woman who stroked my hair


Well-Known Member
So I'm standing in BSS today and this woman comes up to me and starts stroking my hair. She asks me what I use, looks down and sees the silicon mix in my hand and gasps, " You shoudn't use that in your hair. Someone told me that's it's no good!"
I say to her " Well, I like it. I've used it and it's restoring my hair to it's natural resiliency. I've had no adverse side effects.
She's like " Well it's not good. It doesn't do anything for the hair. It doesn't condition it at all."
So I fling my hair over my shoulder (it's all bouncy and stuff) and said, " Well I'm the one who's hair you're stroking, maybe you should listen to me instead" (my sis said that was kinda mean and rude)
Mind you, her hair is short and broken up and severely damaged. Was I too rude in saying what I said?
I can understand that you may have been annoyed by this lady and it wasn't her place to try and tell you what do use in your own hair but I do think that you were rude/mean with your response. I'd even go as far as to say that your response even seemed a little snobby. I do have to agree with the lady that was molesting your hair tho because your hair is beautiful.
No, she was rude for stroking your hair without your permission and giving you unsolicited advice. What you said was doing her a favor and may open her eyes.
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Not rude at all. Regardless of whether you're a "sister" or not.....you should:
1. Not be touching a stranger's hair. You never know who has lice! ( no offense Sweet!)
2. Not try to give hair advice when yours is a hot mess...AND YOU KNOW IT!!!
3. Accept gracious advice from those with healthy locks...regardless of whether or not you agree with it. You asked, so listen to what people tell you.
4. Get a STRONG back hand ready for people who walk up and invade your personal space like that. I don't know where your hands have been or if you...nevermind
I think you were blunt not rude. I can't stand it when people give you unsolicited hair advice, especially when their hair is tow' up and yours looks better. It urks me! But people always seem to do it. :mad:
No way! Plus she had no right to be stroking your hair, how dare her! Some people are just clueless, if I saw a girl such as yourself with gorgeous hair, enough for me to be stroking it, I would listen to everything you had to say about growing beautiful hair...then again that's just me. It seems like that would be the sensible thing to do but some folks are lacking in that department. Like I've said before, just like people with nasty teeft and jacked up breath all up in your grill:ohwell: , people with the worst hair will always giving us healthy headed individuals unwarranted advice:ohwell: ...just keep it moving girl;) .

sweetcashew said:
So I'm standing in BSS today and this woman comes up to me and starts stroking my hair. She asks me what I use, looks down and sees the silicon mix in my hand and gasps, " You shoudn't use that in your hair. Someone told me that's it's no good!"
I say to her " Well, I like it. I've used it and it's restoring my hair to it's natural resiliency. I've had no adverse side effects.
She's like " Well it's not good. It doesn't do anything for the hair. It doesn't condition it at all."
So I fling my hair over my shoulder (it's all bouncy and stuff) and said, " Well I'm the one who's hair you're stroking, maybe you should listen to me instead" (my sis said that was kinda mean and rude)
Mind you, her hair is short and broken up and severely damaged. Was I too rude in saying what I said?
IMO she had that coming. She kept pushing the issue and stepped overboard. Apparantly it does work if your hair is healthy and has the ability to be tossed over your shoulder. Maybe she will think twice before she reaches out that touches someone else's hair.
brownsugar9999 said:
Not rude at all. Regardless of whether you're a "sister" or not.....you should:
1. Not be touching a stranger's hair. You never know who has lice! ( no offense Sweet!)
2. Not try to give hair advice when yours is a hot mess...AND YOU KNOW IT!!!
3. Accept gracious advice from those with healthy locks...regardless of whether or not you agree with it. You asked, so listen to what people tell you.
4. Get a STRONG back hand ready for people who walk up and invade your personal space like that. I don't know where your hands have been or if you...nevermind

:grin: :lachen: :lol: :lachen: Laughing at the highlighted comment. So true! I feel when I get my hair "done" I have to have my pimp hand ready!
SherryLove said:
sweetcashew, i know this may be slightly off topic; but your rollerset hair pics are fabulous!!!!!smile..

Coming from you that's the world's greatest compliment. I guess I'll be happy for the rest of the day :spinning:
You're my hair inspiration!
not rude in the SLIGHTEST. u could've said

"look at your hair its all damaged etc, u cant tell me a thing!"

but u didn't, u told her the truth, she is stroking your hair, and then insulting you on your choice.

if someone dissed my precious mane n tail i would LAUGH in the persons face like a loon:lol:
Omg! I love you ladies!:lol: I don't think you were wrong at all. She should've seen the testimony in your gorgeous hair!;)
I don't think you were mean at all, I'm so glad somebody finally let someone have it in a nice polite manner, :clap: . She admires your hair and ask what you use and then try to tell you how it's no good, :confused: , I bet when you left the store she had a basket full of everything you had or will be returning to pick it up :lol:.
it was kinda mean, but that's ok. i love your, it's sooo pretty. what's that silicone or whatever mix for anyway?
nope u was not rude at all she go argue u down that the product is wrong for u when your the one with nice hair- ppl are a trip:cool:
You were blunt and to the point, NOT rude. She wasn't getting it, so you had to go there. I feel you. :whip: And bravo on your not saying or doing something about her stroking your hair without permission! :clapping:

Gone wit' cho bad self!!! :cool:
Girl, you were NOT rude at all. Good for you! If someone's telling you not to use something, and their hair is jacked up, walk--no, run--far away. :lachen:

sweetcashew said:
So I'm standing in BSS today and this woman comes up to me and starts stroking my hair. She asks me what I use, looks down and sees the silicon mix in my hand and gasps, " You shoudn't use that in your hair. Someone told me that's it's no good!"
I say to her " Well, I like it. I've used it and it's restoring my hair to it's natural resiliency. I've had no adverse side effects.
She's like " Well it's not good. It doesn't do anything for the hair. It doesn't condition it at all."
So I fling my hair over my shoulder (it's all bouncy and stuff) and said, " Well I'm the one who's hair you're stroking, maybe you should listen to me instead" (my sis said that was kinda mean and rude)
Mind you, her hair is short and broken up and severely damaged. Was I too rude in saying what I said?
sweetcashew said:
So I fling my hair over my shoulder (it's all bouncy and stuff) and said, " Well I'm the one who's hair you're stroking, maybe you should listen to me instead"

Yeah, that was wrong. :lol:

Blunt is saying "It's working for me so I'm sticking with it," or "different things work for different people" and saying nothing more. If she kept insisting the product was bad, just an "ok" and carrying on about your business would have been to the point without being impolite. The hair flinging and final comment crossed over into rudeness, which is never necessary IMO.
She should have never touched your hair, imo...that just set it off...Then tells you what to do and not do.. Some people just don't get it when you're nice to her and I think if you just nicely told her your opinion she would've kept going so U did the right thing IMO, if she was that gutsy to just be all up ur hair that was just the beginning..

ETA: I really hope when my hair gets long that I don't have to deal with people do ish like that. I do not just want no anybodys hands in my hair, who knows where they hands been. Stuff like that I'd have to set them straight... Ask first, you know?
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sweetcashew said:
So I fling my hair over my shoulder (it's all bouncy and stuff) and said, " Well I'm the one who's hair you're stroking, maybe you should listen to me instead"

Woo, had my laugh for the day :grin:

That's not rude, just tellin it like it is
BlackCardinal said:
Yeah, that was wrong. :lol:

Blunt is saying "It's working for me so I'm sticking with it," or "different things work for different people" and saying nothing more. If she kept insisting the product was bad, just an "ok" and carrying on about your business would have been to the point without being impolite. The hair flinging and final comment crossed over into rudeness, which is never necessary IMO.

I hear you Black cardinal, but honestly, she so totally irritated me. You have to understand that this is like the 3rd time in a couple of days I've been through this. I got into an arguement with a friend of mine over what she should do with her her.
Believe it or not, only a tiny amount of hair in the middle of her head is what is left. She's bald everywhere else. Her hair just completely fell out due to piling 3 packs of weave on her already fragile hair.
I've been giving her advice, even wrote out a regimen for her to follow but she won't listen and she keeps putting 3 packs of weave on that little tatch of hair. So we're having this discussion and she's complaining that her hair is not improving. I tell her that with my care my cousin's hair grew from a state similar to hers to bra-strap length.(Everyone says I have magic hair fingers. But that's another story).
She tells me I don't know anything about 'her hair'. so ok then, stop complaining to me.
Then another friend was mad at me because I gave her a touch up and didn't relax from root to end. When I explained to her that that's the reason why her hair was damaged and short. she told me I don't know her hair and it's necessay to relax her hair from roots to ends. Then she went on the inform me that I have 'Good hair' and that my hair has always been long so I won't understand. Ok, then stop talking about my goddamm hair all damn day. :lol:
So I said maybe it's the truth that I've always had long hair but if I was treating my hair the way she's treating hers, then mine would look just like hers too.
Anyway, I'm tired of talking about hair. And I'm tired of people always asking for advice then shooting it down.
I understand you sweetcashew, I hate when people touch my hair. There's this girl at my job who touches my hair everyday and finally one day I was like "can you please reframe from touching my hair, thanks!" Haha she was so offended, but oh well. It gets old... not to mention ppl who ask for advice and then don't want to hear it. BTW your hair is beautiful.