WL 2011

Good morning ladies!

It's my day off. I'm prepooing not sure if I want to go to the salon or do it myself. Meeting up with a friend for dinner tonight. So I need to make a decision. :) Have a great day!
@bigbrowneyez, BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!!!
thank you for the pictures!!!!

@JJamiah, um...uh...lovey dovey, i wouldn't feel right saying anything about the DRC in the henna mix because i've never even tried henna before, but are you planning a strand test?

@Aireen, you just know we can't wait to see the pitchas!!!!
(p.s. your face is not fat!)

@PeculiarDaye, you are always so uplifting and positive! you keep us feeling empowered about our hair, sweetie!

@casey3035, that's a good question, i wanna know too!

@omachine, just looking at your reggie gets me motivated! you're gonna get great progress!


Thank you, Honey! Believe when I say it is both ways, You all keep me uplifted, and filling me with the positivity to give back. So much wonderful, and outstanding progress, so much hope and dedication, everyone is there for everyone... Its beautiful :yep:

You grow are wonderful, and don't you ever think anything less. :yep:
Hey Ladies,

I'm so happy that my trim is coming up and then its braids. I see little bitty hairs sticking up from the front of my hair which means I have I'm snapping hairs. But I know its my fault, Its the brush that I have been using. Its rough, I used it before and the same problem occured. I should have known better shame on me:nono:!!! Then I havent parted the front of my hair and given it moisture, Ive just put conditioner on it and brushed it back into a pony... another shame on me:nono:!!!
Owning up to my mistakes is one, fixing them is two :)

Tomorrow Im going to get my hair ready for the Trim that I will be doing at 12:35am.... YAYYY! Then when I wake up....
Back to the braids for me :yep:

BRAIDING TIME :woot: :woot: :woot:

When I finish would you ladies like to see photos? They are pretty basic but everyone enjoys photos right? :yep::yep::yep:
I'm checking in with my official starting pic. Some of you may have read my other thread where I stated that after I got my hair trimmed yesterday, I was still BSL....So I will definitely stay in this challenge!

Hey Ladies,

I'm so happy that my trim is coming up and then its braids. I see little bitty hairs sticking up from the front of my hair which means I have I'm snapping hairs. But I know its my fault, Its the brush that I have been using. Its rough, I used it before and the same problem occured. I should have known better shame on me:nono:!!! Then I havent parted the front of my hair and given it moisture, Ive just put conditioner on it and brushed it back into a pony... another shame on me:nono:!!!
Owning up to my mistakes is one, fixing them is two :)

Tomorrow Im going to get my hair ready for the Trim that I will be doing at 12:35am.... YAYYY! Then when I wake up....
Back to the braids for me :yep:

BRAIDING TIME :woot: :woot: :woot:

When I finish would you ladies like to see photos? They are pretty basic but everyone enjoys photos right? :yep::yep::yep:
You know what? You know what you gotta do so it will be fine! I sent you a PM. I am not dropping out of the WL challenge but...I won't make it with you because I had a MAJOR setback at the salon today! I started a support thread for hair setbacks and disasters-I'm sooo depressed right now! I would still love to be your partner and support you still. We still have the same goals-I am just waaay behind you now... So-I will return to the 2011 MBL challenge!
Hey Ladies,

I'm so happy that my trim is coming up and then its braids. I see little bitty hairs sticking up from the front of my hair which means I have I'm snapping hairs. But I know its my fault, Its the brush that I have been using. Its rough, I used it before and the same problem occured. I should have known better shame on me:nono:!!! Then I havent parted the front of my hair and given it moisture, Ive just put conditioner on it and brushed it back into a pony... another shame on me:nono:!!!
Owning up to my mistakes is one, fixing them is two :)

Tomorrow Im going to get my hair ready for the Trim that I will be doing at 12:35am.... YAYYY! Then when I wake up....
Back to the braids for me :yep:

BRAIDING TIME :woot: :woot: :woot:

When I finish would you ladies like to see photos? They are pretty basic but everyone enjoys photos right? :yep::yep::yep:
I would love to see pics!
Not sure if I can join. My hair is in my siggy. Either way I'll be cheering you on. My towel is where my waist is (just gained weight from thyroid imbalance so it's a little thick. I will be losing weight and gaining hair in 2011!)
Right now I'm protective styling through a weave. I've had cornrows for over a year and I'm tired of that so I'm weaved up. I just did it in Feb.
Not sure if I can join. My hair is in my siggy. Either way I'll be cheering you on. My towel is where my waist is (just gained weight from thyroid imbalance so it's a little thick. I will be losing weight and gaining hair in 2011!)


Welcome :yep:
I believe everyone is welcome here if you want to join.
Your quite close to Waist Length, when is your personal goal date?

I'm trying to lose some weight as well.
You don't look like you need it to me, but its all about self happiness :yep:

Can we see pictures of your lovely weave that is going to help your hair thrive?

I'm cheering you on :yep:
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UPDATE: Relaxed with PICTURES! :grin: Made BSB barely but claiming it to stay positive, it won't be long before I'm confident in my hair's length since it'll grow out more by the next relaxer. I put my hair in a bun to make it wavy with volume so it's not sleek straight to see the length fully, sorry. It would have been blow-dried straight but I'm in a no heat challenge until I reach waist length.

For my wash yesterday, I did a pre-poo with my safflower oil-EVOO-conditioner-molasses mixture, shampooed with Aussie Moist Shampoo, and conditioned with ORS Hair Mayonnaise. I know it is not advised to use protein after using molasses but I wanted to strengthen and provide intense conditioning to my hair. As a result my hair came out feeling really moisturised and strong. :yep:

I have new goals, I'm going to take better care of my scalp and take more initiative instead of being lazy so I can RETAIN, RETAIN, RETAIN. I'm also going to watch my moisture/protein balance more carefully instead of just using what I feel like on my hair for frivolous reasons.




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Welcome :yep:
I believe everyone is welcome here if you want to join.
Your quite close to Waist Length, when is your personal goal date?

I'm trying to lose some weight as well.
You don't look like you need it to me, but its all about self happiness :yep:

Can we see pictures of your lovely weave that is going to help your hair thrive?

I'm cheering you on :yep:
Misunderstood one of your questions...don't have a personal goal date. I just let my hair grow and see what it wants to do so to speak (for wl). Not sure because it's growing slower with the health issues I'm having lately. We'll see.
Thanks for the welcome and the cheers!:grin:

Sure. I'll have to take some pics this weekend (of the weave) Now I put it back in a pony tail. BUT as I'm going out this weekend I'll do the whole flat iron thang and make it pop.

As for the weight (bleh)...it's more that I want to get back to my normal weight than anything. I think because I'm normally so petite I notice the difference (as I have graves disease , was given radioactive iodine which destroyed my thyroid and which made me hypo. Since then I'll be balanced, but fall back to hypothyroid and gain weight. Currently I've just gotten balanced again but now it's about getting off the excess weight that popped on in this imbalanced state.). So it's more "in" my head according to my fiance who says he loves the way I look no matter what (but that's what he's supposed to say lol!). I guess I'm used to a tiny waist and I want it back. I love curves though so I hope to keep the hips and breasts (but it seems the weight went to my middle and a little to my butt).

As for me...I think I am pretty close to wl I guess (though I really think I have hairexia) but I'd like to join anyways! My goal I believe is tailbone (or hip length depending on if it's too much).
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UPDATE: Relaxed with PICTURES! :grin: Made BSB barely but claiming it to stay positive, it won't be long before I'm confident in my hair's length since it'll grow out more by the next relaxer. I put my hair in a bun to make it wavy with volume so it's not sleek straight to see the length fully, sorry. It would have been blow-dried straight but I'm in a no heat challenge until I reach waist length.

For my wash yesterday, I did a pre-poo with my safflower oil-EVOO-conditioner-molasses mixture, shampooed with Aussie Moist Shampoo, and conditioned with ORS Hair Mayonnaise. I know it is not advised to use protein after using molasses but I wanted to strengthen and provide intense conditioning to my hair. As a result my hair came out feeling really moisturised and strong. :yep:

I have new goals, I'm going to take better care of my scalp and take more initiative instead of being lazy so I can RETAIN, RETAIN, RETAIN. I'm also going to watch my moisture/protein balance more carefully instead of just using what I feel like on my hair for frivolous reasons.




I love it :lovedrool: :yep:

Keep what your doing up, because the benefits of it are showing beautifully in your hair.
There is a lot of things that is said "not" to do, but at the end of the day you've got to listen to your hair!!! Because what works for one head doesn't always work for another - what doesn't work for one head can do wonders for another.
Its crazy in a way that it happens to be that way, but besides the main things that we all KNOW aren't good for the hair, everything else is an find out adventure...

Happy Hair Growing:yep::grin::yep:
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Thanks for the welcome and the cheers!:grin:

Sure. I'll have to take some pics this weekend (of the weave) Now I put it back in a pony tail. BUT as I'm going out this weekend I'll do the whole flat iron thang and make it pop.

As for the weight (bleh)...it's more that I want to get back to my normal weight than anything. I think because I'm normally so petite I notice the difference (as I have graves disease , was given radioactive iodine which destroyed my thyroid and which made me hypo. Since then I'll be balanced, but fall back to hypothyroid and gain weight. Currently I've just gotten balanced again but now it's about getting off the excess weight that popped on in this imbalanced state.). So it's more "in" my head according to my fiance who says he loves the way I look no matter what (but that's what he's supposed to say lol!). I guess I'm used to a tiny waist and I want it back. I love curves though so I hope to keep the hips and breasts (but it seems the weight went to my middle and a little to my butt).

As for me...I think I am pretty close to wl I guess (though I really think I have hairexia) but I'd like to join anyways! My goal I believe is tailbone (or hip length depending on if it's too much).


Your welcome,
I am excited to see it, and your going to make it POP, major plus :yep::grin:

I hope you don't mind but I had to google it, I haven't heard of it, and every time I hear of a new disease I have to read about it (feed the brain). I do apologize for you having to go through it, I know my apologizes wont fix it, but I understand that things can get hard when you have something wrong with the body. I wish you all the best, and I pray for you.
As for the weight gain, you'll get it off, but I understand that your used to your petite-ness, and want it back. You'll definitely keep the curves, they are probably going to slim down a few inches with you, but hey, they are yours now :yep: If you want to keep them up, make sure you do exercising that will do so :)
Goals are beautiful to me... They are motivational :) :weighin:
Your fiance is very kind. Your right he is SUPPOSED to say that, but I believe he meant every word... He doesnt see the big change you do in your mind, but I'm sure he wants you to be happy. :yep:

HI FIVE TO HAIREXCIA :saythat: ((..Laughing..))... Honestly I think most of us ladies do suffer from it, its a good and bad thing I would say. Bad because it can give us doubt it our goal, but good because it pushes us that much more to make it and be satisfied. :yep:
Your very close to WL, I don't know your growing rate, but I'm positive you'll be there before December. As for tailbone length.... That's a strong goal, and I believe you'll make it there :)
I think I will join the tailbone length challenge next year depending on how far I get this year.

Your welcome,
I am excited to see it, and your going to make it POP, major plus :yep::grin:

I hope you don't mind but I had to google it, I haven't heard of it, and every time I hear of a new disease I have to read about it (feed the brain). I do apologize for you having to go through it, I know my apologizes wont fix it, but I understand that things can get hard when you have something wrong with the body. I wish you all the best, and I pray for you.
As for the weight gain, you'll get it off, but I understand that your used to your petite-ness, and want it back. You'll definitely keep the curves, they are probably going to slim down a few inches with you, but hey, they are yours now :yep: If you want to keep them up, make sure you do exercising that will do so :)
Goals are beautiful to me... They are motivational :) :weighin:
Your fiance is very kind. Your right he is SUPPOSED to say that, but I believe he meant every word... He doesnt see the big change you do in your mind, but I'm sure he wants you to be happy. :yep:

HI FIVE TO HAIREXCIA :saythat: ((..Laughing..))... Honestly I think most of us ladies do suffer from it, its a good and bad thing I would say. Bad because it can give us doubt it our goal, but good because it pushes us that much more to make it and be satisfied. :yep:
Your very close to WL, I don't know your growing rate, but I'm positive you'll be there before December. As for tailbone length.... That's a strong goal, and I believe you'll make it there :)
I think I will join the tailbone length challenge next year depending on how far I get this year.
No worries when you say you haven't heard of it, did you find it.
PubMed Health - Graves disease
It's actually Graves Disease and makes one hyper thyroid. BUT when you take radioactive iodine (though docs says it evens it out they are lying lol)it makes you hypo. In my case I was given too much so it made me 0.002 percent (you got that less than one percent) active thyroid hormone. To the point that I have to take it as it's not just a little hypo problem. I can actually die if I don't take my medicine. Didn't know a thyroid could cause that much problems but it can cause the body to frankly go into shock and shut down (if you are too low). Not to worry if you're a mild hypochondriac (or any one else) because what happened to me isn't normal, even for someone taking radioactive iodine. I was given waaaay too much (to the point that there was a law suit only taken away because it was a teaching hospital. Too bad I just listened to docs without doing research because really taking the medicine is the best way to go to lower the thyroid without destroying it).

It does make for super dry hair too which is why I have to counter act it with conditioning washes, etc. Also coconut oil, argon, and avocado (the penetrating oils) are my best friends. I basically try to over moisturize to counteract the dryness (and lucky for me the avocado and coconut oil seem to be all the protein I need, coupled with a couple wheat protein conditioners that I use when I flat iron for length, along with heat protectant)

I'm excited to be apart of a group. I love the whole "cheering" on feel that is present here in this thread.:yep: I definitely hope to get to wl soon.

I am definitely happy to be here and I'll post a pic this weekend (for my ps).
No worries when you say you haven't heard of it, did you find it.
PubMed Health - Graves disease
It's actually Graves Disease and makes one hyper thyroid. BUT when you take radioactive iodine (though docs says it evens it out they are lying lol)it makes you hypo. In my case I was given too much so it made me 0.002 percent (you got that less than one percent) active thyroid hormone. To the point that I have to take it as it's not just a little hypo problem. I can actually die if I don't take my medicine. Didn't know a thyroid could cause that much problems but it can cause the body to frankly go into shock and shut down (if you are too low). Not to worry if you're a mild hypochondriac (or any one else) because what happened to me isn't normal, even for someone taking radioactive iodine. I was given waaaay too much (to the point that there was a law suit only taken away because it was a teaching hospital. Too bad I just listened to docs without doing research because really taking the medicine is the best way to go to lower the thyroid without destroying it).

It does make for super dry hair too which is why I have to counter act it with conditioning washes, etc. Also coconut oil, argon, and avocado (the penetrating oils) are my best friends. I basically try to over moisturize to counteract the dryness (and lucky for me the avocado and coconut oil seem to be all the protein I need, coupled with a couple wheat protein conditioners that I use when I flat iron for length, along with heat protectant)

I'm excited to be apart of a group. I love the whole "cheering" on feel that is present here in this thread.:yep: I definitely hope to get to wl soon.

I am definitely happy to be here and I'll post a pic this weekend (for my ps).


Yes I did find it, the exact page you gave me matter fact :yep: Thank you.
I shake my head at some of the doctors these days, the way they prescribe medicine to people, sometimes overdoing it. They do have an amount that they are recommended to give, but they seem to think that more means better. Then you have those amazing doctors who I would believe that are sent from heaven that can look and say "THAT is to much for the body, and heart." Giving options to better, and keep you alive, and healthy for as long as God give us :yep:
about you having to take it to live... Its sad that they would even prescribe you so much and not even check up on you daily or weekly making sure that your thyroid did not get as low as it did, or even close. I really wish this didn't have to happen to you, but your in GOD's hands so the outcome could be beyond my vision or thoughts... Got to trust in him :yep:
Since you have to depend on it to live let us think of it as vitamins, that will keep you strong :yep:

Well taking care of your hair that way doesn't sound at all bad to me, since I conditioner wash and use all three of those oils plus two, ((..Laughing..))
Makes your scalp feel marvelous doesn't it :yep:

The motivation here is amazing... Ive looked for it in other threads but its not as strong here, or just the threads I have come across... Believe me when I say this thread has "Don't give up, you can do it" vibe lurking all through it.

Misunderstood one of your questions...don't have a personal goal date. I just let my hair grow and see what it wants to do so to speak (for wl). Not sure because it's growing slower with the health issues I'm having lately. We'll see.


Well Ill be praying that it makes it before the year is out without any complications or set backs :) You'll be fine.

Your scalp can be a little different at times, sometimes it grows fast others it doesnt... Its tricky. Keep up the good work :) You seem to be doing good with the hair, and your health :yep:
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UPDATE: Relaxed with PICTURES! :grin: Made BSB barely but claiming it to stay positive, it won't be long before I'm confident in my hair's length since it'll grow out more by the next relaxer. I put my hair in a bun to make it wavy with volume so it's not sleek straight to see the length fully, sorry. It would have been blow-dried straight but I'm in a no heat challenge until I reach waist length.

For my wash yesterday, I did a pre-poo with my safflower oil-EVOO-conditioner-molasses mixture, shampooed with Aussie Moist Shampoo, and conditioned with ORS Hair Mayonnaise. I know it is not advised to use protein after using molasses but I wanted to strengthen and provide intense conditioning to my hair. As a result my hair came out feeling really moisturised and strong. :yep:

I have new goals, I'm going to take better care of my scalp and take more initiative instead of being lazy so I can RETAIN, RETAIN, RETAIN. I'm also going to watch my moisture/protein balance more carefully instead of just using what I feel like on my hair for frivolous reasons.



Look at my hair-buddy GROW!
I see you gurl :yay:
ya hair looks great :)
Time to update my siggy pic! lol
You know what? You know what you gotta do so it will be fine! I sent you a PM. I am not dropping out of the WL challenge but...I won't make it with you because I had a MAJOR setback at the salon today! I started a support thread for hair setbacks and disasters-I'm sooo depressed right now! I would still love to be your partner and support you still. We still have the same goals-I am just waaay behind you now... So-I will return to the 2011 MBL challenge!

((HUGS)) You never know, you might still make WL on your timetable!!
UPDATE: Relaxed with PICTURES! :grin: Made BSB barely but claiming it to stay positive, it won't be long before I'm confident in my hair's length since it'll grow out more by the next relaxer. I put my hair in a bun to make it wavy with volume so it's not sleek straight to see the length fully, sorry. It would have been blow-dried straight but I'm in a no heat challenge until I reach waist length.

For my wash yesterday, I did a pre-poo with my safflower oil-EVOO-conditioner-molasses mixture, shampooed with Aussie Moist Shampoo, and conditioned with ORS Hair Mayonnaise. I know it is not advised to use protein after using molasses but I wanted to strengthen and provide intense conditioning to my hair. As a result my hair came out feeling really moisturised and strong. :yep:

I have new goals, I'm going to take better care of my scalp and take more initiative instead of being lazy so I can RETAIN, RETAIN, RETAIN. I'm also going to watch my moisture/protein balance more carefully instead of just using what I feel like on my hair for frivolous reasons.


Lovely hair!!! I'd say it was full BSB actually! congrats!

I love it :lovedrool: :yep:

Keep what your doing up, because the benefits of it are showing beautifully in your hair.
There is a lot of things that is said "not" to do, but at the end of the day you've got to listen to your hair!!! Because what works for one head doesn't always work for another - what doesn't work for one head can do wonders for another.
Its crazy in a way that it happens to be that way, but besides the main things that we all KNOW aren't good for the hair, everything else is an find out adventure...

Happy Hair Growing:yep::grin::yep:


Thank you for the amazing compliments, I'm beaming now, can't stop smiling! :grin: :bighug:

I definitely probably do not follow all the 'musts' for haircare but as long as my hair is retaining, why bother doing too much? :yawn: I really think keeping it simple helps, when I had a difficult routine I was always at a loss as to what my hair wasn't getting since I was putting everything under the sun on it. :look: The thing I was missing was to just let my hair be and leave it alone. Usually I wouldn't pre-poo since I don't like doing extra but I recently discovered the benefits of molasses and since I have some I decided to test it out on my edges and nape weekly and this time on my whole head. So far I like it but definitely not into weekly pre-pooing of all my hair, too messy and time-consuming; I think I'll keep it as an occasional thing if I want to give my hair a 'treat'. :grin:

I kind of like the adventure and mystery in finding new ways to do things and products. Sure it's a disappointment when something doesn't work for me the way I intended it to but that's the risk and I don't mind. :lol:
Look at my hair-buddy GROW!
I see you gurl :yay:
ya hair looks great :)
Time to update my siggy pic! lol


Yessss! Can't wait to see it! :grin: Thanks, I think I'm getting a hang of this haircare thing! :drunk:

Lovely hair!!! I'd say it was full BSB actually! congrats!


Thank you so much! I'm so excited, maybe I CAN make waist length this year! :grin: I'll be satisfied if I was pretty darn close though. :lol:
Quick update! Not really a length check (i'm reserving that for June after my 6 month stretch...never gone that long, 12 weeks is my max, but I'm excited!). But I used my new InStyler and loved the results:yep:


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Quick update! Not really a length check (i'm reserving that for June after my 6 month stretch...never gone that long, 12 weeks is my max, but I'm excited!). But I used my new InStyler and loved the results:yep:


Your hair is so thick! How's the InStyler? It doesn't break your hair? My aunt really wants to buy one.

Your hair is so thick! How's the InStyler? It doesn't break your hair? My aunt really wants to buy one.

Thank you Aireen. I liked the Instyler because I can never get my hair straight when the ends beveled with a flat iron. It also like that it gives a fuller look, whereas, flat irons give a more smooth sleek look. Depends on what you're going for. And no, i didn't notice any broken hairs. I blow dried before I did it, so it was pretty straight and detangled before I used it. I recommend it :yep: HTH!
You know what? You know what you gotta do so it will be fine! I sent you a PM. I am not dropping out of the WL challenge but...I won't make it with you because I had a MAJOR setback at the salon today! I started a support thread for hair setbacks and disasters-I'm sooo depressed right now! I would still love to be your partner and support you still. We still have the same goals-I am just waaay behind you now... So-I will return to the 2011 MBL challenge!


I didnt see this message so I apologize.
We already talked about it all so everything is fine. You arent even way behind me, your just a tad bit...
Im going to check out your thread, Have to support my partner :)
Your right, why would we stop being partners our goals are still the same and we still want the same thing. :yep:
Your still with me as a hair partner ,((..Laughing..)) for as long as you like :P
Hey ladies,

I asked this in the hl challenge too (though I haven't joined that one)...but I wanted to get the views (from longer haired ladies) of cassia and henna. Won't be doing it for at least two months as I'm psing. BUT was wondering if it might be a good thing to add strength after the take-down. Never done it before so I don't know if I should even go there. Just wondering your experiences. How many of you are using cassia or henna?
A very warm welcome to all of our newcomers!!!:yep:

Between my illness and work I have not been in here often but that's about to change...........tomorrow is my last day to work so I should have plenty of time on my hands, for a few weeks at least :ohwell:.

I see so many beautiful heads of hair........KUTGW ladies :grin:!
An update....

Right now I'm air-drying in a plait pony.....I pre-poo'd with Amla Oil, poo'd with L'Occitane Aromachologie (sp?) and conditioned with the repairing hair mask. Leave-ins were Rusk Smoother, Lacio Lacio along with John Frieda frizz ease serum.

My new growth is very manageable at this time. I chalk that up to my JBCO usage!

Thank you for the amazing compliments, I'm beaming now, can't stop smiling! :grin: :bighug:

I definitely probably do not follow all the 'musts' for haircare but as long as my hair is retaining, why bother doing too much? :yawn: I really think keeping it simple helps, when I had a difficult routine I was always at a loss as to what my hair wasn't getting since I was putting everything under the sun on it. :look: The thing I was missing was to just let my hair be and leave it alone. Usually I wouldn't pre-poo since I don't like doing extra but I recently discovered the benefits of molasses and since I have some I decided to test it out on my edges and nape weekly and this time on my whole head. So far I like it but definitely not into weekly pre-pooing of all my hair, too messy and time-consuming; I think I'll keep it as an occasional thing if I want to give my hair a 'treat'. :grin:

I kind of like the adventure and mystery in finding new ways to do things and products. Sure it's a disappointment when something doesn't work for me the way I intended it to but that's the risk and I don't mind. :lol:


Your very welcome :). I'm glad that it made you smile :yep: you should know that your hard work is noticed and admired...

Yes the hair will definitely take you on a journey, and its so darn picky sometimes, ((..Laughing..)). I truly do wish I could let my hair be and retain length but my curls require so much moisture and my ends and tricky.... Humph, I still try and figure them out.
I'm happy that what your doing is truly working and your hair is thanking you for it.

The adventure is very interesting, especially when you find something that your hair absolutely loves... It makes it ask worth while as you watch it grow, shine, and thrive, in a way of saying "Thank you"