WL 2011

A very warm welcome to all of our newcomers!!!:yep:

Between my illness and work I have not been in here often but that's about to change...........tomorrow is my last day to work so I should have plenty of time on my hands, for a few weeks at least :ohwell:.

I see so many beautiful heads of hair........KUTGW ladies :grin:!

An update....

Right now I'm air-drying in a plait pony.....I pre-poo'd with Amla Oil, poo'd with L'Occitane Aromachologie (sp?) and conditioned with the repairing hair mask. Leave-ins were Rusk Smoother, Lacio Lacio along with John Frieda frizz ease serum.

My new growth is very manageable at this time. I chalk that up to my JBCO usage!


I hope things have been looking on the upside for you, and that your Illness is at a better stage... :yep:

:congrats: on the new growth that is agreeing with you :yep:
How have you been using the JBCO? I'd love to know :yep:
Quick update! Not really a length check (i'm reserving that for June after my 6 month stretch...never gone that long, 12 weeks is my max, but I'm excited!). But I used my new InStyler and loved the results:yep:


You've got such BEAUTIFUL hair :drool:
It looks so healthy and volumed :yep:

I absolutely love your hair....

Keep up the good work, because your hair is definitely speaking of your good time used to manage it and thanking you with you beauty :yep:


Your very welcome :). I'm glad that it made you smile :yep: you should know that your hard work is noticed and admired...

Yes the hair will definitely take you on a journey, and its so darn picky sometimes, ((..Laughing..)). I truly do wish I could let my hair be and retain length but my curls require so much moisture and my ends and tricky.... Humph, I still try and figure them out.
I'm happy that what your doing is truly working and your hair is thanking you for it.

The adventure is very interesting, especially when you find something that your hair absolutely loves... It makes it ask worth while as you watch it grow, shine, and thrive, in a way of saying "Thank you"


Totally agree with everything you wrote. My hair isn't really too picky anymore now that I just leave it alone.

Oh and yes, I don't mind waiting for it to grow as much as before since stretching for 4 months really does allow me to notice my progress a great deal. The previous time I relaxed before this I only stretched for 3 and I didn't think I saw much of a difference so I didn't update with any pictures. :nono:
Hey Ladies,

I am trimming tonight and I dont remember what I did when I trimmed last year so I thought I would ask your insights this for tonight.

Should I wash before or after?

Totally agree with everything you wrote. My hair isn't really too picky anymore now that I just leave it alone.

Oh and yes, I don't mind waiting for it to grow as much as before since stretching for 4 months really does allow me to notice my progress a great deal. The previous time I relaxed before this I only stretched for 3 and I didn't think I saw much of a difference so I didn't update with any pictures. :nono:


You sound like a person who is in love with her hair, and that is lovely.

4 Months is good deal of time, that extra month I'm sure helps.... I give myself a 6 month stretch, seeing how I have hairrexcia and I like to see a very noticeable about of progress and in hope to reach my goals, I don't like to know the length until I feel I've made it... :yep: :grin:

Your pictures are quite lovely, I am glad we get to see them, and I'm excited to see the progress you'll have in June, It will be just as jaw dropping as it was this time around I'm sure
Hey ladies,

I asked this in the hl challenge too (though I haven't joined that one)...but I wanted to get the views (from longer haired ladies) of cassia and henna. Won't be doing it for at least two months as I'm psing. BUT was wondering if it might be a good thing to add strength after the take-down. Never done it before so I don't know if I should even go there. Just wondering your experiences. How many of you are using cassia or henna?

I use henna periodically. I would like to henna every 6 weeks or so, but I haven't gotten around to it in a few months. Pregnancy has made me very hair lazy.

You sound like a person who is in love with her hair, and that is lovely.

4 Months is good deal of time, that extra month I'm sure helps.... I give myself a 6 month stretch, seeing how I have hairrexcia and I like to see a very noticeable about of progress and in hope to reach my goals, I don't like to know the length until I feel I've made it... :yep: :grin:

Your pictures are quite lovely, I am glad we get to see them, and I'm excited to see the progress you'll have in June, It will be just as jaw dropping as it was this time around I'm sure


Thank you kindly! I hope I didn't come off as vain but I do appreciate that my hair is working with me rather than against me. :yep:

I'm beginning to think 4 months is too short as well, I wanted to stretch for 5-6 months instead but my hairdresser's salon is planning renovations and I didn't want to be stuck in uncertainty if I couldn't wait. I stretch gradually, extending each time so I just rather feel secure that my hairdresser is there and I can go any time. :yep:

Hopefully I can have progress pictures in July but summer isn't to gracious to my hair. :nono: I really plan to prep my hair this time with proper deep conditioning so that the stretch is a healthy one with strong strands.

I didnt see this message so I apologize.
We already talked about it all so everything is fine. You arent even way behind me, your just a tad bit...
Im going to check out your thread, Have to support my partner :)
Your right, why would we stop being partners our goals are still the same and we still want the same thing. :yep:
Your still with me as a hair partner ,((..Laughing..)) for as long as you like :P
Yep-we have already covered that-Thanks for the support! BEST PARTNER EVERRRR!!!!!! LOLz

Thank you kindly! I hope I didn't come off as vain but I do appreciate that my hair is working with me rather than against me. :yep:

I'm beginning to think 4 months is too short as well, I wanted to stretch for 5-6 months instead but my hairdresser's salon is planning renovations and I didn't want to be stuck in uncertainty if I couldn't wait. I stretch gradually, extending each time so I just rather feel secure that my hairdresser is there and I can go any time. :yep:

Hopefully I can have progress pictures in July but summer isn't to gracious to my hair. :nono: I really plan to prep my hair this time with proper deep conditioning so that the stretch is a healthy one with strong strands.


Your very welcome! Not at all did you come off as vain, I do apologize if I gave you the intention that you did, in some way.

4 Months is really good, if you feel like you want to try more this time around, give it a shot :yep: You will surprise yourself :yep: If you've got to get it done earlier in order to make sure your hair dresser is available that's fine too :yep:

Yeah, the summer can me some mean weather... Making you want to avoid the sun for safe keeping, ((..Laughing..)). I'm with you on the healthy strong strands, my strands are like drama queens the way they decide to break all easy... :lachen::grin: :yep:
Yep-we have already covered that-Thanks for the support! BEST PARTNER EVERRRR!!!!!! LOLz


I meant to say stuck with me, major typo, ((..Laughing..)).

Thank you, Honey! You are the BESTEST PARTNER as well. What kind of partner isn't supportive and always trying to uplift you? If you know of one Its not a good partner I'll tell you that :yep:

Your very welcome! Not at all did you come off as vain, I do apologize if I gave you the intention that you did, in some way.

4 Months is really good, if you feel like you want to try more this time around, give it a shot :yep: You will surprise yourself :yep: If you've got to get it done earlier in order to make sure your hair dresser is available that's fine too :yep:

Yeah, the summer can me some mean weather... Making you want to avoid the sun for safe keeping, ((..Laughing..)). I'm with you on the healthy strong strands, my strands are like drama queens the way they decide to break all easy... :lachen::grin: :yep:

PeculiarDaye - No no no! I apologize!

Alright, definitely doing it! 5 months for my next stretch, hope I can do it. :grin: I'm so happy I can stretch and get my scalp in order, every 2 months is too much of a killer, especially since I have a scalp condition. :nono:

Mine too! I wasn't too worried because I was retaining for the most part but it was still getting to me because I know I messed up my moisture/protein balance to cause it. :nono: :sad: Really working on keeping it this time around. :yep:
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@PeculiarDaye - No no no! I apologize!

Alright, definitely doing it! 5 months for my next stretch, hope I can do it. :grin: I'm so happy I can stretch and get my scalp in order, every 2 months is too much of a killer, especially since I have a scalp condition. :nono:

Mine too! I wasn't too worried because I was retaining for the most part but it was still getting to me because I know I messed up my moisture/protein balance to cause it. :nono: :sad: Really working on keeping it this time around. :yep:


Its okay :yep: No apology needed :yep:

Yay! You can do it, if you say you can then you can. If you feel tempted just remind yourself that the extra month you hold out will make a difference, and it will be a noticeable one.
Scalp condition? do you mind sharing?

Well I definitely understand. You'll fix everything, and come July you'll surprise yourself :yep: I'd even bet the color of my writing on it, :lol:.

Ive tried what I know, its best now for me to keep it braided until June 30th, 2011 Like I planned and hope to be Waist Length. Braids are the only way I can imagine to give my hair the time it needs to strengthen, and give it moisture at the same time.
I'm starting to believe my hair dislikes brushes!!!! Or just the one i use :look: No bueno for me :nono: So I've reverted to a soft/mild brush hopefully it works :yep:
I'm trusting in God on this one :yep::pray:


Its okay :yep: No apology needed :yep:

Yay! You can do it, if you say you can then you can. If you feel tempted just remind yourself that the extra month you hold out will make a difference, and it will be a noticeable one.
Scalp condition? do you mind sharing?

Well I definitely understand. You'll fix everything, and come July you'll surprise yourself :yep: I'd even bet the color of my writing on it, :lol:.

Ive tried what I know, its best now for me to keep it braided until June 30th, 2011 Like I planned and hope to be Waist Length. Braids are the only way I can imagine to give my hair the time it needs to strengthen, and give it moisture at the same time.
I'm starting to believe my hair dislikes brushes!!!! Or just the one i use :look: No bueno for me :nono: So I've reverted to a soft/mild brush hopefully it works :yep:
I'm trusting in God on this one :yep::pray:

PeculiarDaye - I had bad dandruff when I was younger, extremely bad itching. Swimming and relaxing made the problem even worse and it was no joke, nothing relieved it. I got tested by a doctor and got products recommended, didn't work. You see, even if the dandruff was eliminated some how a sore would end up on my scalp and start the itching process all over again. The only thing that ever worked was KeraCare Dry & Itchy Scalp Conditioner. Don't know how but it worked, it even healed the sores. The tingle of the product is pretty intense but it works. It eliminated my scalp problem for a long time, it came back but no where near as bad as it used to be. I would use it after relaxing because my sores would be inflamed and it would still heal and provide relief. It's soft enough to use on your whole head but I just use it on the scalp to save product, that's the problem area anyway. For a long time before my mother discovered this product, I couldn't use many conditioners on my hair because it would aggravate the problem. Now I can use anything under the sun and my dandruff is normal; when I was using the product it would literally take WEEKS before any dandruff would remotely show. Sorry for the long testimony but I just LOVE this product, it saved me. I plan to buy the big $40 bottle soon so that it can last me a year. I think it even helped with my growth at the time. NEED IT, it's like a dream! :lovedrool:

I love your length, btw. I think I'll only consider my hair long when it gets to MBL. Right now I still feel SL. Did you henna for that reddish colour?

I keep my hair wrapped up in a bun under a net when I get home because I don't like it in my face, it really helps with the style for the next day and keeps it from unnecessary weakening. :yep: What messed me up was obsessing over protein because I loved the benefits, moisture is the way to go for me most of the time though.

The only thing I like to use is my wide tooth comb from Sally's, it's the only thing I think in my mind reduces my breakage. I really want to try the Tangle Teezer though. :grin:
@PeculiarDaye - I had bad dandruff when I was younger, extremely bad itching. Swimming and relaxing made the problem even worse and it was no joke, nothing relieved it. I got tested by a doctor and got products recommended, didn't work. You see, even if the dandruff was eliminated some how a sore would end up on my scalp and start the itching process all over again. The only thing that ever worked was KeraCare Dry & Itchy Scalp Conditioner. Don't know how but it worked, it even healed the sores. The tingle of the product is pretty intense but it works. It eliminated my scalp problem for a long time, it came back but no where near as bad as it used to be. I would use it after relaxing because my sores would be inflamed and it would still heal and provide relief. It's soft enough to use on your whole head but I just use it on the scalp to save product, that's the problem area anyway. For a long time before my mother discovered this product, I couldn't use many conditioners on my hair because it would aggravate the problem. Now I can use anything under the sun and my dandruff is normal; when I was using the product it would literally take WEEKS before any dandruff would remotely show. Sorry for the long testimony but I just LOVE this product, it saved me. I plan to buy the big $40 bottle soon so that it can last me a year. I think it even helped with my growth at the time. NEED IT, it's like a dream! :lovedrool:

I love your length, btw. I think I'll only consider my hair long when it gets to MBL. Right now I still feel SL. Did you henna for that reddish colour?

I keep my hair wrapped up in a bun under a net when I get home because I don't like it in my face, it really helps with the style for the next day and keeps it from unnecessary weakening. :yep: What messed me up was obsessing over protein because I loved the benefits, moisture is the way to go for me most of the time though.

The only thing I like to use is my wide tooth comb from Sally's, it's the only thing I think in my mind reduces my breakage. I really want to try the Tangle Teezer though. :grin:


I understand! If you found a product that your hair absolutely LOVES and you fell in LOVE with it to, no reason to stop using it. Let the love spread through your head and heart and keep a hold to it.
I don't know how that must feel, but I do apologize you had to feel it, I can only believe that it must hurt and be very agitating.
I say buy the 40 dollar bottle, if it will last you a year then its most worth it :yep:
I love long testimonies :yep:

Thank you! I am happy with my length but Ive always wanted to be Waist Length and beyond (HL) so I knew that MBL was only a first step for me and my true happiness in a goal was past it.

? that's the Hairrexcia talking :yep:

For the red-ish brown-ish color at my ends, It was hair dye. I dyed it back in June 2009, and then I had to get a lot of it cut off in January 2010, because of the breakage from not giving it all the moisture it needed, and the chemicals in the dye damaged it because of that... shame on me:nono:. Im now inching it off slowly :yep: I wish it were henna, I probably wouldn't of had a problem :yep:

Yeah, I feel the same way about the Wide Tooth Comb. But I've heard so many wonderful things about the Tangle Teezer that I am going to give it a try next month, If my hair likes it then I love it.
You should try it, if you don't like it... it was just another adventure :yep:

I understand! If you found a product that your hair absolutely LOVES and you fell in LOVE with it to, no reason to stop using it. Let the love spread through your head and heart and keep a hold to it.
I don't know how that must feel, but I do apologize you had to feel it, I can only believe that it must hurt and be very agitating.
I say buy the 40 dollar bottle, if it will last you a year then its most worth it :yep:
I love long testimonies :yep:

Thank you! I am happy with my length but Ive always wanted to be Waist Length and beyond (HL) so I knew that MBL was only a first step for me and my true happiness in a goal was past it.

? that's the Hairrexcia talking :yep:

For the red-ish brown-ish color at my ends, It was hair dye. I dyed it back in June 2009, and then I had to get a lot of it cut off in January 2010, because of the breakage from not giving it all the moisture it needed, and the chemicals in the dye damaged it because of that... shame on me:nono:. Im now inching it off slowly :yep: I wish it were henna, I probably wouldn't of had a problem :yep:

Yeah, I feel the same way about the Wide Tooth Comb. But I've heard so many wonderful things about the Tangle Teezer that I am going to give it a try next month, If my hair likes it then I love it.
You should try it, if you don't like it... it was just another adventure :yep:

PeculiarDaye - I have to hold on to this product, they changed the formula but still have the old bottles at the only salon that carries it so I'm definitely getting it by March 1st. Hopefully they don't run out of the old formula quickly OR that the new formula is just as good if not better.

My goal kept fluctuating but waist length has been the final for a while now. :yep: I might change my mind later if the hair anorexia increases though as I get closer to my goal.

I want to colour my hair too with a no ammonia product. Since you have experience with hair dye, any tips you can provide?

I actually went to buy the Tangle Teezer a week ago. Went twice to Sally's, the lady assured me she had it the first time but when I got there, they closed early. Went there the second time and a different employee said it's not available in Canada. :rolleyes:
@PeculiarDaye - I have to hold on to this product, they changed the formula but still have the old bottles at the only salon that carries it so I'm definitely getting it by March 1st. Hopefully they don't run out of the old formula quickly OR that the new formula is just as good if not better.

My goal kept fluctuating but waist length has been the final for a while now. :yep: I might change my mind later if the hair anorexia increases though as I get closer to my goal.

I want to colour my hair too with a no ammonia product. Since you have experience with hair dye, any tips you can provide?

I actually went to buy the Tangle Teezer a week ago. Went twice to Sally's, the lady assured me she had it the first time but when I got there, they closed early. Went there the second time and a different employee said it's not available in Canada. :rolleyes:


Yes, do grab a hold of that while the formula is still the same... I know when they make a new one it is supposed to be better than the last, but you can only hope, and if they don't have it, which I hope they do. Then I hope its better than the last :) and does WONDERS for your hair :yep:

Waist Length is a very good goal, and your relaxed so its always straight and always flowing with the wind :yep: if you choose to go past it, then that is good as well, be where it makes you happy. You already know you can reach your goals so it will then be a personal choice.
My thing is, I'm a curly head chick, so I want my curls to hang low when down, and my single braid in the back to be at Mid Back Length or Waist Length. and I want my pony to be noticeably long and curly. I suffer from shrinkage :look:
Then flat ironed, I want it to amaze me :yep: I haven't been flat ironed since 2008 and it is hard, but I refuse to flat iron until I reach December 2011, or maybe even not then

With dye, Ive got to be honest and say its how your hair takes it. But I can also tell you its in how you care for it... Your hair is going to need moisture, give it that often. Oils to seal the moisture in so it doesn't feel neglected. Don't wash it to often at the beginning because you'll dry it out, deep condition it with all the love you've got... If you want to be safe, go with the Henna treatment.
That's what Ive learned from it :yep:

Purchase it online.... Ive heard Canada doesn't have a lot of things...
Do you like it there?
Where is that first employee at because its interesting how she told you they have it, but the second says its not even sold out there period... No Bueno:nono:


Yes, do grab a hold of that while the formula is still the same... I know when they make a new one it is supposed to be better than the last, but you can only hope, and if they don't have it, which I hope they do. Then I hope its better than the last :) and does WONDERS for your hair :yep:

Waist Length is a very good goal, and your relaxed so its always straight and always flowing with the wind :yep: if you choose to go past it, then that is good as well, be where it makes you happy. You already know you can reach your goals so it will then be a personal choice.
My thing is, I'm a curly head chick, so I want my curls to hang low when down, and my single braid in the back to be at Mid Back Length or Waist Length. and I want my pony to be noticeably long and curly. I suffer from shrinkage :look:
Then flat ironed, I want it to amaze me :yep: I haven't been flat ironed since 2008 and it is hard, but I refuse to flat iron until I reach December 2011, or maybe even not then

With dye, Ive got to be honest and say its how your hair takes it. But I can also tell you its in how you care for it... Your hair is going to need moisture, give it that often. Oils to seal the moisture in so it doesn't feel neglected. Don't wash it to often at the beginning because you'll dry it out, deep condition it with all the love you've got... If you want to be safe, go with the Henna treatment.
That's what Ive learned from it :yep:

Purchase it online.... Ive heard Canada doesn't have a lot of things...
Do you like it there?
Where is that first employee at because its interesting how she told you they have it, but the second says its not even sold out there period... No Bueno:nono:

PeculiarDaye - Yes, I plan to. The sensation is serious though, sometimes it gives me headaches, not to mention when I'm tired, it's even worse. I know for the other people the tingle isn't that serious though, so it's just me. Still adore it though.

I'm starting to feel like the goal isn't farfetched anymore. I always wanted to get there and would imagine myself there but there was always hidden doubt, I guess. :nono: Sometimes I do wish my growth rate was an inch per month but I think that would ultimately lead to frustration with how quickly I'd need to relax. The time the growth takes to appear allows me to know my hair and appreciate it, I even love my natural texture more and more now.

Still wondering if I should risk it, I'll wait and if not I'll give the dye to a friend. For some reason I rather risk it when my hair is already waist length than now. :look: Thank you for the advice. :grin:

No, Canada does not have a lot of things but it used to be worse a few years back. Now more things come and arrive a lot quicker, still though they need to get on the same level as the U.S. when it comes to availability of merchandise. I like living here but I want to travel and live elsewhere, I know I'll miss Toronto though - I'm thankful I live in a big city because I think I would DIE if I lived in a small town in Canada. :nono: Actually to mention the product topic again, major cities like Toronto get items a lot faster and quicker.

Yes, she actually closed the register early which I hate but I guess she figured from working in the store in that particular area that she wouldn't get anymore customers. She had an accent so she probably misunderstood what I said and meant by Tangle Teezer. It seems to me she thought I meant a teasing brush. Actually, what got me a little irritated was when I was in the store, the employees that told me it was only available in U.S. said I didn't need it anyway and my hair wasn't tangled. I know it was a compliment and I'm flattered but don't you want your business? :lol: Especially when I had to travel on a very cold day to your store TWICE to try to get the brush? :rolleyes:
@PeculiarDaye - Yes, I plan to. The sensation is serious though, sometimes it gives me headaches, not to mention when I'm tired, it's even worse. I know for the other people the tingle isn't that serious though, so it's just me. Still adore it though.

I'm starting to feel like the goal isn't farfetched anymore. I always wanted to get there and would imagine myself there but there was always hidden doubt, I guess. :nono: Sometimes I do wish my growth rate was an inch per month but I think that would ultimately lead to frustration with how quickly I'd need to relax. The time the growth takes to appear allows me to know my hair and appreciate it, I even love my natural texture more and more now.

Still wondering if I should risk it, I'll wait and if not I'll give the dye to a friend. For some reason I rather risk it when my hair is already waist length than now. :look: Thank you for the advice. :grin:

No, Canada does not have a lot of things but it used to be worse a few years back. Now more things come and arrive a lot quicker, still though they need to get on the same level as the U.S. when it comes to availability of merchandise. I like living here but I want to travel and live elsewhere, I know I'll miss Toronto though - I'm thankful I live in a big city because I think I would DIE if I lived in a small town in Canada. :nono: Actually to mention the product topic again, major cities like Toronto get items a lot faster and quicker.

Yes, she actually closed the register early which I hate but I guess she figured from working in the store in that particular area that she wouldn't get anymore customers. She had an accent so she probably misunderstood what I said and meant by Tangle Teezer. It seems to me she thought I meant a teasing brush. Actually, what got me a little irritated was when I was in the store, the employees that told me it was only available in U.S. said I didn't need it anyway and my hair wasn't tangled. I know it was a compliment and I'm flattered but don't you want your business? :lol: Especially when I had to travel on a very cold day to your store TWICE to try to get the brush? :rolleyes:


That is some serious shampoo there, Did you tell your doctor what it does? I know it works but did you make sure there wasnt going to be any long term effects?

Honestly, your goal isn't far-fetched. There is no reason not to believe that you cant make it there, sure its taking time, but your getting there every inch is one step closer. If it takes you a month and a half to get to one inch, that is just fine. Just remember your getting there and retaining length, so its very possible. Don't doubt a goal you set, because when you set it you believed in the possibility of you making it, you knew inside that you could do it with the dedication and hard work. So hold on to the hope you set before you, and keep what your doing up. Keep protective styling too.
Hold on to faith
I'm praying you do.

So you want to go natural? if its what you want I say go for it, whenever your ready.

I want to visit Canada one day, I looked up cruises that go there last year, but then I want to go to Alaska more :lol:. Yes, a lot of places dont get stuff like the U.S, but depending on what state you live in inside of the United States you still get stuff later. Like fashion is slower to get to other states.

Yeah, you should just order it online seeing how If she said you guys dont have it, Online is the only other way to go. :yep: I hope she misunderstood you other wise someone is lying, ((..Laughing..))


That is some serious shampoo there, Did you tell your doctor what it does? I know it works but did you make sure there wasnt going to be any long term effects?

Honestly, your goal isn't far-fetched. There is no reason not to believe that you cant make it there, sure its taking time, but your getting there every inch is one step closer. If it takes you a month and a half to get to one inch, that is just fine. Just remember your getting there and retaining length, so its very possible. Don't doubt a goal you set, because when you set it you believed in the possibility of you making it, you knew inside that you could do it with the dedication and hard work. So hold on to the hope you set before you, and keep what your doing up. Keep protective styling too.
Hold on to faith
I'm praying you do.

So you want to go natural? if its what you want I say go for it, whenever your ready.

I want to visit Canada one day, I looked up cruises that go there last year, but then I want to go to Alaska more :lol:. Yes, a lot of places dont get stuff like the U.S, but depending on what state you live in inside of the United States you still get stuff later. Like fashion is slower to get to other states.

Yeah, you should just order it online seeing how If she said you guys dont have it, Online is the only other way to go. :yep: I hope she misunderstood you other wise someone is lying, ((..Laughing..))

PeculiarDaye - Well I used it for so long, I never bothered. :look: Now that you mention it, it won't be hard to just check up on it though.

Thank you for the advice, I'm really trying to make my beliefs reality by thinking positively.

Not ready to go natural just yet but I may down the road. I'm beginning to admire natural hair more and more.

I've heard Vancouver is nice to visit and Nova Scotia! :)

Yes, I buy most of the stuff I want online, usually clothing. :lol:
@PeculiarDaye - Well I used it for so long, I never bothered. :look: Now that you mention it, it won't be hard to just check up on it though.

Thank you for the advice, I'm really trying to make my beliefs reality by thinking positively.

Not ready to go natural just yet but I may down the road. I'm beginning to admire natural hair more and more.

I've heard Vancouver is nice to visit and Nova Scotia! :)

Yes, I buy most of the stuff I want online, usually clothing. :lol:


Yes, you probably should. :yep: Make sure you explain the wonders it does as well, but those side affects are little severe.

Your welcome, always remember positive thinking brings positive outcome- results.

Yes I have heard wonderful things about Vancouver, I would like to visit there one day... I like to see beautiful places, jaw dropping in my opinion.
Im going to have to look up Nova Scoita, pictures and see if its to my taste, ((..Laughing..)).

Shoot I order clothes online, and I live out here, ((..Laughing..)) Most of the shoes I got I order online. That is usually where I find something I like.

Yes, you probably should. :yep: Make sure you explain the wonders it does as well, but those side affects are little severe.

Your welcome, always remember positive thinking brings positive outcome- results.

Yes I have heard wonderful things about Vancouver, I would like to visit there one day... I like to see beautiful places, jaw dropping in my opinion.
Im going to have to look up Nova Scoita, pictures and see if its to my taste, ((..Laughing..)).

Shoot I order clothes online, and I live out here, ((..Laughing..)) Most of the shoes I got I order online. That is usually where I find something I like.

Will do! :yep:

I'm trying, it's a little hard because 2010 was very rocky but I'm hoping for an amazing 2011 and even better 2012 and 2013. :grin:

Yes, I've always wanted to live on the west coast. In the U.S., probably somewhere in California; in Canada, probably somewhere in Vancouver. I guess I'll always want to be where I'm not.

I love online shopping! If I had the funds, I'd buy something every week! :look: I have an addiction... :sad:
Will do! :yep:

I'm trying, it's a little hard because 2010 was very rocky but I'm hoping for an amazing 2011 and even better 2012 and 2013. :grin:

Yes, I've always wanted to live on the west coast. In the U.S., probably somewhere in California; in Canada, probably somewhere in Vancouver. I guess I'll always want to be where I'm not.

I love online shopping! If I had the funds, I'd buy something every week! :look: I have an addiction... :sad:


Yes, 2010 was a rocky year for me as well, I can only hope and pray that this year brings amazing outcomes, and wonderful results in everything that come along. As for hair, I can only hope that the years to come are wonderful :yep:

In California, I say don't choose L.A I don't understand why but everyone who wants to live in California wants to go there, no bueno :nono:.
Why don't you visit there? You live there so you might as well make the detour one of these lovely days. :yep:

Hi 5 to an addiction :yep: :lachen: Ive been watching these Jordan's online for like a week, and I am waiting until I get the money to buy them and a few others. :yep:

Yes, 2010 was a rocky year for me as well, I can only hope and pray that this year brings amazing outcomes, and wonderful results in everything that come along. As for hair, I can only hope that the years to come are wonderful :yep:

In California, I say don't choose L.A I don't understand why but everyone who wants to live in California wants to go there, no bueno :nono:.
Why don't you visit there? You live there so you might as well make the detour one of these lovely days. :yep:

Hi 5 to an addiction :yep: :lachen: Ive been watching these Jordan's online for like a week, and I am waiting until I get the money to buy them and a few others. :yep:

PeculiarDaye - Well L.A. never really struck me as where I wanted to live. I was actually supposed to move to Vancouver with my mum if she chose to get re-married to her ex-boyfriend. I never went after she declined to take the next step in their relationship though, I should go eventually. :yep:

I have an addiction to skirts, tights, cardigans, and anything girly. I would wear Jordan's if I found a good pair to go with skinny jeans and a cool jacket. :grin:
@PeculiarDaye - Well L.A. never really struck me as where I wanted to live. I was actually supposed to move to Vancouver with my mum if she chose to get re-married to her ex-boyfriend. I never went after she declined to take the next step in their relationship though, I should go eventually. :yep:

I have an addiction to skirts, tights, cardigans, and anything girly. I would wear Jordan's if I found a good pair to go with skinny jeans and a cool jacket. :grin:


Well, take a trip there. I'm sure you'll go before I do... Take tons of pictures :yep:

Skirts, and shorts I dont touch.... I used to wear them back when I was around 14 or 15 but I woke up one day and decided I didnt like them anymore, ((..Laughing..)). My style is whatever I like at the moment, I can never pin-point. I dont really like ultra skinny jeans they have to be like a skinny bootcut-ish type of jeans, or boyfriend jeans.
Jordans go good with Skinny jeans, I see girls wearing it. :YEP: I can name a few off type that would go good, ((..Laughing..))

Well, take a trip there. I'm sure you'll go before I do... Take tons of pictures :yep:

Skirts, and shorts I dont touch.... I used to wear them back when I was around 14 or 15 but I woke up one day and decided I didnt like them anymore, ((..Laughing..)). My style is whatever I like at the moment, I can never pin-point. I dont really like ultra skinny jeans they have to be like a skinny bootcut-ish type of jeans, or boyfriend jeans.
Jordans go good with Skinny jeans, I see girls wearing it. :YEP: I can name a few off type that would go good, ((..Laughing..))

PeculiarDaye - I definitely will try. :)

I was the opposite, I wore a lot of pants around that age then started getting into tights, shorts, skirts, dresses, etc.. I don't like ultra skinny jeans either, the baggier ones are more my style. I would wear the Jordans and skinny jeans just for fun to see if I can pull them off. Know a few types that would look good? :grin:
@PeculiarDaye - I definitely will try. :)

I was the opposite, I wore a lot of pants around that age then started getting into tights, shorts, skirts, dresses, etc.. I don't like ultra skinny jeans either, the baggier ones are more my style. I would wear the Jordans and skinny jeans just for fun to see if I can pull them off. Know a few types that would look good? :grin:


I wore Jeans in the summer and Shorts and skirts in the winter, I was backwards, ((..Laughing..)).

I have always liked torn jeans, They are an addiction of mine :yep: I feel like I have to collect them, ((..Laughing..)) Its like I stalk Hollister clothing :lachen:
Yes I would say the 1,2,3,4,6,9,10,11, and 12 Retro Jay's would go good. :yep:

I wore Jeans in the summer and Shorts and skirts in the winter, I was backwards, ((..Laughing..)).

I have always liked torn jeans, They are an addiction of mine :yep: I feel like I have to collect them, ((..Laughing..)) Its like I stalk Hollister clothing :lachen:
Yes I would say the 1,2,3,4,6,9,10,11, and 12 Retro Jay's would go good. :yep:

I'm like that now! People look at me like I'm crazy and if I'm out it's worse... :look:

I wish I had a pair of torn jeans. I've never shopped at Hollister, some of my friends do but I prefer American Apparel. Thanks, I'll check them out, I wanted the ones that are kinda tall with the straps and are kind of colourful... :look: :lol:
@PeculiarDaye may i butt in... to ask why not L.A.?

i had been thinking of moving there...(never been there tho')


Of course :). I just don't see what everyone sees, don't get me wrong. Everyone has that city inside of a state that has beauty and danger written all over it, One half is beautiful, the other not so much. Its like a ridiculous amount of violence out there. Gangs get out of control, but its a nice place to go when you want to go out somewhere, because it has everything. When you want to buy something fashionable that's the place to go.
I wouldn't recommend San Fransisco either.

I live near L.A but not in it, and I doubt I would ever consider moving there. I visit quite often. I say visit if you haven't and if you like then its for you, and if you don't then that's fine too.
and becareful where you move too, that's for sure.
