I dress my child as well as I dress myself. Usually better and I LOVE it!!! I LOVE to show my baby off. Jealousy?! Yeah right. She is my pride and joy. DH and I ADORE the compliments she recieves whenever we take her out. The kids around here look a mess while mom and dad look amazing. I HATE that!! I can't wait for her hair to grow longer. She has a looser texture than me and it means nothing to me. I love her hair as much as I love my own. It's because I was looking for how to take care of her hait type that I even found this site.

A parent should NEVER be jealous of their child. I'm so proud of my baby girl. There's no room for jealousy.
There is no excuse for not providing quality care for your children. You can do that with any amount of experience and at any income level. How much expertise does a neat ponytail require? Unless you are disabled in some type of way..I see no reason for your baby not to look decent. [until THEY mess themselves up as children do] Even then you can ask someone else to help you out. That's what family/friends and even some associates are for. It's one thing to not want to put in any effort yourself, but then to not allow someone else to do it that is willing..I don't understand that. I mean there are people with no arms that can paint and write with their feet...I firmly believe that you can do whatever you put your mind to if you want to do it. I don't have children yet, but when I do you better believe he or she will look like they were raised by a loving mother and not a pack of wolves. And if I ever get into a physical or mental state where I am incapable of doing what I need to for my child there will be someone in my circle that I can turn to and I will be grateful for their assistance.